posted on May, 2 2012 @ 01:20 AM
I took these photographs awhile ago, and as I recall I was going to post them immediately, but the uploader wasn't operational at the time. At any
rate, these were taken on 9/15/11. The times of each photo are as follows:
9:00:10 PM
9:00:37 PM
9:00:53 PM
9:01:00 PM
9:01:09 PM
9:01:19 PM
9:01:27 PM
9:01:31 PM
I had gone out to my deck to snap some pics of the moon, because it had a cool hazy halo around it. It was low in the eastern sky, and as listed
above, it was around 9:00pm. Unfortunately I don't have any snazzy zoom lens or such, and I was experimenting with the settings to try to make the
best of my shots. After the first photo, I checked it in the viewfinder and noticed a black mark on it. I thought it was a blemish, but as I looked up
at the moon, I saw a perfectly dark, black line moving "over and across" the moon. Apologies for the inconsistent tone and quality, but I was altering
the settings to try to capture the best image, while taking them as fast as possible. Scroll to the right a bit. The first photo has a blue/gray cloud
in front of the moon, which is not the line I speak of. Also, apologies for the power lines, but no way to avoid them.
ETA: Although the line is complete and unbroken, this is not visible in the pics. But this line passed very darkly and consistently across the entire
thing, not just at either end as it appears in the pics. I first caught it as it was just starting to cross into the moon's light.
Most likely this is a contrail, but I have never seen a "black" one before... always white or light-colored. And it was so saturated, as if someone
was drawing with a sharpie. Anyway, I thought this was pretty cool, if only for the reason that I just happened to be taking pictures right at that
moment, and it's the only time in my lifetime that I've actually seen something pass in front of the moon like that (I'm using "pass in front" lightly
as I know it's a matter of perspective).
So, nothing earth shattering, but I thought I'd share!
edit on 5/2/2012 by HolographicPrincipal because: (no reason given)