posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 02:30 PM
reply to post by f16falcon
1. It is Illuminati
2. You could simply type it into google and it will literally find you over a hundred thousand sites describing what it is
3. They are an elite group of people who control the world, or so we believe.
People believe that and I understand where they are coming from. We think they are a group of elite people who are all friends and want world
domination. But if I learned one thing through knowledge and experience is no matter how much you plan you never plan for the unknown.
What I mean is that past history shows that the system these guys use to manipulate will eventually fall. The reason is all these gentlemen want the
power. But who will rule if a New World Order appears?
Once a snake always a snake. I think they will betray and back stab each other if their plans come to light.