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Flash mob into Area 51?

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posted on May, 1 2012 @ 08:29 PM
Feel free to try this.... btw it's FLASH MOB not flash MOD....

Honestly for those of you that think the US military and it's hired contractors would just roll over and LET YOU raid a highly secured facility you need to get a better grip on reality!

You aren't just going to waltz in somewhere like that and see anything. First of all from the entrances to the base to the actual base is DOZENS OF MILES.... Do you think maybe by day 2 or 3 of marching they might be able to organize a response? Keep in mind even trained professionals can only march 50 kilometers in a day and they really can't do that two days in a row.... You are talking about organizing basically a battallion of individuals and force marching them through an extremely hostile desert environment.

Assuming you do manage to march for 3 days to a week you will have a very warm welcome waiting for you most likely non lethal but very unfriendly. In addition you would likely be facing some extremely heavy federal charges that would have you residing in a federal supermax for the rest of your days. That's if they don't just decide to get out a backhoe and dig a nice long trench to put your dead bodies into. And believe me if you penetrated far enough onto the range before they found you you would most likely wind up dead.

I for one would not shed a single tear for your demise either if this were to happen. The sheer monumental stupidity of even THINKIING this might do something other than get you killed or imprisoned for the rest of your life is quitre frankly monumental.

While I might not agree with everything our government does one thing i do agree with is not letting every busy body access to our classified military technology. Perhaps it would be best for you if you didn't attempt such intellectually strenuous endeavors in your future.... You are obviously not suited to deep and or critical thinking.

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 08:43 PM
I think that if 3000 idiots who are your typical flash mob participants took part in an area 51 flash mob, and they were all 'dispatched', the world would probably be a better place.

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 09:09 PM


posted on May, 1 2012 @ 09:17 PM
What about a million people

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 09:40 PM
I don't know if anyone has mentioned this yet but they probably have tear gas on location. They could probably effectively incapacitate a crowd, call for back up, and arrest everyone. At the very least they can use the gas as "walls" to prevent people from getting close. If you wanted to you could come up with an attack strategy but it would certainly involve people getting killed. I'm sure that they have made plans in case some UFO nut jobs try to assault it or they have to fend off large crowds.

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 09:43 PM
I really don't think it would be a blood bath, People get detained at that base all the time for getting to close, they are just arrested and charged with trespass on government property and sent on there marry way. Im sure they are put on a list and all but with as well know as that base is and with all the interest in it this is not a uncommon thing. It would be interesting to see.

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 09:48 PM

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 09:49 PM

Originally posted by Sablicious

Originally posted by casioofnoon
Could not we just have like 3000 people meet up in a big flash mod and just walk into Area 51 with cameras?

We could just walk in.
March wright into the base and start opening doors.
Go open fileing cabeits.
Take pappers and stuff.
What could they do about it?

edit on 30-4-2012 by casioofnoon because: (no reason given)



posted on May, 1 2012 @ 10:25 PM
I've been reading this thread with interest. I have to agree with most of the replies here that 3000 would just not be enough. I'm a bit of a history buff, so let me talk a bit about Napoleon Bonaparte. Know how he went from an unknown Brigadier General to being on the fast track to becoming the head of the French army in Italy, and a few years after that, to Emperor?

Some Royalists were making a rebellion, and Napoleon fired grapeshot at them. Grapeshot: sounds rather paletable, yes? No. It will dismember any human within 100 yards or even more. Limbs and heads were ripped off. This is how Napoleon got noticed, and in five years became Emperor of the French.

Excerpt from Wikipedia article:

On 3 October, royalists in Paris declared a rebellion against the National Convention after they were excluded from a new government, the Directory.[41] One of the leaders of the Thermidorian Reaction, Paul Barras, knew of Bonaparte's military exploits at Toulon and gave him command of the improvised forces in defence of the Convention in the Tuileries Palace. Bonaparte had witnessed the massacre of the King's Swiss Guard there three years earlier and realised artillery would be the key to its defence.[15]

He ordered a young cavalry officer, Joachim Murat, to seize large cannons and used them to repel the attackers on 5 October 1795—13 Vendémiaire An IV in the French Republican Calendar. One thousand four hundred royalists died, and the rest fled.[41] He had cleared the streets with "a whiff of grapeshot", according to the 19th century historian Thomas Carlyle in The French Revolution: A History.[42]

Yeah; they would probably do something like this.

Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.

edit on 1-5-2012 by godspetrat because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 10:57 PM

Originally posted by MindFever

Originally posted by casioofnoon

Originally posted by MindFever
Unfortunately I live in Europe, but if I lived nearby I'd definitely join in on this one. 3000 people, certainly no one will get shot. That would be way to much publicity man!

