posted on May, 3 2012 @ 10:52 AM
Someone up-thread posted a video showing a description of a 'snap-back' effect on the dark side of the Earth, apparently caused by high velocity
solar wind creating a vacuum vortex on the other side. Trouble is, if this were indeed what happened on March 11 and 12, the data would be valid and
would NOT have been labeled GIGO and scrubbed. It would have been an interesting, unusual, but nevertheless known event.
Last night I spent a couple hours searching the 'mysterious booms' threads looking for a correlation right around the same time and nothing much
came up. Interestingly, GLP for one site, has been listing strange booming sounds since about 2005 which may be the beginning of that web site; the
reports seem to be increasing in frequency and 'WTF' is going on?! descriptions ever since last August with the strange EQs starting in Virginia and
Colorado, though. Either people are finding out about them and therefore also finding out how to report them better, plus the copycat factor, or they
really are increasing in frequency. Most reports seem to be coming from the US and Northern Europe, which may just be a factor of English-speaking
countries and availability of the internet. I haven't searched in other languages, either. It'd be interesting to know if S. America and China,
for instance, are reporting similar strange booms.
The ONLY correlation I could find with other events at the same time was the exceedingly round shape with the umbilical cord look to it coming off the
sun the day before the March 11 anomaly, and the 'triangle' shaped black spot on the sun right after it. Some websites and commentators (Tolec, for
one) described the triangle as a stargate and the round thing with the umbilical cord as a cloaked starship sucking up energy; that the cloaking
mechanism that was protecting the starship from the sun's corona was what made it visible to our instruments.
I initially rolled my eyes at this information (as I have for most of Tolec's claims) but now I'm beginning to wonder.
It's definitely starting to look like TPTB are expecting a cataclysm soon that will require going underground to survive, that we are going through a
far more energetic and 'dusty' section of space with far more meteors impacting the planet and something besides increased CO2 affecting our weather
patterns, and that there is a lot of information known to the government scientists that is being hidden from us.
Just as an aside, there's an awful lot of posters here who seem to have no clue about grammar, spelling or punctuation, and it makes your posts
unreadable. There's a reason both were invented... why bother, if the majority will ignore you after initially trying to parse out what you're
saying, and then go on to the next post in frustration?