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May Day off to a Stellar Start in Oakland. What's the Message Again?? Who is the target??

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posted on May, 1 2012 @ 04:36 PM
Way too hard to tell who is under those masks, believe me Occupy doesn't want them around but how can they be stopped? It might help if the cops actually did their jobs and arrested the ones breaking laws especially when pointed out as opposed to kettling a bunch of people standing on a sidewalk exercising their 1st amendment rights.

I was just watching a woman livestreaming in Oakland screaming at them to go away, then yelled at the cops that if they want to make arrests to arrest them.

So frustrating. Didn't see any of those people in Boston today thankfully.

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 04:53 PM

Originally posted by Kali74
Way too hard to tell who is under those masks, believe me Occupy doesn't want them around but how can they be stopped? It might help if the cops actually did their jobs and arrested the ones breaking laws especially when pointed out as opposed to kettling a bunch of people standing on a sidewalk exercising their 1st amendment rights.

I was just watching a woman livestreaming in Oakland screaming at them to go away, then yelled at the cops that if they want to make arrests to arrest them.

So frustrating. Didn't see any of those people in Boston today thankfully.

Look at the spectacle they made in Toronto. Hundreds of fully-armed, riot-greared-up cops stood by while a handful of 'black bloc' wandered around and mashed stuff. Sometimes only 20 or thirty feet away from the cops!. They even supplied them with a cruiser to torch for the cameras.

Its all staged. Black Bloc are, by and large, posers and dupes.

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 05:30 PM
reply to post by stanguilles7

I agree with you 100%. I am just trying to make the distinction between the idea that everyone in a mask is a agent of the police state and not a real protestor. This is simply not true. What I mean by these kids being "genuine" is that they really believe they are making a difference smashing windows. I do not believe this but they certainly do.

I also agree that it is the people behind the scenes, motivating these groups and funding them, pushing the agenda, that we need to question the most.

Most of the ski mask wearing anarchists are frustrated kids, who's pulling the strings?

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 05:35 PM

Originally posted by wrdwzrd
reply to post by stanguilles7

I agree with you 100%. I am just trying to make the distinction between the idea that everyone in a mask is a agent of the police state and not a real protestor. This is simply not true.

Absolutely in agreement. You only need one instigator in a large group to get dozens to do your bidding.

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 06:59 PM
It looks like the protest is getting a little violent in Seattle. There's a thread going right now Seattle protest | Live Coverage

It's getting crazy there! I just watched a cop empty a can of tear gas at some people running away from him.

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 07:27 PM
reply to post by wrdwzrd

It's known now who is pulling the strings. When one of the main organizers from the start can be traced directly back to the White House, it's obvious. You are who organizes and funds you.

The White House links directly to the same individuals who made me quit the Peace Movement during the Vietnam War. After those clowns took over, the real people with good intent walked away as I did. They are phonies with the goal of defeating Capitalism and Freedom to replace it with them in full control. They believe they are intellectually superior and the correct answer is them as pseudo-dictators since we need them to parent us. They honestly think the only reason the system they want has historically failed and led to a nightmare, is they were not personally in charge of it. That much is obvious.

They had to wait until they had a crone in the White House and in the Justice Dept. to stir the pot again. The kids and young adults don't know what is happening and since they have taken over the schools they made sure of that.

They view the criminals and anarchists as tools to use to incite their target audience. They embrace them fully as long as they serve a purpose.

The Unions, who are also major players here will serve the same purpose the "Party" did in the old USSR. Interesting they also use May Day as an important date. Until their citizens woke up that is. Now look, they are still struggling to keep the Progressives from taking over again and still have no true Free Press. Once they latch on they don't let go easy. They are so much smarter than us. All we need are tiny rooms to live in and whatever the State under their leadership decides we need. The rest is reserved for them.

Expect to see a mantra to crop up that anyone over 30 is the enemy as the false idea the successful are the enemy wanes. In reality it's all the same to them, they just pick something happening around them to take over and control as long as it slowly gets them to their real goal. Anything divisive that incites anger, in particular in the young, is their primary tool.

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 08:19 PM
link perhaps the business owners(if still legal in ca) could learn a thing from the Koreans and the Rodney king riots for the most part their stores weren't hit and when they were they were dispersed with little to no looting or damage....its all fun rioting and looting tell some one shoots you or levels a gun at them it worked once for them just not sure if it would still be legal with the state ca is in now compared to how the laws worked back then during the riots that might answer the legality question and im no lawyer so i will let you form your own opinion
edit on 1-5-2012 by KilrathiLG because: (no reason given)

Penal Code 459 burglary Penal Code 459 burglary is defined as entering a structure with the intent of stealing or committing another felony once inside.31 If, while someone is burglarizing your home or business, you attempt to defend yourself...and use reasonable force to do will be entitled to an acquittal of any criminal charges (under California self-defense law). Depending on the circumstances of the break in, burglary may be considered a forcible and atrocious crime, entitling you to a presumption that you acted reasonably when you were confronted by a burglar.32 Burglary is also a good tie-in to the next section...
so potentaly legal but a possible grey area i found this site highly informitive actualy
edit on 1-5-2012 by KilrathiLG because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 08:22 PM
Wow, nothing but hate with no apparent concern for anyone else's situation?

Isn't that the definition of a psychopath?