I say do it!

Yeah. If you made a big deal out of it like a march and had people with camras and ustream or something.
Have the big meida and stuff there..
That could work.


Lol. Shooting 3000 people. they'd never get away it. The fact that people here seem to believe so shows how well the fear machine functions. Running smoothly I'd say.

I personally don't need proof from Area 51 to tell me that we are not alone in the universe. However, are you aware that there are tons of people around the world who believe that the us gov killed thousands of people on 9/11?

So yeah...a story will be made up about a group of armed terrorist storming the joint and that they basically had it coming to them. Of course news would be released after all 3,000 were killed and or detained never to be heard from again and the US citizens wouldn't even question the military's actions.

I'm just sayin' remember who you're dealing with


edit on 5/1/12 by ThePublicEnemyNo1 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 12:49 AM
link this thread brought back the good memories of the good 'ole Coast 2 Coast AM with Art Bell radio show where a pilot (CRAZY AS A MOFO PILOT!!) called into the show and indicated that he was only few miles out now from Area 51 but not to worry as he "had it covered" as he was flying in real......LOW buwhahaha. The dudes girlfriend was first to call the show to tell Art that her boy friend (sounded like a middle aged couple) took off in his Cessna in order to go see for himself what all this "Area 51 hoop laa blubb was about"

Because he considered himself a.....well I don't want to ruin one of the most listened to masterpieces to of have ever come out of all my years of listening to the coast, so enjoy and please discuss

This 2nd clip has it in backwards play for some stupid reason, sorry thought it was the real deal, the CLIP ABOVE THIS ONE IS THE REAL DEAL RECORDING. Sorry bout that.

edit on 2-5-2012 by Newbomb Turk because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 01:03 AM
Trespassing on a US military base could result in up to 10 years in Federal prison and up to $10000 fine.
Trespassing on a US military base where signs warn of the 'use of deadly force' could result in justified death.
Whether it was 3 or 3000, the use of deadly force would and should be carried out. If anyone was dumb enough to try this, they would get what they deserved. Trying to flash mob a top secret military base would make the actions of the local cops during the 'Occupy' protests seem like time out at band camp.

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 02:17 AM
I dunno, it could work.

I'd start slower however, get 3000 people to try and walk right up and into the white house, with cameras.. ransack cabinets, desks.. etc.

If you don't have hundreds of police there in no time ready to beat the living snot out of anyone, shoot rubber bullets into your face, tear canisters into your skull, beat you with night sticks, round you up into corners, and as you all try and escape, let rip with police dogs, water canons, and yet more coralling into a closed space..

I'd give it a go... It's not like Area 51 would be any worse? Right?



posted on May, 2 2012 @ 03:42 AM
Everyones a hero until the blood gets spilt.

You won't need to kill 3000 people storming an area...just one...right in front of the other 2,999...

If you seriously think that the whole 2,999 will continue walking forward then you're dreaming.

Some might (though I seriously doubt it)...most won't.
Most will be bolting back out of there screaming and covering their butts.
Thats basic human nature...move AWAY from the bullets...

...and do make it in then what? Do you seriously think that oh you might see a UFO just casually parked up next to the HumVees and so forth?? Do you honestly believe that anything at all *secret* is just going to be sitting out in the open for you to get video footage of and upload to youtube?
Again - you'd be dreaming to think that.

IF there is anything tasty it makes sense that it'll be well under lock and key, behind very closed 3000 people will still just be 3000 standing around a locked door.

...the other thing is that 3000 people aren't the most subtle of crowds.
You know...a whole bunch of cars and so forth all converging on a specific you think thats going to go unnoticed? Not likely. You're looking at around 1000 separate vehicles...that may just stand out don't you think? Not too sure 1000 cars all claiming to be having a bit of a roadtrip is going to fly somehow...

Additionally...coordinating such a large group will sure as heck bring up some flags amongst whomever may be charged with keeping an eye on that Area. There will not be anything even remotely 'flash mob' or surprising about will - unless any security force or agency is completely brainless and blind - will have been well anticipated and planned for before the first car even gets within cooey of the front gate.

...numbers do matter...but IF, again a big IF, anyone wanted to get in there then keep the numbers as small as possible. Even just multiple attempts of single people, all coming in via multiple points.

Any coordination of such would also be best kept 'old skool'...not via the internet, not via phones or any other form of electronic communication...just small and straight face to face with people you KNOW you can trust...

