posted on May, 9 2012 @ 04:03 PM
When I first met my soul mate, it was anything but love at first sight. I despised him. He was mixed up on all sorts of drugs, had a different girl
with him every week, arrogant as hell. Not a nice person. I spend many hours nursing my female friends back to emotional health, all of whom had
fallen for his cunning deception. I thought he was disgusting.
Then something happened. He had his heart broken, he found his soul, he discovered spirituality, he hitch-hiked around the country, and when he came
back, there was this deep pain in his eyes, more pain then I had ever seen before. One night, he confided in me, the first REAL conversation we ever
Anyway, he was a totally different person. To this day, thinking about who he was and the being I now know him to be, I honestly, from the bottom of
my heart, can NOT believe it is the same person.
So one night, after a conversation which led us to understand we view the world through the same eyes, we made love. I didn't know until that day
that there was a difference between having sex and making love.
And then he disappeared. I knew he was the One by now, as no other being made me feel like that, like home, so happy, connected, at peace, like I
wasn't alone. I looked for him for around 6 months, before my friend, who knew how I felt, let me know he was online.
I spoke to him online, and he asked me to come meet him. We kissed under a fig tree, and I fell asleep in his lap that night. About four days later
(not having left each others sides at all), he announced that we were in a relationship. Didn't ask me, just told me so.
Since then, we've fought like crazy. We break up with each other about once a fortnight on average (literally) but can't resist returning to each
other. Over and over again. It's unhealthy, but it feels right, because I couldn't be with any other, and he feels the same.
We moved in with each other instantly, because we could not bare to be a part. It's not all sunshine and lollipops, but we are two against the world.
We're safe with each other, and we can see each others many faults and scars, that no one else has ever been allowed to see, and still totally accept
and forgive. This is the real thing, and after all this time I am STILL infatuated by him. That melt-in-your-arms feeling hasn't gone away, and I
don't think it ever will.
I love him more then life itself, he is the air I breathe, love of my eternity.
^.^ It's a very good story, I know. I love telling it.