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New chemtrail patents list: The programs and research continues...

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posted on May, 1 2012 @ 04:43 PM
reply to post by Aloysius the Gaul

Why not consider that chemtrails are supposedly being sprayed by civilian planes, all over the world, every day, and yet there is not one single piece of verifiable evidence to support their existence. not one credible whistleblower. not one "secret" paper, not one bill of lading, not one unexplained truck filling up an aircraft with an unknown substance, not one fuel sample containing anything untoward, not one ground handler with an MSDS for whatever it is that the "chem" supposedly is.

Because commercial airliners have their weight and balance measured to the pound for cost and fuel use optimiation. For example you know that airliners don’t leave with full fuel tanks almost never. The fuel amounts are to cover time enroute plus 30 mins or 45 mins if going over oceans. Every pound in the air costs money and airliners are pinching every penny possible and still going bankrupt. Them “Chem” to which you refer may be nothing more than dust and water. It is the operation and the supposed need for secrecy that worries me.

chemtrails are regularly and usually identified by people worldwide as coming from civilian aircraft -including in your own OP!!!!!!
Good grief can you not even manage a coherent story??

You clearly arent reading what Im writing. Also you are claiming I am saying things I am not... For example You claim that in my OP I say that they are being used by commercial airliners... I have re-read it and cannot find what you are talking about... please copy paste where you find it put it in bold. I dont see anywhere in the OP where I said that.

So how are they poisoning us at ground level then??

Like I have said many times throughout this thread… they are NOT poisoning us at ground level. At least not directly/intentionally. There is some evidence that substances which may be being used like aluminum can have long term negative health effects. But again like I have said … the goal of chemtrails is not to kill humans. Got it yet?

And sure you're not likely to just pop down to the airport to pick up a plane - but you could run a campaign to garner subscriptions to charter an aircraft capable of sampling air at those altitudes. $50,000 was raised to make "What in the world are they spraying" - why can't a similar amount be raised to perform this most obvious of testing????

That would be like getting a plane together and going up and chasing a B2 bomber. Ok you think thats easy. First you have to get ATC clearance which they will never give you to chase a government secret operations aircraft. Yeah sure. Difficulty level rivals that of breaking into Area 51 .

BTW not all airspace above 18,000 feet is controlled -

(a) CLASS A AIRSPACE AREA. Generally, that airspace from 18,000 feet MSL up to and including FL 600, including the airspace overlying the waters within 12 nautical miles (NM) of the coast of the 48 contiguous States and Alaska. Unless otherwise authorized, all persons must operate their aircraft under IFR.
- FAA's designation of airspace classes

That's from 18,000 feet to FL600 - which is 60,000 feet. Above 60,000 feet the airspace is not controlled at all.

Regarding "Class A" airspace which you claim is uncontrolled... You clearly arent a aviator and have no idea what you are talking about. "Class A: All operations must be conducted under IFR or SVFR.[1] All aircraft are subject to ATC clearance. All flights are separated from each other by ATC."
WIKI: Airspace Class

This reply of yours has convinced me that I am completely correct - instead of doing the obvious thing and actually organising to do the obvious testing of you suspicions you are only concerned with making excuses why you will not actually test chemtrails.


posted on May, 1 2012 @ 04:47 PM

Originally posted by smurfy
Depopulation in geoegineering is neither here or there. Be advised, chemtrailing will be done if deemed necessary, what do you think all these 'proposed' methods are about, they are not a joke, it is deadly serious. The vast majority of those scientists and their proposals all point to geoengineering as the simplest, and easiest way to combat global warming. More than that, once it is started, (in a serious manner) when is it going to stop?

Simple answer is most likely never, given the acknowlegement to AGW, global warming blah blah. More than that, the kyoto agreement for instance, is the fiscal way of doing things in a different, but very expensive, perhaps gentler way, with no guarantees, (there are none anyway) as nobody really know the ultimate outcome will be.

Oh I am not joking about any of this. If there is this amount of study, plan development, secrecy, and patents then there at least is a threat dire enough to warrant the creation of such technologies.