...probably be your only chance of achieving anything...
edit on 2-5-2012 by alien because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 08:39 AM

Originally posted by jb1958
reply to post by abeverage

No, according to official govt maps of Nellis/Groom lake area, it is Area 51, a sovereign parcel of land to itself, not accountable to any State or Federal law or official. They can and would do anything they want to the protestors. I believe they would definitely kill the whole group. With 'Use of Deadly Force Authorized' that gives them the excuse they need to simply kill the protestors. So what if the Media was there filming it? Govt Statement 'These Domestic Terrorists were repelled today attempting to infiltrate a Top Secret Military Installation......' and that would be the end of it. incites a Revolution...

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 02:33 PM
you know in regards to groom lake security. back in the 80's wackenhut (a security firm) was hired to test the security there. they rented a helicopter and simply flew right over the base and from the helicopter doors started firing blanks at the people walking around on the ground there. total pandemonium broke out and the the base really was caught flat footed and put up little to no response in return. they got schwacked pretty much.

Don't know what they've done to correct the security there but I suspect not too much. Which is typical. read some marcinko to learn about just how unsecure stuff like nuclear weapons are.

So Ever notice that the guys in white SUVs are so aggressive. probably because as for as security goes thats it. take a force of a few men go out and intimidate people while all dressed up. it works. just like renta cops work to disuade the general hooligan. but a determined adversary will literally blow right past the "security"

posted on May, 3 2012 @ 03:13 AM
reply to post by BASSPLYR

you know in regards to groom lake security. back in the 80's wackenhut (a security firm) was hired to test the security there. they rented a helicopter and simply flew right over the base and from the helicopter doors started firing blanks at the people walking around on the ground there. total pandemonium broke out and the the base really was caught flat footed and put up little to no response in return. they got schwacked pretty much. Don't know what they've done to correct the security there but I suspect not too much. Which is typical. read some marcinko to learn about just how unsecure stuff like nuclear weapons are. So Ever notice that the guys in white SUVs are so aggressive. probably because as for as security goes thats it. take a force of a few men go out and intimidate people while all dressed up. it works. just like renta cops work to disuade the general hooligan. but a determined adversary will literally blow right past the "security"

So wrong in so many ways.

Groom used EG&G security.

Prove to me they shot blanks out of a chopper. Not some internet rumor, but some vetted new source or video will do. BTW, Wackenhut at the NTS used to have their own choppers. That was the precursor to the AOF at Yucca Dry Lake. They certainly didn't have to rent one.

The camo dudes are not aggressive unless you cross the border. They don't interface with the tourists at all.

See if you can get that shift key fixed.

posted on May, 3 2012 @ 03:23 AM
reply to post by DGenR8

Case in point: the yearly protests at the Fort Benning school of assassins.

Like Foster said, this should really be a sticky thread. It is the same nonsense year after year, mostly posted by people that have never set foot near the base. For instance, you aren't going to be tweeting if there is no cellular service.

Given the road dust and the required separation between cars for visibility, it would take a long time to get 3000 people at the front gate of Groom Lake. It certainly wouldn't be a flash. More like a slowly moving convoy. And this convoy would be spotted in Alamo, since 3000 people is larger than the population of the entire town. If you approached from the north, the convoy would be spotted from Bald Mountain surveillance.

Seriously, time to kill this thread and stop any new ones. It is the same old same old. This nonsense does nothing to advance knowledge of the base, and further, this crap prevents people who are serious investigators from setting foot (so to speak) on ATS.

posted on May, 3 2012 @ 03:33 AM
Who would be so stupid as to risk their life just because they suspected that the government is hiding alien technology? Even , with what was suggested... 3000 people (can you imagine trying to get 3000 people to agree on anything?) I would guess that they would not make it within a mile of the gate. Only a few would probably get shot, the rest would be "incapacitated" if you will. Then, if they ever got out of prison, they would not be able to get a job that makes over $5 an hour for the rest of their life.

posted on May, 3 2012 @ 09:08 AM
reply to post by Newbomb Turk

Holy MOTHER, that was just insane on the pilot's part.
Were there ever any follow-ups to find out what happened to him? I'm kinda curious if he's even alive now.

I think getting in to Area 51 would be pretty much impossible. With the weapons tech we have now, they've got enough that we know of to orchestrate some pretty effective crowd control. What they haven't told us about yet leaves a lot to the imagination. Who knows what could be trotted out if need be it. I don't think it would necessarily be a bloodbath so much as a showcase of high-tech crowd control. Why make an enormous mess of corpses when they could just make you feel like you're burning alive & stop you in your tracks?

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