Constitution Lesson One
After many years of study and watching colleges and universities lecture on the Constitution and Declaration of Independence, they are all sending the
same message but with different styles and not one of them breakout of the indoctrination preset program in order for you to learn the truth. All
institutions from Pre-K on up teach to this preset program, none of them are allowed to teach outside of the curriculum set down by the State, or to
use books that have not been pre-approved by some government official. Simply because the TPTB do NOT want you to learn the truth, because such truth
would take them out of power and put them in their rightful place, for many this place would be prison for all the treasonous acts they have committed
against the laws of God or our Common Laws of Nature.
Today I will teach you the Constitution as you have never heard before, the Constitution is a contract and as such all wording within apply to law, so
to understand the contract we must take the words and using a law dictionary to understand what exactly does it mean and who does it apply too. When
looking at any contract you must try and use the law dictionary printed closest to the date of said such contract, with that today we will use
Bouvier's 1856 Law Dictionary. This particular (Law Dictionary adopted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States of America and of the
Several States of the American Union; with references to the Civil and Other systems of Foreign Law). volume one volume two
That is probably one of the longest titles of any book I've come across and why is that? For the average educated person they will more readily see
something is not right here, for the person of higher indoctrination these things might not seem quite so obvious. Simply because they have been
taught to read the words and not the definitions or cause of the wording but have been programmed to take another's word for what the writer is
trying to say instead of looking it up for themselves. The same can be said about mathematics, instead of learning all the algorithms it is easier to
take the calculators word to answer 2+2, this is how we begin to rely on others for information instead of using ones own mind. Today we are going to
change all that and begin to restart the engine of our minds by looking things up for ourselves.
It we look at the title we can see it is a Law Dictionary broken down into 3 parts, the first being; adopted to the Constitution and Laws of the
United States of America. The second; The Several States of the American Union; and the third it includes References to the Civil and Other systems
of Foreign Law. You could take (and Other systems of Foreign Law) as a separate section, however you will shortly learn that the contract in
question, the Constitution is a foreign law and for that reason I have kept it down to just 3 parts, the title tells us this much by using the words
(and other) showing that the Constitution is in fact Foreign Law. The question is, Foreign to who? We will come back to that question later for now
lets take a look at the wording of said contract to see just how the law interprets it.
Lesson 1:
We the People of the Unites States,(1) in Order to form a more perfect Union,(2) establish Justice,(3) insure domestic Tranquility,(4) proved for the
common defence,(5) promote the general Welfare,(6) and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity,(7) do ordain and establish this
Constitution for the Unites States of America(8).
This is the first sentence of the contract as originally printed broken down into 8 sections, such a simple to read sentence yet very few have truly
understood its meanings.
1: People. A state; as, the people of the state of New York; a nation in its collective and political capacity.
4 T. R. 783. Sec 6 Pet. S. C. Rep. 461. 1856 Bouvier's Law Dictionary.
As you can see it is the State within its Collective and Political Capacity, it is NOT you and I.
In the Law of Nations and the Federalist Papers you will also find; People defined as (The Elected leaders, The Popular group, or Rulers of) again
never referring to the individual.
2:Union, page 612 in Bouvier's. Great read it clearly shows that all States are individual Countries and they collectively formed a Union with
limited powers, the United States of America.
3:Justice, page 686,687 Bouvier's volume one, Justice, the constant and perpetual disposition to render every man his due. Justice being in itself a
part of virtue, is confined to things simply good or evil, and consists in a man's taking such a proportion of them as he ought.
4:Tranquility, n: a state of calm or quietude.
5: defence, defence US, defense [dɪˈfɛns] n
1. resistance against danger, attack, or harm; protection.
2. a person or thing that provides such resistance.
6:General Welfare,
Here you will find a full detail of the meanings according to the founders.
Remember we are dealing with contract law, so more on this later.
7:Liberty and Posterity,
Liberty. Freedom from restraint. The power of acting as one thinks fit, without any restraint or control, except from the laws of nature.
Posterity. Descents. All the descendants of a person in a direct line.
Sounds great Liberty gives freedom from restraint, and Posterity secures it for the future.
However I have left a few words out from the sentence, who did they do this for?
Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity. If it was truly meant for you and I it would have read, for ALL.
If Liberty is freedom from restraint and control, why do we have tons of statue private laws that do in fact restrain and control us?
8:Ordain, page 268 Bouvier's. To ordain is to make an ordinance, to enact a law.
Webster Dictionary, to invest official authority.
8A:Establish, Webster, to institute (as a law) permanently by enactment or agreement.
So lets review, what have we learned so far?
The Constitution is a Contract.
The contract formed a Union.
The Unites States, or America in any form is NOT a Country but a Union of individual Countries.
We the People is NOT you and I.
And that Liberty and Posterity was secured ONLY for themselves, this is why each State/Country has its own Constitutional Contract.
A big one thou I have not fully explained it yet, the Federal contract/compact The Constitution applies since the amendments adding the Reconstruction
Acts ie 13th 14th and so on, ONLY has jurisdiction over the residence of D.C these residence no matter where they may reside are titled citizens and
nationals (of the United States) until this time D.C never housed citizens of their own for their jurisdiction is limited ONLY to the 10 mile square
known as Washington D.C
D.C, District of Columbia it is foreign land, foreign to the Union and all its citizens are defacto foreigners to the founders Republic as guaranteed
in the Contract, this is why the individual States laws clearly show the dual citizenship and the laws apply an are upheld by the States these laws
are private and ONLY apply to their citizens and nationals defacto Democracy.
continued below.