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9/11 Coincidences and Questions

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posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 01:21 PM

Originally posted by BourneConspiracy
Taken from the same video, again a direct quote, meaning that both towers were standing when the explosions he thinks he felt happened.

There may not have been any explosions, but he certainly thinks there were.

You almost certainly have seen the multitudes of video taken throughout the day so you certainly have to know the WTC 7 building was quite close to the towers, and you definitely have to know that after the planes had hit every video camera and every reporter in a five mile radius was watching what was happening intently. Doesn't it seem a tad odd to you that out of some, what, 250,000 people in downtowm Manhattan, there's only ONE person who witnessed a massive explosion that "made the lobby look like King Kong came by and destroyed it" *before* the north tower fell? Heck, not even the guy he was trapped in the building with said any such thing.

What concerns me is that this entire interview of Jennings came from that self serving con artist Dylan Avery so it logically makes more sense that a known conspiracy con artist was milking someone's off the cuff verbal statement to instigate abject paranoia than it was that the gov't was zapping everyone in lower Manhattan with mind control rays to make them not notice the explosions, or the gov't was using silent explosives that violate the laws of physics.

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 01:34 PM
reply to post by SimontheMagus

Tsk calling. Direct T&C violation.

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 01:59 PM

Originally posted by vipertech0596
reply to post by SimontheMagus

Tsk calling. Direct T&C violation.

Not to mention, how suspiciously similar his posts are to that 4hero character, with "shill" this and "shill" that.

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 02:27 PM

Originally posted by BourneConspiracy
reply to post by Alfie1

Jennings, who said: "When we made it back to the 8th floor, . . . both buildings were still standing."

That's taken from the Barry Jennings Uncut video, from the man himself, after he said he experience the second of explosion in WTC7.

Just before that, the below quote,

"When I got to the 6th floor, there was an explosion. That's what forced us back to the 8th floor. Both buildings were still standing."

Taken from the same video, again a direct quote, meaning that both towers were standing when the explosions he thinks he felt happened.

There may not have been any explosions, but he certainly thinks there were.

No, it doesn't mean both towers were standing when Barry Jennings and Michael Hess were trapped. All you have is Barry surmising and you are elevating that to gospel. So far as I am aware Barry never claimed to have seen either tower after entering WTC 7. Don't forget this is a man who talked of walking out through the lobby of WTC 7 over dead bodies and then retracted it so we shouldn't hang on every word.

You can't get away from the fact that Barry must have been in the OEM on the 23rd floor when the South Tower fell because that is when the power went out and they couldn't use the elevator to descend. If the South Tower was still standing and the power was still on why on earth would they be going down the stairs at all ?

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 02:46 PM
reply to post by Alfie1

If the South Tower was still standing and the power was still on why on earth would they be going down the stairs at all ?

Are you kidding me?
What part of common sense don't you understand?

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by samkent
reply to post by Alfie1

If the South Tower was still standing and the power was still on why on earth would they be going down the stairs at all ?

Are you kidding me?
What part of common sense don't you understand?

You are going to have to explain your objection to me.

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 03:42 PM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

You're right, maybe Dylan exploited Jennings story just for his own "9/11 was an inside job" BS, but I also note that Jennings said on the same day the towers fell, that he believed he experienced explosions in WTC 7, before Avery made Loose Change 5 years later and interviewed Jennings. And also, I am not talking about his death, I am talking about what he states he witnessed. I never once said his death was a direct result to his testimony of 9/11. And I literally could not care less for Loose Change, I am just noting what Jennings said from his own accounts.

In fact I am not a massive fan of Dylan at all, considering how immature he was whilst conducting various interviews.

As for the previous poster, that stated that Barry Jennings didn't know for sure that the towers were still standing when he experienced the explosion. I say again, he is on record saying after the explosion they experienced on the 6th floor, he says quite clearly, both Towers were still standing. Then when he reached the 8th floor, firemen ran away twice, because of the towers falling AFTER Jennings experienced the explosions.

I Link this again, which is a nice side by side comparison of Jennings side of the story, against NIST's side of the story

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 04:14 PM

Originally posted by BourneConspiracy
reply to post by GoodOlDave

You're right, maybe Dylan exploited Jennings story just for his own "9/11 was an inside job" BS, but I also note that Jennings said on the same day the towers fell, that he believed he experienced explosions in WTC 7, before Avery made Loose Change 5 years later and interviewed Jennings. And also, I am not talking about his death, I am talking about what he states he witnessed. I never once said his death was a direct result to his testimony of 9/11. And I literally could not care less for Loose Change, I am just noting what Jennings said from his own accounts.

