posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 12:56 PM
Originally posted by Ut
The difference between science and religion is faith, or to use another word, belief.
A truly scientific mind does not take anything on faith. If they hear about something happening, they want to see it themselves, and they want to see
it over and over again until they understand how and why it is happening.
Basically, science tries to work with as few assumptions as possible. Science also never tries to prove anything right. In fact, it can't be done.
Experiments done to test theories are always done with the purpose of proving that theory wrong. If that experiment was not able to do it, the theory
survives until someone else comes along and tests it. Religion does not set the same limitations on itself.
The God issue is a good one. Scientifically, there is no experiment known that will either confirm or deny the existance of God. Therefore, the
concept simply is not scientific.
actually ut, religion use to believe that the world was flat, some would say theres no room for alien life in religion and some would say that what
was once unacceptable behavior is now acceptable based on social values, and some would say that science is replacing religion i love the quote from
misson to mars where the say, u wouldnt be flying in a multi billion dollar craft from earth to mars without a little faith?
Science tests theories and issues as best as we can with the knowledge that we have until better tests come along but science in my opinion should
just be called "currently held belief on how we think something is or works" because it always changes,, when u say "A truly scientific mind does
not take anything on faith. If they hear about something happening, they want to see it themselves, and they want to see it over and over again until
they understand how and why it is happening." i think right away ok,, lets go to mars and see for ourselves what color the sky is,, lets go to the
moon and see if theres really nothing there,, u are taking the words of other people for how the facts are and their testing methods that u cant
disprove because u dont have the same training that they do and hoping they are being totally honest and if honesty involves hurting the public trust
or value system or beliefs that we hold dear,, well sir honesty takes a step back to national security, sorry
p.s. no science on god? ever hear of the 10th dimension theory and how and why god may exist everywhere and anywhere and anytime at one time? we do
have new and exciting scientific THEORIES on the true nature of GOD