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New Thorium Plasma Battery Extends Mark 48 Torpedo Range to 15 Nautical Miles!

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posted on May, 1 2012 @ 01:34 AM
This is a defnite game changer fellas. Over the horizon capabilities for the old Mark 48 torpedo. Check out these links even though the veteran submariner takes a lot of heat from the environmentalists in this forum.

I think the Air Force might also want to switch over to Pedator drones that are powered by these batteries and electric motors. If you thick about it, those suckers would never have to land so long as they fly above the weather. What the hell, might as well put them in tanks with electric motors too! Can you imagine a battle tank that has unlimited range without the need to gas up?

edit on 1-5-2012 by Techtron because: can't spell for #!

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 02:02 AM

At least you have freedom to say, do, and drive what you please and high-technology guarantees you, me, and our grandchildren keep having choices in life.

This guy talks like we actually have those freedoms.

You say what the Govt doesn't want you to and they silence you.
You do things that expose their corruption and they turn the media on you and make everyone hate you.
You try to show the rest of the world that they are hiding a lot more than some silly torpedo batteries and they shut you up and throw you in prison.

Does that sound like a free country to you?

As for the torpedos; neato. I don't see where they'll come in handy if "terrorists" are our real threat, but it's nice to see the military releasing 25 year old tech (thats probably how old it is) finally.

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 02:17 AM
Suggest you guys take a look at this... The four inventors related to this new battery gadget have been iced as you will see at the peakoil link. below. Actually, the technology may only be 4-6 years old from all indications after reading the links and attachments here: No matter, if we can't stick this battery under our hoods what good is to us? This is just another toy for the military! Here is more about the murders of the 4 inventors:

This link has a lot of details:
edit on 1-5-2012 by AnotherEnergyVictim because: correction

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 02:20 AM

Originally posted by AnotherEnergyVictim
No matter, if we can't stick this battery under our hoods what good is to us?

A waste of a good invention...

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 02:27 AM
Male Bovine Vegetable Based Excrement.

a Thorium Battery would have a very long output so if a Thorium Plasma Battery was workable it would have a range of many times 50 miles but one problem is thorium is highly radioactive and would take days to come to full power because it needs a outside neutron source to start and maintain the reaction long enough to build the reaction to the point of selfstaining

Once a reaction was going on its own the torpedo could travel 1000s of miles.
but it would take days to weeks to get to that power level

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 03:59 AM
Imagin a two bedroom home and every appliance in it for over a year with one of his batteries the size of a shoebox, Or a battery to power anything from a mobile telephone to an 18 wheeler...larger batteries the size of single family home could be plugged into the grid and power a city of 2 million people, and one the size of a refrigerator could power a 300 room hotel or hospital.

Thorium creates less than one-tenth the nuclear waste of uranium. It cannot be used to make nuclear weapons, and is found in very abundant supply in America, India, Turkey, Australia, and six other countries. The batteries they power, give off the same radiation level as a cell phone. They can be regulated to provide AC or DC power as an independent and portable energy source without connection to a grid. In fact India, China, and Norway are now spurning dangerous and toxic Uranium in favor of safe Thorium in their reactors following the Chernobyl and Fukishima fiascos, According to the EPA and CDC reports, coal is 30 times more dangerous and unhealthy to human beings than Thorium. This is a photo of Thorium as taken from the Earth.

Our already strained economy would go belly-up within a month if these fuel-tax revenues were lost.85% of its gross revenues if these nifty batteries were made available to the public..Not to mention how big oil would react. or stand to lose..
Last but certainly not least, the Pentagon has first priority in grabbing any commercially-valuable, or environmentally-friendly technology if it can help them kill more people, faster and cheaper in some future far away war.

Remember since 2006, five different inventors have designed, three have created, and two have demonstrated self-contained safe and green nuclear "plasma" batteries that can put out reliable and stable power for 5-10 years - without a single recharge.

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 05:37 AM
I want one..
Battery i mean..

I need two btw...
One that powers my house and one for my car...

If i can buy one cheaper than it cost for electicity
i will do so...

And yes, i do belive it is real...As alot of other technologys
that are surpressed.....

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 12:49 PM
reply to post by Techtron

On the FAS website the range of the Mk48 ADCAP is given as 27 nautical miles at 40kts using standard monopropellant OTTO fuel.

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 02:11 PM
While most likely providing a revolution in battery technology there are some serious risks with this material.
As mentioned a few times above, thorium is very radioactive, it emits alpha radiation.

If ingested, it is extremely carcinogenic. Notably in liver cancer, bile duct cancer and pancreatic cancer.
In the 1930-s through 1950-s it was used for X-ray enhancement by injecting people with Thorotrast, a colloidal suspension of thorium dioxide, thus producing a better X-ray photograph. This increased those patients risk up to 800% for certain cancers. Approx 10 million people had X-rays taken with Thortrast injections. The US ceased using it around 1955.

