posted on May, 4 2012 @ 10:57 AM
well i think its obvious that lucifer wrote the bible, not saying this is a bad thing just saying he called himself a fallen angel and crap and all
those stories, nevertheless i think the bible has some good info in it about the world. i know ur talking about how the world started but maybe its
best to look forward and let the simple things in life play out for themselves, but if everything was like that maybe lucifer is our father and he
just didnt want to take credit for all that so he created this god figure and he called himself a traitor or hes like adam and eve and went against
gods wishes and got humanity into this tangle of this so-called good/evil. i mean u never know theres all sorts of possibilities for why the world
goes round it could be even that evolution is more of a process in the mind and what the bible tries to teach is only a good tree bears good fruit but
a bad tree bears bad fruit and is cast into the fire, i dont believe in hell i think we go somewhere when we die but idk what it is, i think its more
like trying to tell the hell and heaven we create here with ourselves