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May Day protests turn violent in Seattle

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posted on May, 1 2012 @ 08:36 PM

May Day protests turn violent in Seattle

Grafitti is painted and a window is broken at an American Apparel store Tuesday, May 1, 2012, after it was vandalized during May Day protests in downtown Seattle. Hundreds of activists across the U.S. joined the worldwide May Day protests on Tuesday, with Occupy Wall Street members in several cities leading demonstrations and in some cases clashing with police

Read more:
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 08:36 PM
Cheers to these individuals!

of course they find a way to drag OWS into this so they can continue to paint a poor image of the movement.

on a side note* I was discussing politics with an Obama reelection campaign manager. I was shocked to hear the the main thread of his supporters actually believe the founding fathers screwed up when they wrote the Constitution. Some nerve.. i did my best to educate her I think we both gained some valuable insights.

oh they all support central banking, the patriot act, and just about anything else that involves the federal government in our personal lives.

(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 08:40 PM
So, two things I get from this thread:

1. OWS will be shortly declared a terrorist organization.
2. We will be calling one another "comrade" within the next five years.

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 08:43 PM
reply to post by AnIntellectualRedneck

Catchy headline,definatly gonna grab attention.
But they were the minority of people marching throughout the world.

Ustream Occupy,Seattle,Oakland,London,Ny ETC....
Most people have remained peaceful.
And many Adults brought their children,holding signs.

Violence dosent define this movement,

Heres a current live feed from NY
edit on 1-5-2012 by Black_Fox because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 08:48 PM
Even though these actions are unconscionable, thye hardly represent the motivation of the protesters as a whole. Just one small group of a dozen or so idiots out of thousands can cause a heck of a lot of damage. These pics show a bunch of anarchists. Im tired of fox news taking the actions of anarchists and equating them with the occupy movement.

Im tired of most media outlets doing that.

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 09:03 PM
Seattle news showed clips of the 'anarchists' attacking a federal building in Seattle a few hours ago. They were quickly confronted and run off by the vast majority of 'regular' protesters. What's noteworthy is how it is regular citizens stopping the violence, while police just stand by.They have been instructed to do that, because they want images of people smashing windows in the papers, not images of regular everyday people marching peacefully.

These guys DO NOT represent the occupy movement. They are idiots and instigators.
edit on 1-5-2012 by stanguilles7 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 09:04 PM
Negative flags for you! Black stars too! has become so heavily scripted that even allowing everything from them doesn't allow the slideshows to display properly. (Re-enabled all blocking now.)

Sooo... I move that any links to BOGUS sites be treated as hoax... ie is just as bad.

Not everyone leaves their browser wide open; especially to etc...

If websites don't get the hits, they will change their sponsors, scripting and soon will be paying us to visit them.

Keep your [color=gold]sheilds up. is off of my Christmas list; joining CNN, MSNBC, beforeitsnews...

(Deposit in HOSTS file as or and the DNS lookup will almost always fail except in scripts.)

(Footnote: when deposited in HOSTS an 'accidental' visit can't happen. Thanks for teaching.)
edit on 5·1·12 by DrMattMaddix because: ... Colorizing

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 09:12 PM
reply to post by Black_Fox

Things about to heat up in NY!

Mass arrests?

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 09:31 PM
Anarchist Attack Nike Town In Seattle May Day Protest

"a lof of different groups here" "Seattle Officers in riot gear"-King5
Sixth and Union, Pike Streets downtown.

Seattle: Let's see Occupy, immigrants and "super heros" pepper spraying the protesters.
Pictures and Vids brought to you by the MSM of Seattle and Oakland to NY.
edit on 1-5-2012 by dreamingawake because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 09:47 PM

Originally posted by AnIntellectualRedneck
So, two things I get from this thread:

1. OWS will be shortly declared a terrorist organization.
2. We will be calling one another "comrade" within the next five years.

Maybe. Maybe not.

It really all depends on our troops under NorthCom and other troops/police that may be "patrolling" our streets. Will they accept illegal orders? Will they blindly follow the mad hatters running the show?

It's clear, at least to me, that the pentagon leadership and our political machine has been compromised.

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 04:31 AM
You know what I find disheartening? Remember last year when protesters were warned of agents provocateurs dressed in black sweatshirts inciting people to do stupid, violent stuff that would discredit the movement (or worse)?

Why did over a hundred Seattle protesters decide that those hired clowns were on to something? They adopted the uniform (yeah, it's totally a uniform, and if you don't find that creepy, you should), and they are mindlessly breaking stuff (sorry, guys, busting that storefront window ain't gonna do squat but provide the rope you're gonna get us all hung from).

So dumb.
edit on 2-5-2012 by Eidolon23 because: *sigh*

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 01:22 PM

Originally posted by Eidolon23
You know what I find disheartening? Remember last year when protesters were warned of agents provocateurs dressed in black sweatshirts inciting people to do stupid, violent stuff that would discredit the movement (or worse)?

edit on 2-5-2012 by Eidolon23 because: *sigh*

History, in this case, apparently repeats itself.
See back: The Seattle WTO riots aka Battle of Seattle of 1999. The "Anarchists" who caused the destruction while the rest peacefully protested. They were even given an apartment building to reside in after the protests. Paid to cause what they did? Perhaps.


The New York Times printed an erroneous article that stated that protesters at the 1999 WTO convention in Seattle threw Molotov cocktails at police.[18] Two days later, The New York Times printed a correction saying that the protest was mostly peaceful and no protesters were accused of throwing objects at delegates or the police, but the original error persisted in later accounts in the mainstream media

The Seattle City Council also dispelled these rumors.

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 01:39 PM

Originally posted by Eidolon23

Why did over a hundred Seattle protesters decide that those hired clowns were on to something? They adopted the uniform

The bulk of them are 'professional' rioters who are paid to travel the country and even world creating these kinds of events. It benefits the local cops, because they get to use it as an excuse for more funding, it provides flashy images for the media (they all LOVE to document riot porn), which then taints the larger demonstrations in the general public's mind, and even ends up helping the businesses they attack (especially when they attack large chains like "American Apparel" because they essentially get free publicity in all those phtos which contain theri name, and their insurance picks up the tab.

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 09:12 PM
And meanwhile people not that far away did not even have a clue there is a protest in Seattle, # I bet there are even people living in Seattle who did not have a clue there is a protest going on the next block over. I live some hours away from Seattle and this is news to me. But then again, I don't watch the news, don't read the paper. And I even had to look up what exactly May Day is about, to refresh my memory.

But ya the whole thing screams fake, and most people are so in a trance they probably like me did not even hear of this, or if they did it is just water under the bridge and they would take a few seconds out of there lives ponder it. And then in the next moments they will go about there daily business again.

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