Have we come to this: Force to maintain cloudy days to control Global temps? If warming continues they will need to increase the Geoengineering. The balance will be ever more weighted... and one day when it all snaps back into place the shift will be that much more violent.

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 05:28 PM
reply to post by AllSeeingI

I appreciate people like you that does their home- work and knows what they're talking about. don't give up. I have your threads now linked to mine.

To the people that will deny deny deny even when you point put the obvious...I think it's an ego thing...can't stand to b proven wrong...or dis-info agents.

I caught a chem and con flying side by side....I caught a chem turning his spray off ( or ran ouy)in mid air....and people still deny deny...u get the picture! Ha

Ty for finding this evidence...very cool!

edit on 1-5-2012 by tracehd1 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 05:36 PM

Originally posted by AllSeeingI
reply to post by Aloysius the Gaul

Why not consider that chemtrails are supposedly being sprayed by civilian planes, all over the world, every day, and yet there is not one single piece of verifiable evidence to support their existence. not one credible whistleblower. not one "secret" paper, not one bill of lading, not one unexplained truck filling up an aircraft with an unknown substance, not one fuel sample containing anything untoward, not one ground handler with an MSDS for whatever it is that the "chem" supposedly is.

Because commercial airliners have their weight and balance measured to the pound for cost and fuel use optimiation. For example you know that airliners don’t leave with full fuel tanks almost never. The fuel amounts are to cover time enroute plus 30 mins or 45 mins if going over oceans. Every pound in the air costs money and airliners are pinching every penny possible and still going bankrupt. Them “Chem” to which you refer may be nothing more than dust and water. It is the operation and the supposed need for secrecy that worries me.

chemtrails are regularly and usually identified by people worldwide as coming from civilian aircraft -including in your own OP!!!!!!
Good grief can you not even manage a coherent story??

You clearly arent reading what Im writing. Also you are claiming I am saying things I am not... For example You claim that in my OP I say that they are being used by commercial airliners... I have re-read it and cannot find what you are talking about... please copy paste where you find it put it in bold. I dont see anywhere in the OP where I said that.

So how are they poisoning us at ground level then??

Like I have said many times throughout this thread… they are NOT poisoning us at ground level. At least not directly/intentionally. There is some evidence that substances which may be being used like aluminum can have long term negative health effects. But again like I have said … the goal of chemtrails is not to kill humans. Got it yet?

And sure you're not likely to just pop down to the airport to pick up a plane - but you could run a campaign to garner subscriptions to charter an aircraft capable of sampling air at those altitudes. $50,000 was raised to make "What in the world are they spraying" - why can't a similar amount be raised to perform this most obvious of testing????

That would be like getting a plane together and going up and chasing a B2 bomber. Ok you think thats easy. First you have to get ATC clearance which they will never give you to chase a government secret operations aircraft. Yeah sure. Difficulty level rivals that of breaking into Area 51 .

BTW not all airspace above 18,000 feet is controlled -

(a) CLASS A AIRSPACE AREA. Generally, that airspace from 18,000 feet MSL up to and including FL 600, including the airspace overlying the waters within 12 nautical miles (NM) of the coast of the 48 contiguous States and Alaska. Unless otherwise authorized, all persons must operate their aircraft under IFR.
- FAA's designation of airspace classes

That's from 18,000 feet to FL600 - which is 60,000 feet. Above 60,000 feet the airspace is not controlled at all.

Regarding "Class A" airspace which you claim is uncontrolled... You clearly arent a aviator and have no idea what you are talking about. "Class A: All operations must be conducted under IFR or SVFR.[1] All aircraft are subject to ATC clearance. All flights are separated from each other by ATC."
WIKI: Airspace Class

This reply of yours has convinced me that I am completely correct - instead of doing the obvious thing and actually organising to do the obvious testing of you suspicions you are only concerned with making excuses why you will not actually test chemtrails.


You said: "Like I have said many times throughout this thread… they are NOT poisoning us at ground level. At least not directly/intentionally. There is some evidence that substances which may be being used like aluminum can have long term negative health effects. But again like I have said … the goal of chemtrails is not to kill humans. Got it yet? "

I saw a vid of a man that says they been spraying a lot over his house....he's been able to collect partials from the air...have you heard? He's sent them off to be soon as I hear anything....I'll get back to you.

