posted on May, 2 2012 @ 09:16 AM
I posted the below on the other similar thread.....
The Germans don't have nuclear weapons. Theoretically they can "borrow" them from the US under a NATO agreement. These would be B61s with a maximum
yield of 340kt, depending on version.
The E3 is an Air Battle Management aircraft. The UK has 7 not 12, and as far as I know, they don't track nuclear weapons. If they can that's
classified. Seeing I live about 12 miles from their home base in the US, and know dozens of crew members, I've NEVER heard them talk about that, and
surprisingly some talk alot. Nor do they track subs, P-3s (and soon the new P-8) do that, no mention of P3s. You would see P3 activity increase if a
stolen nuke was on a sub. What was the line from Red October, "you've dropped enough SonoBouys that a man could walk from Greenland to Iceland to
Scotland without getting his feet wet!". Any evidence of this???
I've been inside the E3 on several occassions. And it's funny most of the stations are labeled. "Tactical Air Warfare Officer", "Air Battle
Management Officer" "Radar Operations technicians". Never saw "Tracking German U Boats with Nuclear Weapons" technician station, or ANYTHING
related to nukes. Guess it might not be marked, but I highly doubt it.
So, I doubt any of the above is correct. Perhaps a "dummy" was used in an exercise or some sort. But frankly this whole thing sounds like a hoax.
All from wiki (with associated links to other references) in about 10 minutes. Frankly I knew this off the top of my head, but figured I would provide
some reading material.