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 08:50 PM
My advice for store owners in areas where there will be marches..... get armed. At the very least arm yourself with a paintball gun and lots of paint balls. If your business is attacked, defend it without using lethal force.

I can tell you from experience... a shot from a paintball gun HURTS! It will not kill you, but it sure will leave some nasty bruises that last for weeks.

On another note... this is something organizers for Occupy need to be aware of and need to be prepared for. There are always going to be individuals who get their own stupid ideas and put those ideas ahead of what is in the best interest of the group or it's message. Even Martin Luther King Jr had people in his marches who wanted to make things violent. YOU CAN NOT ALLOW IT! Even if that means you get other protesters to tackle and hold them down until they can be arrested by Police for vandalizing other people's property, then that is just what you have to do, and it is something I highly recommend.

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 08:59 PM
reply to post by MrWendal

To be clear, the people who were attacking small businesses WERE confronted by other protesters and regular citizens. These black-clad trust fund wannabes and their fbi handlers DO NOT represent the larger movement, and the larger movement does not support nor condone their actions, and never had.

But I agree, I'd like to see these guys all captured, unmasked, and identified. But that would require a level of violence that would likely create an even more hostile environment because some of them are cops.

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 09:10 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by jibeho
They struck a small art gallery, vandalized small restaurants, damaged cars of the everyday working people etc etc. ......

Have they said where they are sleeping and where they are a poop'n and a pee'n ?? During their camp out (wonder if they had smore's around the fire
) they were publically doing all that and it was a pretty stinky business. Is this thing of theirs a one day event or are they back in the parks camping out for free?

It's coming up'll be an ever expanding tent city of mostly street people. Waiting for free handouts like last time, and for someone to start looting so they can grab their share....

Oakland has had a bad reputation for a long time. I moved from the San Fran Bay area to a nice Southern peaceful mountain place to get away from all that crap.

I hate it...I really do.


edit on 1-5-2012 by Destinyone because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 09:39 PM
reply to post by stanguilles7

Plausible. I have seen videos like this. Still,like any germ,it should be weeded out. As soon as the mask goes on,they should get checked. Citizen arrest. Let the cops sort it out.

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 09:51 PM

Originally posted by sonnny1
reply to post by stanguilles7

Plausible. I have seen videos like this. Still,like any germ,it should be weeded out. As soon as the mask goes on,they should get checked. Citizen arrest. Let the cops sort it out.

But the reality is, if you grab one, others descend upon you and beat the snip out of you. And the cops dont arrest them.

It's the cops who should be arresting the vandals, not everyday citizens. But they dont. Why not?

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 09:54 PM
Actually this is a largely Hispanic movement that looks to be rather pressing the issue of documentation. Im watching a stream of theirs now here: not nearly as bad ATM as Seattle or NYC has been.

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 09:56 PM
Sounds like a scam to me. How do we know these "protesters" don't work for big brother? A group of 100??? Sure, they could act like protesters....get arrested like protesters...and while at the police station, be high fiving there fellow officers; talking about: "Man, that was fun. Let's do it again." That's how i see the world we live in, these days. Nothing is what it appears to be. It's ALL an ILLUSION.

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 10:01 PM
reply to post by nahahh

They look a bit too scrawny and dirty to be cops

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 10:43 PM

Originally posted by jollyjollyjolly
reply to post by nahahh

They look a bit too scrawny and dirty to be cops

What do you want them to look like. Cops? hahhahaha That's part of the DECEPTION. They have to BLEND in and fit the part. Don't think they don't have undercovers...who fit that part. They most certainly DO! Infiltration. I don't even trust Anonymous.

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 10:52 PM

Originally posted by jollyjollyjolly
reply to post by nahahh

They look a bit too scrawny and dirty to be cops

Not cops. FBI. Deep undercover, sometimes for years. It only takes a couple.

This is all well-documented.

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 11:50 PM
Well, i do see this as a problem for occupy, im sure they are aware of it.

Here is what -i- would do.. There are far more peaceful occupiers there than there are black bloc.. Soooo.. Knock them the hell out? Seriously. They don't need to be concious.

You see someone trying to torch something? Kick them in the face. Throw them at the cops feet and continue about your day. If you want to protect the movement, the movement must protect itself from these hellions (most likely cops)

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 10:14 AM

Originally posted by stanguilles7
reply to post by MrWendal

To be clear, the people who were attacking small businesses WERE confronted by other protesters and regular citizens. These black-clad trust fund wannabes and their fbi handlers DO NOT represent the larger movement, and the larger movement does not support nor condone their actions, and never had.

But I agree, I'd like to see these guys all captured, unmasked, and identified. But that would require a level of violence that would likely create an even more hostile environment because some of them are cops.

True, but the black bloc folks are the ones who always steal the headlines from those who are just tapping bongos and singing Kumbaya. If this movement wants to remain legit. they have to do some serious policing from within to expose these guys as fast as they surface. They can use the same techniques against them that the police use in crowd control. Swarm them and corner them. If the well intentioned members out number the radicals this should be no problem.

They are only one day into this and the black masks are getting all of the press in all of the major cities. If they push hard enough the clamp down will be even tighter from the police and the Feds. Average citizens will put the pressure on the local authority if their businesses and properties continue to get damaged.

The message is just about lost already...

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