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 05:43 PM
I believe this is what they are doing. I believe this is Chemtrails

Stratospheric sulfate aerosols (Geoengineering)

The ability of stratospheric sulfate aerosols to create a global dimming effect has made them a possible candidate for use in Geoengineering projects to limit the effect and impact of climate change due to rising levels of greenhouse gases

According to estimates by the Council on Foreign Relations, "one kilogram of well placed sulfur in the stratosphere would roughly offset the warming effect of several hundred thousand kilograms of carbon dioxide."

The low-tech nature of this approach has led commentators to suggest it will cost less than many other interventions. Costs cannot be derived in a wholly objective fashion, as pricing can only be roughly estimated at an early stage. However, an assessment reported in Newscientist suggests it would be cheap relative to cutting emissions. According to Paul Crutzen annual cost of enough stratospheric sulfur injections to counteract effects of doubling CO2 concentrations would be $25–50 billion a year.This is over 100 times cheaper than producing the same temperature change by reducing CO2 emissions

If it is potentially the most cost-effective method, wouldnt it be logically that they are experimenting? But then why the secrecy? Is the situation so dire they fear panic if the truth got out?

Delivery of particles into the lower stratosphere will typically ensure that they remain aloft only for a few weeks or months.[19] To ensure endurance, high-level delivery is needed, ensuring a typical endurance of several years.

You see. Chemtrails do not spray onto the ground. In fact the goal is to keep them airborne for as long as possible. Months... Years even.

Various techniques have been proposed for delivering the aerosol precursor gases (H2S and SO2).[2] The required altitude to enter the stratosphere is the height of the tropopause, which varies from 11 km (6.8 miles/36,000 feet) at the poles to 17 km (11 miles/58,000 feet) at the equator.

Like I said.

Aircraft such as the F15-C variant of the F-15 Eagle have the necessary flight ceiling, but limited payload. Military tanker aircraft such as the KC-135 Stratotanker and KC-10 Extender also have the necessary ceiling and have greater payload.

I have said I suspected the aircraft I witnesses was a KC-10 or KC-135 all white or gray color aircraft spraying. The military has many of these aircraft.

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 08:22 AM
ATS THREAD: Geoengineering: Science Advisor to Obama says Chemtrails will save Earth

Digg: Obama’s Science Adviser Says Chemtrails Will Save the Planet

John Holdren , Obama’s Science Adviser believes that geo-engineering will assist the planet is stabilizing its weather with regard to global warming.

Holdren sees geo-engineering as a perfectly viable way to cool the planet’s temperature. He fully supports the process of releasing particles of barium, magnesium, aluminum, nano-fibers, bacillus blood spores and other chemicals to reflect sunlight away from the Earth.

In an article released in the Council of Foreign Relations Journal by the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the organization praised the use of heavy metals into our atmosphere to combat global warming.

edit on (5/2/12) by AllSeeingI because: format

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 12:45 PM
link : Chemtrails

Chemtrails - "Tic Tac Toe" grid

Aurora Flight Sciences - Geoengineering Cost Estimate - October 2010

The Regulation of Geoengineering - March 2010

United Nations science body calls for halt on climate-hacking experiments

Stratospheric sulfate aerosols (geoengineering)

Stratospheric sulfur aerosols

Chemtrail conspiracy theory

This video was taken on February 16th, 2009 just outside of Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

I was out for a walk, when I witnessed 4 jets orchestrate this
tic-tac-toe chemtrail manoeuvre overhead. I only wish I had my video
camera with me, because to actually watch this happen in a period of 30
minutes, was truly something to witness. I did manage to capture the
finished product.

URGENT: NASA Contrail Education Website
I found this unbelieveable that NASA has to put up a website defending
"contrails".... they are spreading half truths and trying desperately to
brainwash the masses.