...but that of course begs the question- if the "explosions" Jennings witnessed happened at literally the same time that the north tower fell, and since it's a documentable fact that wreckage from the north tower did bash up WTC 7 when it fell, which would be more likely- that some unknown sinister cabal planted explosives in WTC 7 and timed them to go off precisely at the same time the north tower collapsed and bashed up WTC 7 with wreckage, or, the explosions Jennings heard and WTC 7 being bashed up by wreckage from the collapsing north tower were one and the same?

Now, thanks to Avery and his ilk, people are now required to define exactly what an "explosion" is, lest they begin arguing over the differences between a really loud BANG caused by the wreckage impact vs the really loud BANG from explosives. To illustrate- a few years ago the electrical transformer in the building across the street from where I worked overheated and blew up like a bomb, setting the building on fire. Is this an "explosion" or is it a "really loud BANG", and how loud does a really loud BANG have to be before it can be referred to as an explosion?

Ridiculous? Anal retentive and trivial? Perhaps...but then don't blame me. Avery is the one attempting to drop innuendo of impropriety over what an explosion is that;s instigating the debate to begin with.

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 04:22 PM
reply to post by BourneConspiracy

How do you account for Barry and Michael Hess going down the stairs of WTC 7 if both towers were still standing ? Why didn't they go down in an elevator ? We know the power wasn't cut off untill the South Tower collapsed at 09.59.

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

"When I got to the 6th floor, there was an explosion. That's what forced us back to the 8th floor."

"When we made it back to the 8th floor, . . . both buildings were still standing."

By Jennings accounts then, the explosion he experienced could not have possible been from the collapse of the towers, as they were still standing once he returned to the 8th floor.

I'm literally only going by what Jennings says. I don't care for Dylan, and I don't care for what Dylan says or does. This conversation is about Jennings accounts. And above are two quotes from Jennings.
True. They're both quotes from Barry Jennings uncut which Dylan was involved BUT these are quotes from Jennings, not Dylan.

The first quote is from Barry Jennings Uncut Part 2 @ 5:08
The second is from Barry Jennings Uncut Part 2 @ 4:52

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 04:34 PM
reply to post by Alfie1

Because that account may be wrong. Jennings states that they both arrived on the 23rd floor just after the srtike on the north tower.

As we saw earlier, however, Jennings said that they had arrived at the OEM center shortly after the strike on the North Tower, hence around 9:00 AM. He added, in fact, that he had to have been on the 23rd floor "when the second plane hit."

This is taken from his quote made in Barry Jennings Uncut Part 2 @ 0:20.

This then implies that if Jennings account is correct, he was on the 23rd floor well before the strike on the North Tower or the collapse of the South Tower.

edit on 30-4-2012 by BourneConspiracy because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 04:43 PM

Originally posted by BourneConspiracy
reply to post by Alfie1

Because that account may be wrong. Jennings states that they both arrived on the 23rd floor just after the srtike on the north tower.

As we saw earlier, however, Jennings said that they had arrived at the OEM center shortly after the strike on the North Tower, hence around 9:00 AM. He added, in fact, that he had to have been on the 23rd floor "when the second plane hit."

This is taken from his quote made in Barry Jennings Uncut Part 2 @ 0:20.

This then implies that if Jennings account is correct, he was on the 23rd floor well before the strike on the North Tower or the collapse of the South Tower.

Read all of that it makes no sense. That last line says before north tower strike when the quote already say after north tower strike.


posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 04:46 PM
reply to post by psikeyhackr

Yeah that's my mistake, it's late here. He was clearly on the 23rd around the time the strike occurred on the North Tower. I won't edit it, considering it was an honest mistake. But he definitely was on the 23rd floor before 9:59, by his own account.

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 04:53 PM

Originally posted by BourneConspiracy
reply to post by Alfie1

Because that account may be wrong. Jennings states that they both arrived on the 23rd floor just after the srtike on the north tower.

As we saw earlier, however, Jennings said that they had arrived at the OEM center shortly after the strike on the North Tower, hence around 9:00 AM. He added, in fact, that he had to have been on the 23rd floor "when the second plane hit."

This is taken from his quote made in Barry Jennings Uncut Part 2 @ 0:20.

This then implies that if Jennings account is correct, he was on the 23rd floor well before the strike on the North Tower or the collapse of the South Tower.

edit on 30-4-2012 by BourneConspiracy because: (no reason given)

You seem to be taking every word of Barry Jennings as gospel and he did say that he and Michael Hess had to go down the stairs because the power was out to the elevators. The power was cut off at the same time the South Tower fell ergo I can't see any alternative but they were in the OEM when that tower came down.

