posted on May, 2 2012 @ 03:43 AM
Quit thinking about it so much and quit taking so much stock in what your friends are doing. And for the love of God's spelled GIRL.
It's obvious that she likes you.....alot. A woman doesn't spend a lot of time with a mans family if she doesn't like him. That's her way of
telling you that she wants to be a big part of your life. Remember too that women mature quicker than men. You may just now be at the point where you
want something serious, but she may have been there 5 years ago.
Another thing, women like the one you're describing can be very patient. They know that men have to play catch-up with the maturity thing, so they
learn to be patient with us. To me at least, that's a very endearing quality that's hard not to love.
If I were you and you have the money and time, get her out of town. Go camping with her or something to where it's just you and her. Alone. For the
weekend. Make her the center of your universe for a couple of days and get real with it. Look her in the eyes alot and show your real emotions. Loosen
up with a little wine if you have to, but take it to the next level. Play it by ear while you're doing all that to see how comfortable she is with
that level of maturity. If for any other reason, just to see if you're ready for it. You're on the same level physically, so it shouldn't be hard
to take it to the next level. Actually, it should just come naturally
You can sit and talk about it all you want, but that won't get you anywhere. You have to take that leap of faith and, to be perfectly honest, if you
weren't ready to do it you wouldn't be questioning it.
Bottom line, and no offense intended, but it's time to grow up.