Concerned citizens paid for this full page ad in Redding, California


Morgellons: Terrifying New Disease Reaching Pandemic Status



The Ultimate CHEMTRUTH: Chemtrails, Morgellons Disease, and Global Depopulation;
This updated hard-hitting video presentation compiles several of the most
recent reports on Chemtrails, and the epidemic outbreak of Morgellon's
disease coast to coast. The Ultimate CHEMTRUTH version contains extended
news coverage, and other information which anybody interested in
knowing the truth about Chemtrails must not miss!! Politically aware
individuals will understand the connection between this documented
activity, and the proven 'End Game' theories of patriots such as Alex
Jones, Anthony J. Hilder, Phil Schneider (RIP), and many others, as well
as the 'Zeitgeist' religious conspiracy (which has been carried out
upon humanity for millennium by the apex echelon of dynastic elite).

Discovery Investigates Chemtrails;
This special program of the show "BEST EVIDENCE" was broadcasted August
10th, 2007. It looks at those who claim that jet fuel of commercial and
military aircrafts contain secret experimental additives, such as
aluminum oxide, for weather modification purposes. The scientific theory
behind this claim is that such additives could act like small mirrors
to reflect sun rays, thus, slowing down the coming disastrous effects of
global warming and climate change. Those who make this conclusion also
say that some of these alleged experimental jet fuel additives can harm
the health of plants, animals and humans, even if there was a positive
intent behind them to help slow down global warming.

Chemtrails: on the trail of our assassins;
Celia and Bill Abram, retired public school teachers, have been watching
chemtrails since late 1998. A former meteorological observer with the
Canadian Dept. of Transportation, Bill Abram knew early on that the
chemtrails did not match his observations of cirrus or alto stratus or
'mare's tails' or anything else. It was chemtrails, not contrails, that
was obscuring the sky.

Anti-Chemtrail Commercial on TV
Source Webpage:

edit on (5/2/12) by AllSeeingI because: spelling

edit on (5/2/12) by AllSeeingI because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 07:21 PM
reply to post by AllSeeingI

Oh, Gawd! Inundating, again>.........

In this thread, is this supposed to be anything "new"?? Because, there isn't!!

It is the same old, same old the misinformed and undereducated, and those who simply cannot understand the actual science, and also a good dose of the intentionally produced junk that is made-up by the small industry of charlatans who promote this part of their "business" of selling this snake oil.

But, of course, by this "blanket effect" sort of thread post, it becomes virtually impractical to properly reply, point by point by point. (And, it is repetitive in the extreme, in any case).

Persistent spreading contrails have been reported for dozens of decades....this didn't just all "begin" in the 1990s!

The video that was somewhat "new" was the one with the two old retired Canadian school teachers....which, by the way, gives them NO scientific authority. They even mention that they "heard" about it, and like so, so, so many others who are equally ill-informed, they fell for the nonsense.

Let me try some logic, again. Could someone do a little math? Take the total surface area of the regions allegedly "affected" any country, or group of countries you wish.

Then, calculate the quantities of some "substance" that would be required to achieve all of these silly claims of "chemtrailing".

One must also try to find some proof of a fleet of airplanes that could be "dedicated" to this.....because, the OP is now admitting that the so-called "chemtrails" are not "produced" by civilian airliners.

FACT is, the contrails (those things that are misidentified as "chemtrails") are made, when conditions are favorable, by any jet, civil or military. And, they are exactly the same, in terms of what they are composed of......mostly ice particles. (and normal pollution resulting from burning the fuel, much as a diesel truck will produce). The resulting contrails are virtually indistinguishable, in composition, from cirrus clouds, which can occur quite naturally.

So, you could refer to contrails as "artificial cirrus".....but, they certainly are not "intentionally". Just a by-product of normal technology.

PS: There is FAR more material already present in the atmosphere than could ever be lofted in just one day, in an is called "water vapor"....and, it's there every day, and night.

edit on Wed 2 May 2012 by ProudBird because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 08:09 PM

Originally posted by AllSeeingI
reply to post by Aloysius the Gaul

Why not consider that chemtrails are supposedly being sprayed by civilian planes, all over the world, every day, and yet there is not one single piece of verifiable evidence to support their existence. not one credible whistleblower. not one "secret" paper, not one bill of lading, not one unexplained truck filling up an aircraft with an unknown substance, not one fuel sample containing anything untoward, not one ground handler with an MSDS for whatever it is that the "chem" supposedly is.

