posted on May, 1 2012 @ 04:41 PM
I'm not sure if it's because I just woke up, but it looks like it's going to be pretty lame. Faceless villian. Catwoman. Lame explosions. The only
reason the last batman movie was a hit is because of Joker, not "sweet batmobile action"
Social unrest is a pretty common theme now a days, so I doubt it's foreshadowing anything. Plus the group causing the uprising looks to be full of
gun toting prisioners and thugs. Hardly a good way to incite class warfare because no one wants to associate themselves with the underbelly of
society. If anything, it's trying to connect the audience to the upper class so batman can become a hero to the audience when he brings about
I won't be paying to see this. Glad to see his batman voice is a lot less ridiculous this time around, but anne hathaway as catwoman? Final nail in
the coffin.