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Australian Billionaire plans to build "Titanic II"

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posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 02:13 AM

"We have invited the Chinese navy to escort Titanic II on its maiden voyage to New York."

Guess The Chinese Navy is going down to the depths of the Atlantic also.............

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 02:19 AM
. . .


What a douche.

There are, literally, thousands of markets waiting in the wings to pioneer... and he spends billions to, basically, give Fate the middle finger.

He could be out there using all of his renowned business sense to pioneer common-place, practical/affordable subterranean construction (will be a huge market in the next 15-25 years), stable industry in South America (not tied to drugs... South America will be a key player in the coming 50 years, if a quiet one).

Not your typical: "He could be doing this with his money" rant... but I'm not a hippie douche, either.
Good, responsible business that addresses the needs of the market makes the world a better place. Indiscriminate handouts do nothing.

I mean... he couldn't even build a fancy, cutting-edge toy from an emerging manufacturer.... he had to choose a Chinese manufacturer to build what amounts to 'more of the same.' .... Dumb.

But - it's his money. A fool and his money and his decision... ill-advised as it may be.

Still - you won't find me aboard that ship. Commissioning a "# you" to fate and mother nature, historically, leads to very bad things that I'd rather not be a part of.

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 03:14 AM
reply to post by Qumulys

Hi Qumulys, re your post "Since when have planes been able to build ships??? " I read elsewhere "he aint no plane, blimp maybe, tank maybe and he also claims that the CIA is financing the Greens down here in Oz. BIG loudmouthed money vacuum cleaner who doesn't want to share what he has with normal people". I can see Oz going down the tubes if ever the Libs get in power. They have openly said that they will target the lesser off people in the community but unfortunately, the masses are falling for their leaders negativity and sleezy lies and can't see what his statements really mean.

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 03:24 AM

Originally posted by ignorant_ape
reply to post by CrimsonKapital

one question - what height will the water-tight bulkheads reach too ?

Was my thought as well. Making a replica with the same problems as the first one?

Its kind of a nice idea, but a complete waste of money and tempting fate to boot.

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 03:44 AM
reply to post by steve1709

Australia is already going down the tubes.

We need to get out somehow. And i don't think Mrs Gillard can do it.

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 05:55 AM

Originally posted by ignorant_ape
reply to post by CrimsonKapital

one question - what height will the water-tight bulkheads reach too ?

LMFAO, yes it will be an EXACT replica. I guess that sums it up.

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 05:58 AM

Originally posted by gimme_some_truth
This is actually really cool.

I've also thought it would be a cool idea to build a full size floating replica of the original titanic, for people to pay to go on and tour or what have you....I don't guess anyone has done that, but if I had the money, I would.

Anyway, a Titanic 2 with modern accommodations and what not?? Very interesting idea. Let's just hope it's maiden voyage goes better and they are able more prepared to handle emergencies!

But this "Titanic II" will be an exact replica of the original. I think however third steerage will be made to look nicer than what they were on titanic, but nevertheless it will be the same all the way down to the tablecloths.

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 06:08 AM
Wow...Hope he gets good warranty on it...Hmmm hope the Chinese have their sizing worked out also...Have you tried on any clothes made in China, certainly smaller than one usually expects the size of the clothes to be...The quality is just not as good as other countries as well...Oh and are the Chinese going to have to import all the metals etc needed....

To the other point of Charlie for P.M., surely he couldn't be any worse than the other clowns we have surely.

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 06:11 AM
You won't get me going near it. The Titanic was cursed. Mr Palmer should know to leave well enough alone, where things like that are concerned.

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 06:24 AM
Just doesn't feel right.

While from a purely practical perspective its no different to other floating theme parks, it seems in poor taste.

Its also as far from the pioneering spirit that built the original as its possible to be. We are now at the point of even copying our failures for a quick buck. Thats sad.

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 07:23 AM
reply to post by CrimsonKapital

A big disaster is due on one of these ships and it could be this one in 4 or 5 years time.... wouldnt surprise me in the least.... things repeat themselves they say and just look at whats happening with the possibility of WWIII, nearly 100 years have passed since WWI

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 10:49 AM
reply to post by CrimsonKapital

While we're at it, let's rebuild the Hindenberg, the Mary Celeste, and the Hunley.

Doesn't anyone else find this a little....macabre? No offense, OP, its an interesting story but something about it gives me the creeps.

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 11:30 AM
Make sure to get yourself a 1st class ticket.

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 12:13 PM
Very cool. I just hope it doesn't turn out to be a disaster. I would buy a ticket if I had money for a vacation... I still do not have health insurance, but very nice that some people in the world have this kind of money to blow at a whims notice. Maybe if I stop working so hard I can get free food and health care.

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 12:40 PM
reply to post by CrimsonKapital

Wow and here I thought nobody was dumb enough to do somthing really dumb to fulfill so stupid idea....ect...

I know gibbarish so is this Billion dollar moron. First the Titanic was a lousy ship to begin with, narrow decks, bad turning OH YEAH and in SANK IN THE OCEAN!

Second: what has been up with ALL the coverage of this long dead ship? I know 100 years blah blah.... BUT its everywhere my morning paper, the news, and James "OH what a pretty boat I have" Camerran going diving (not titanic thank god) but still.

Third: MADE IN CHINA stamped on EVERYTHING is not authentic
I hope the pipes are made of lead and he and his fellow billon dollar idiots get dumber from that before hitting an iceberg

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 12:40 PM
I wonder if this will actually come to fruition. There were I think 3 attempts to do the same thing shortly after the blockbuster movie came out, essentially trying to cash in. Now that the movie is out again in 3D, seems to be more of the same.

Last info I read is that making a fairly exact replica would be an engineering challenge because the shape/size/volume might not easily accomedate all the necessary modern equipment. Also the hull design would NOT be near as stable as current cruise liners, I suppose it could look different under the water line.

Oh well, we will see.

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 01:39 PM
He is planning a fleet of luxury liners. He is using the anniversary of the Titanic as a coincidental convenient free advertising which you (we) are all contributing to. So might I suggest we end the thread here and don't give him the satisfaction........he's rich enough without using us for his free adverts.

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 02:01 PM
Iceberg, right ahead!!
edit on 30-4-2012 by TheProphetMark because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 02:05 PM
Do you guys know why the first Titanic sank?

It sank in 1912 when elite bankers thought of the threat of centralized banking
They were against it while the odds were against them somewhat

They were on the titanic, it sank in 1912
One year later, in 1913 the Federal Reserves is erected!

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 02:44 PM
reply to post by CrimsonKapital

it's titanic 2. so the second voyage would probably be doomed. or anyone after that.

if you're a gambling man, there would probably be no better thrill than making it out alive after boarding the titanic 2.

i mean, every flickering light bulb you suddenly see and every metal clank you hear would send your heart racing.

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