If you say the account may be wrong are you saying they didn't go down the stairs, that Barry has that wrong and the reason for it ?

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 05:04 PM
reply to post by Alfie1

Well I take his words with a pinch of salt, but still, he was witness to what happened.

NIST implied it took Jennings and Hess 29 minutes to get from the 23rd to the 6th floor. Well this is unlikey if quoting Jennings

I wanted to get out of that building in a hurry, so I started, instead of taking one step at a time, I'm jumping landings."

This is taken from the extended BBC interview in 2008 called The Third Tower @ 12:06.

This means that NIST implied it took Jennings & Hess around 30 minutes to travel 17 flights of steps, which, when you're "jumping landings" wouldn't be the case. So NIST may very well be wrong.

I agree with you that he may be remembering wrong, or accounting the events poorly, but he was there, his testimony is the only one we can go by.
edit on 30-4-2012 by BourneConspiracy because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 05:06 PM
reply to post by Wonderer2012

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 08:28 PM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave

Originally posted by BourneConspiracy
reply to post by GoodOlDave

You're right, maybe Dylan exploited Jennings story just for his own "9/11 was an inside job" BS, but I also note that Jennings said on the same day the towers fell, that he believed he experienced explosions in WTC 7, before Avery made Loose Change 5 years later and interviewed Jennings. And also, I am not talking about his death, I am talking about what he states he witnessed. I never once said his death was a direct result to his testimony of 9/11. And I literally could not care less for Loose Change, I am just noting what Jennings said from his own accounts.

...but that of course begs the question- if the "explosions" Jennings witnessed happened at literally the same time that the north tower fell, and since it's a documentable fact that wreckage from the north tower did bash up WTC 7 when it fell, which would be more likely- that some unknown sinister cabal planted explosives in WTC 7 and timed them to go off precisely at the same time the north tower collapsed and bashed up WTC 7 with wreckage, or, the explosions Jennings heard and WTC 7 being bashed up by wreckage from the collapsing north tower were one and the same?

Now, thanks to Avery and his ilk, people are now required to define exactly what an "explosion" is, lest they begin arguing over the differences between a really loud BANG caused by the wreckage impact vs the really loud BANG from explosives. To illustrate- a few years ago the electrical transformer in the building across the street from where I worked overheated and blew up like a bomb, setting the building on fire. Is this an "explosion" or is it a "really loud BANG", and how loud does a really loud BANG have to be before it can be referred to as an explosion?

Ridiculous? Anal retentive and trivial? Perhaps...but then don't blame me. Avery is the one attempting to drop innuendo of impropriety over what an explosion is that;s instigating the debate to begin with.

Do you not find it strange that the Marriot Hotel, which was smaller than WTC7, and closer to the towers than WTC7, did NOT collapse!?! Yes part of it was heavily damaged due to being the closest building, but alas, it did not collapse, even though it took a bigger hit than WTC!

Can you give me your opinion on the Marriot hotel seeing as you seem to be such an 'expert' on this subject...

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 08:56 PM
reply to post by purplemer

And on my last deployment to Iraq, the base ran a drill to see how we would react to a rocket hitting the base. Five minutes into the drill, a rocket came screaming over the wire......your point is......

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 09:35 PM

Originally posted by 4hero

Do you not find it strange that the Marriot Hotel, which was smaller than WTC7, and closer to the towers than WTC7, did NOT collapse!?! Yes part of it was heavily damaged due to being the closest building, but alas, it did not collapse, even though it took a bigger hit than WTC!

Can you give me your opinion on the Marriot hotel seeing as you seem to be such an 'expert' on this subject...

You mean this Marriott Hotel?

Yeah, a few screen doors and a couple of cans of paint and she's good to go!

Can we see a "before" picture?

Oh yeah, the building is just fine! Surprised they didnt reopen the next day!

I recall a skit from Monty Python: "Tis just a flesh wound!"
edit on 4/30/2012 by GenRadek because: because

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 10:33 PM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave

Originally posted by BourneConspiracy
Taken from the same video, again a direct quote, meaning that both towers were standing when the explosions he thinks he felt happened.

There may not have been any explosions, but he certainly thinks there were.

Doesn't it seem a tad odd to you that out of some, what, 250,000 people in downtowm Manhattan, there's only ONE person who witnessed a massive explosion that "made the lobby look like King Kong came by and destroyed it" *before* the north tower fell? Heck, not even the guy he was trapped in the building with said any such thing.

You mean, you haven't seen any of this video where witnesses report explosions? ...

interviews start around 3:45

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