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This Is Why I Do Not Support The Occupy Movement.

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posted on May, 2 2012 @ 06:35 AM
The man in this vedoe had his buisness damaged and his staff in fear for their safety. This was just a small local buisness. I do believe that there are some people out there with good intentions and who feel they are doing the right thing. But this is not the right thing.

Now, could this incident and the many others may very well be the acts of imbiciles working for TPTB? Maybe so maybe not. I believe it is most likely the act of immature young people who have no real direction which the overall movement certainly lacks. Yesterday was proof enough. Sure there were isolated incidents but nowhere near the scale that was portrayed in the days and weeks leading up to 'May Day'.

My opinion is that peacefull proteset will never change a thing in this day and age. Violent protests stands the same risk do to TPTBs resonse and ability to counteract the violence so quickly. The only real way to effect change is to jepordize the power and wealth of the elite. Occupy has failed to do this, at least on a scale that truly effects them. My guess is that economic warefare against TPTB would be most effective, although that would require a major shift in how we live our lives and let's face it. Most people aren't struggling enough to care.

Does anyone else feel the same?

Does anyone have any ideas that could both be effective and possible?

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 06:47 AM
The occupy movement is a joke. If you wanted to make a difference you would kill some greedy politicians or put c4 in all the Rothschild vehicles. Police aren't all brutal so why the heck would people taunt them when some of them really are HELPING THE PUBLIC, Anonymous and Occupy is a joke now.

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 07:14 AM

My guess is that economic warefare against TPTB would be most effective, although that would require a major shift in how we live our lives and let's face it. Most people aren't struggling enough to care.

I agree on both of your thoughts. Economic warfare seems like it might make a difference, but how to go about it is beyond me. If you have any ideas on that, I am all ears.

As far as people not struggling enough to implement it, yes I do agree. I think TPIP are smart enough to make sure the masses are not in the streets sick, homeless and starving....they know if the majority becomes desperate to that degree their system is in jeopardy, they will never let it come to that.

I think they are looking for a slow transition, not something chaotic.....they rely on the masses being distracted, over worked and under educated to pay too much attention to what is going on.

I wrote about this on another thread, but my thoughts tie into this thread as well. I believe we will see a slight economic bounce in the comming years. It won't be huge, but because we have sunken so low, it will seem pretty darn good......just good enough to keep the majority in line, just enough to keep them dreaming.

Then it will return to a "business as usual" world, and you will see things like occupy diminish into thin air because those people will have found work, or they will have matured. Some will still keep fighting the fight, but not in large enough numbers to get attention. The economic rebound is on the horizon I think, but my question is, will it be a genuine return to prosperity, or another manufactured economic bubble, like the late 90's - early 2000's?

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 07:14 AM
I cannot believe you guys!!
Do you think its better for occupiers to sit on their butts and do nothing? That's what everyone is doing in any case and where did that get you exactly?
At least these people are doing SOMETHING. They are tired of being screwed and they are telling TBTB - NO MORE!!!! "WE ARE FED UP".
Its not an ideal movement and they have many weaknesses, but I don't see anyone else (normal civilian groups) standing up for your rights. For it to become really effective the movement still needs to grow a great deal. If millions (instead of thousands) start taking to the streats, you'll see real panick from government.
Besides, the process of protesting, they are getting some media coverage and are spreading the word, thereby contributing to the awakening. I salute these guys - they know they stand very little chance with the numbers they have, risking getting beat up and being thrown in a jail cell, yet still they go out there and make sure their voices are heard.

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 07:16 AM
I lend no creedence to these people whatsoever.
This is one of the many reasons I don't support the Occu-pooper movement:

Don't sh*t on my flag.

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 07:18 AM

Originally posted by chiroy
I cannot believe you guys!!
Do you think its better for occupiers to sit on their butts and do nothing? That's what everyone is doing in any case and where did that get you exactly?
At least these people are doing SOMETHING. They are tired of being screwed and they are telling TBTB - NO MORE!!!! "WE ARE FED UP".
Its not an ideal movement and they have many weaknesses, but I don't see anyone else (normal civilian groups) standing up for your rights. For it to become really effective the movement still needs to grow a great deal. If millions (instead of thousands) start taking to the streats, you'll see real panick from government.
Besides, the process of protesting, they are getting some media coverage and are spreading the word, thereby contributing to the awakening. I salute these guys - they know they stand very little chance with the numbers they have, risking getting beat up and being thrown in a jail cell, yet still they go out there and make sure their voices are heard.

Wake up.
The only thing these people need to do is get a job and make an attempt to be a productive part of society.

I'm all for protesting against something you feel is wrong, but the Occu-poopers are doing it in an abysmally unproductive way.
edit on 2-5-2012 by stupid girl because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 07:24 AM
reply to post by usmc0311

I'm starting to feel these people focused on the money and forgot the CHANGE.

A great deal of violence in this latest Occupy outing..very sad to see..this was a non violent movement..once.

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 07:26 AM
reply to post by usmc0311

You are right in so many ways. They have no directions, no honor and no respect for others or themselves. All they care about is "hurting the man" but all they do is hurt everyone but themselves. The Occupy movement is a total failure and nothing but a laughably sad joke.

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 07:27 AM

Originally posted by chiroy
At least these people are doing SOMETHING.

Interfering with people taking their children to school ... disrupting small business' from doing their jobs and therefore causing economic strife for them ... scaring away tourists from tourist sites .... poop'n and pee'n all over the place ... camping out in public places and causing problems for pedestrians ....

That's not 'doing something' ... that's just being a pain in the backend.

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 07:31 AM

Originally posted by ATScory
The occupy movement is a joke. If you wanted to make a difference you would kill some greedy politicians or put c4 in all the Rothschild vehicles. Police aren't all brutal so why the heck would people taunt them when some of them really are HELPING THE PUBLIC, Anonymous and Occupy is a joke now.

Killing a politician would not make a difference. It would destroy the movement in the eyes of the average American. Instead they should actually vote for a change to kick out the politicians.

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 07:44 AM
reply to post by Kaploink

The protesters have already destroyed their reputation in the eyes of the average American.

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 08:02 AM

Originally posted by stupid girl

I lend no creedence to these people whatsoever.
This is one of the many reasons I don't support the Occu-pooper movement:

Don't sh*t on my flag.

That picture was a contributing factor for me. I chose not to put it in the OP because it angers me so much. But thank you for posting that. No matter what it is wrong to desicrate that flag like that.

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