A car accident that cracks open batteries made with Thorium becomes a EPA cleanup site unless packaging can make a crash-proof container. Also, since these batteries would be in their infancy as prototypes today, they will most likely find other hazards that need to be conquered like gas emission, chemical stability and disposal methods.
edit on 1-5-2012 by charlyv because: spelling , where caught

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 02:07 AM
People have been making comments without doing homework - again. If you Google Thorium Plasma Battery Technology" and read the 18 links there will be no arguments about safety or health risks. Your cell phone gives off as much radiation as the amount of thorium it would take to power your car for 10 years! Further, the disposal issue in a no-non issue since Throium waste is 1/50th of uranium.

The big deal about this battery is not that it can be used in a few hundred long range torpedos but that each and every american home, hospital, office building, etc, can be grid-free and have its own endless power supply. Read up and you will see that these babies are scalable and can be used to power laptops to electric scooters to 18 wheelers and even oil tankers. Read the links about the Russian Inventor Dimitri Petronov who operated his complete house and all the appliances in it with just one of these batteries for over a year.

Of course it has many strategic applications too like in sattelites, the torpedos mentioned above, remote control drones, tanks, etc. The issue now is can we have it for our cars or are we going to deliberately be chained to the gas pumps for another 20 years until the bastards can milk us dry while the military plays with the new battery in all their hardware. See this link here - very interesting,

Obama and his crew need to be publicly pinned down on this very subject before the elections. All that crap about transparency just doesn't jive with reality - especially about this incredible technology. I think technology suppression is actually a crime gainst society and so do the people at this link and I think we should support them and spread the word on their behalf and ours since we all serve the same masters whether we like it or not,
edit on 2-5-2012 by AnotherEnergyVictim because: mistake corrected

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 09:53 PM
Stuff like this makes me angry.... I dearly hope that we'll eventually see this technology trickle down before it's too late for the civilian economy.... As it is rampaging energy prices are slowly strangling the life out of western democracies.

posted on May, 4 2012 @ 06:26 AM
Do any fanboys actually bother to do basic research here anymore or do we just regurgitate and swallow whatever fantastic claim/crap comes along?

Fifteen nautical miles on a so called "Thorium plasma battery" is about 17 statute miles, which at last count was at least 5 miles LESS than a standard MK-48 ADCAP or CBAS (ie: Mod 6 or Mod 7) at 50 KTS, or at least 10 miles less at 40 KTS. And of course Otto fuel Mk II is far less exotic, less expensive and has no radioactive compounds than some claimed theoretical technology.

posted on May, 4 2012 @ 06:54 PM
Actually the battery would not be the limiting factor since a Thorium plasma battery would power a torpedo, or anything else for more than a year. The limitation would be on the navigation, guidance, and target acquisition side.

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 02:26 AM

Originally posted by ANNED
Male Bovine Vegetable Based Excrement.

a Thorium Battery would have a very long output so if a Thorium Plasma Battery was workable it would have a range of many times 50 miles but one problem is thorium is highly radioactive and would take days to come to full power because it needs a outside neutron source to start and maintain the reaction long enough to build the reaction to the point of selfstaining

Once a reaction was going on its own the torpedo could travel 1000s of miles.
but it would take days to weeks to get to that power level

Thorium is NOT highly radioactive, with it's long half-life it's very safe. Also these batteries don't use a chain-reaction so there is no need for an outside neutron source.

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 07:13 AM
And whats to say they DONT
have an INSIDE neutron activator????

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 06:53 PM

Originally posted by ingeborgsjon

Originally posted by ANNED
Male Bovine Vegetable Based Excrement.

a Thorium Battery would have a very long output so if a Thorium Plasma Battery was workable it would have a range of many times 50 miles but one problem is thorium is highly radioactive and would take days to come to full power because it needs a outside neutron source to start and maintain the reaction long enough to build the reaction to the point of selfstaining

Once a reaction was going on its own the torpedo could travel 1000s of miles.
but it would take days to weeks to get to that power level

Thorium is NOT highly radioactive, with it's long half-life it's very safe. Also these batteries don't use a chain-reaction so there is no need for an outside neutron source.

You are absolutely right. I found a radiation chart but I have no way to upload it so here is the link where I found it:

The other significant thing to consider is cost and value. The delivered price for a Mark 48 torpedo made by Raytheon was $1 million in 2010. If that $1 million torpedo sinks a $5 Billion enemy destroyer, I'd say that's a damn good bang for the buck, wouldn't you? He'', even if you had to shoot 2 or 3 of them to sink a $100 Billion aircraft carrier, it is still a bargain.

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 08:08 PM
reply to post by charlyv

u say all that but if its used for military applications and military spec is greater than civilian your points become moot regarding its potential faults.

posted on May, 6 2012 @ 02:16 PM
... and while we are discussing Thorium batteries, if we include the use of Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactors, we could potentially solve the problem of existing nuclear waste because the reactor would safely consume that as well!

LTFR-Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactor

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 07:41 AM
Great, lets mount some thorium plasma batterys on torpedos. We can do them cheap, they will only have to last for some minutes. They´ll exdplode with the torpedo. Waste problem solved, too.

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 08:06 AM
The poster on the other forum is full of thorium plasma. There's no such thing as a 'thorium plasma battery'. Note how the source is mysterious and unidentified, and all the links with any 'proof' are mysteriously gone.

Not only that, it doesn't make sense technically.

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