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We Are Not Powerless: Resisting Financial Feudalism

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posted on May, 2 2012 @ 02:01 PM

That we are powerless is one of the key social control myths constantly promoted by the Status Quo. What better way to keep the serfs passive than to reinforce a belief in their powerlessness against the expansive Central State and its financial feudalism?

I just read this article over at ZeroHedge and thought it was definitely worth sharing here. I had already begun to implement many of these recommended practices, however the article offers some new ones and provides explanations/descriptions for each. There are 12 all together:

1.Support the decentralized, non-market economy

Decentralized generally means localized; farmers markets are examples of local market economies where the transactions are in cash (so banks can’t skim transactions fees) and the money stays in the local economy rather than flowing to some distant concentration of capital.

2.Stop participating in financialization

Financialization is the insidious imperative of the financial aristocracy that seeks to turn every interaction into a financial transaction that can be charged a fee and all assets into financialized instruments that can be sold for immensely profitable transaction fees.

3.Redefine self-interest to exclude debt-servitude and dependence on consumerism and the Central State

Unless you are long retired and have no other option, minimize reliance on the State.

4.Act on your awareness that the nature of prosperity and financial security is changing

Dependence on centralized concentrations of power (Wall Street and the Central State) is now an extremely risky wager

5.Stop supporting distant concentrations of capital that subvert democracy by using their gargantuan profits to buy the machinery of State governance and regulation

stop watching broadcast programming owned by the six global media corporations that control the vast majority of the media/marketing complex.

stop frequenting corporate fast-food restaurants and stop buying unhealthy packaged foods from corporate agribusiness.

6.Stop supporting the debt-and-leverage based financial aristocracy

Liquidate all debt as soon as possible and limit the financial transactions that enrich the banks

7.Transfer your assets out of Wall Street and into local enterprises or assets that do not enrich and empower Wall Street. (No examples or recommendations were made here)

8.Refuse to participate in consumerist status identifiers and the social defeat they create

Free your own mind from the toxic sociopathology of consumerism and social defeat.

9.Vote in every election with an eye on rewarding honesty and truth and punishing empty promises

Avoid voting for either the Demopublican or Republicrat branches of the plutocracy

10.Stop supporting inflationary policies such as “money creation” by the Federal Reserve and Federal deficit borrowing

inflation is theft and the Federal Reserve is a private consortium of banks

11.Become healthy, active and fit

Refuse to follow the marketing/media siren song into chronic ill-health, addiction and social defeat.

12.Embrace self-directed coherent plans and construct a resilient, diverse ecology of identity and meaning

Be powerful via resistance, not powerless via complicity.

This was by far the most interesting and useful article I have read in a while. I hope you feel the same. The comments/suggestions in the article are more elaborative so I urge you to read it in its entirety if interested.


posted on May, 2 2012 @ 02:40 PM
1. yup, agree

2. Nope, ignorant to need for resources not found with in a region...

3. Yup, couldn't agree more

4. It always changes, there are no guarantees... wall street is always a risky wager. Those who rely on it for financial security are a fool. It's a tool, not to be confused with a machine.

5.Yup, agree

6. Yup, debt is terrible. Avoid debt at all costs. Investments, research, and developement should all be funded by already existing capital.

7. Yes and no... see answer for 4. Those who are not financialy secure outside of their investments in wallstreet should not participate.

8. Yes and no... we are consumers, for we consume. Good luck avoiding this, although it is important to not get caught up in consuming what the status quo seems to imply you should be purchasing. This is were self control comes in, but is not to suggest that we should not consume.

9. Yup, couldn't agree more

10. Agreed

11. Yup, health is number one, everything else can follow after.
It's first life, then liberty... and then the pursuit of happiness.

Be healthy, then express yourself, and find happiness

12.Nope...(yes and no) There is still power in 'going with the plan', just because you're expressing your power of not complying, doesn't imply that your actions are conducive towards good. This is where practicing 1-12 will help.

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 02:46 PM
Good list. Here's a few comments that might help;

1.Support the decentralized, non-market economy

Decentralized generally means localized; farmers markets are examples of local market economies where the transactions are in cash (so banks can’t skim transactions fees) and the money stays in the local economy rather than flowing to some distant concentration of capital.

Shop local markets if they are too pricey limit shopping and grow your own if at all possible. Discover what options make it easier to grow some foods inside if that is the only space you can utilize.

8.Refuse to participate in consumerist status identifiers and the social defeat they create

Free your own mind from the toxic sociopathology of consumerism and social defeat.

Learn how consumerism directly changes/influences culture.

9.Vote in every election with an eye on rewarding honesty and truth and punishing empty promises

Avoid voting for either the Demopublican or Republicrat branches of the plutocracy

I suggest, as with my own experience, to even meet the local people that you will be/ or are thinking of voting for.

10.Stop supporting inflationary policies such as “money creation” by the Federal Reserve and Federal deficit borrowing

inflation is theft and the Federal Reserve is a private consortium of banks

With other borrowing- The rent to own option as goes with cars, appliances, furniture attempt to opt out. Buy or buy used. Outright own so it cannot be repoed due to non payments. Housing- find a credited(legal paperwork, etc,etc) independent/for sale buy owner situation. Beware of college and other debts having your accounts sold off to debt creditors who in some states can have you put in jail.

11.Become healthy, active and fit

Refuse to follow the marketing/media siren song into chronic ill-health, addiction and social defeat.

If you can ditch the big pharma drug prescribing of, "treat the condition with drugs instead of stopping the condition by ex. change in diet or lifestyle", to you and go with other options that you find works for you.

12.Embrace self-directed coherent plans and construct a resilient, diverse ecology of identity and meaning

Be powerful via resistance, not powerless via complicity.

"Be the change you want to see."

(added to from OP source)

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 08:11 PM
None of this addresses the primary debt of people....their mortgage. Sure you can work some magic but it is this lifelong (more or less) payment that banks simply love. Then you have student loans, another necessary evil so that once that's paid then you can step up to a mortgage.

I like the ideas here, many of which I actively pursue but the big picture stuff, the items of monetary significance, will always be there and weigh heavily.


posted on May, 3 2012 @ 09:02 AM
Thanks for the posts. This article begins with a concept (e.g. getting off the grid a bit) and then provides some specific examples of what people may or may not be able to do in their own lives to free themselves a little more, decrease the commercial and corporate influences, and stop contributing to the evil power syndicate.

Can you imagine if a small but significant percentage of the population implemented even a few of these practices?

I feel better doing what I am doing in my life - the changes I am making. I am saving money, paying off debt and lessening my dependence on the corporate empire. That's what is important for me.

If it is important to you, then I encourage you to join in.

posted on May, 3 2012 @ 02:45 PM
Nice post OP - good to see it on ZeroHedge, even if 1 or 2 of the comments are dismissive over there.

Can we give a heads up to the author Charles Hugh Smith. I've seen him interviewed on the Keiser Report and he has his own site Of Two Minds

posted on May, 4 2012 @ 10:06 AM
reply to post by ukWolf

Thanks for the post and referrals. will check them out today!


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