Because commercial airliners have their weight and balance measured to the pound for cost and fuel use optimiation. For example you know that airliners don’t leave with full fuel tanks almost never. The fuel amounts are to cover time enroute plus 30 mins or 45 mins if going over oceans. Every pound in the air costs money and airliners are pinching every penny possible and still going bankrupt. Them “Chem” to which you refer may be nothing more than dust and water. It is the operation and the supposed need for secrecy that worries me.

Like I said - lots of chemtrail believers disagree with you - they tell us that civilian aircraft are spraying stuff all over the place every day.

chemtrails are regularly and usually identified by people worldwide as coming from civilian aircraft -including in your own OP!!!!!!
Good grief can you not even manage a coherent story??

You clearly arent reading what Im writing. Also you are claiming I am saying things I am not... For example You claim that in my OP I say that they are being used by commercial airliners... I have re-read it and cannot find what you are talking about... please copy paste where you find it put it in bold. I dont see anywhere in the OP where I said that.

In your OP you provided a link to an old thread you authored with the following text:

Chemtrails Flights Exposed - Evergreen Aviation (A CIA Front)

Here's a list of Evergreen civilian aircraft registrations:

FAA registration database search for "Evergreen International"

What non-civilian aircraft do they operate?

PS please note I said you mentioned a civilian aircraft, not civilian airliners. I'm sure you appreciate the difference.

So how are they poisoning us at ground level then??

Like I have said many times throughout this thread… they are NOT poisoning us at ground level. At least not directly/intentionally. There is some evidence that substances which may be being used like aluminum can have long term negative health effects. But again like I have said … the goal of chemtrails is not to kill humans. Got it yet?

So you say - and yet many, many chemtrail believers say otherwise - why should anyone b

$50,000 was raised to make "What in the world are they spraying" - why can't a similar amount be raised to perform this most obvious of testing????

That would be like getting a plane together and going up and chasing a B2 bomber. Ok you think thats easy. First you have to get ATC clearance which they will never give you to chase a government secret operations aircraft. Yeah sure. Difficulty level rivals that of breaking into Area 51

and you know this because what? you have tried?? You could sample a "chemtrail" by flying at 90 degrees to the path of the trail - no need to follow anyone.

BTW not all airspace above 18,000 feet is controlled -

(a) CLASS A AIRSPACE AREA. Generally, that airspace from 18,000 feet MSL up to and including FL 600, including the airspace overlying the waters within 12 nautical miles (NM) of the coast of the 48 contiguous States and Alaska. Unless otherwise authorized, all persons must operate their aircraft under IFR.
- FAA's designation of airspace classes

That's from 18,000 feet to FL600 - which is 60,000 feet. Above 60,000 feet the airspace is not controlled at all.

Regarding "Class A" airspace which you claim is uncontrolled...

I did not claim that - read again.

You clearly arent a aviator

I am not a pilot - however I am a LAME, and I have an ATC license holder and a Commercial Pilot Licence holder/C Cat instructor working for me, and several 20,000hr plus former 747 captains, helicopter pilots, ag pilots and amateur aircraft owners/builders working within 10-20 meters from me in an open plan office. Where I do not know something I have no trouble inquiring of them.

edit on 2-5-2012 by Aloysius the Gaul because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2018 @ 08:36 PM

Stratospheric aerosol injection tactics and costs in the first 15 years of deployment. Peer reviewed study. 11/23/2018
edit on (11/24/18) by AllSeeingI because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2018 @ 08:46 PM
a reply to: AllSeeingI

This paper is about a hypothetical program starting up in 15 years time.

Total pre-start costs to launch a hypothetical SAI effort 15 years from now are...

To further show it’s not current:

we conclude that no existing aircraft design—even with extensive modifications—can reasonably fulfill this mission

edit on 24/11/18 by Chadwickus because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2018 @ 03:55 AM

originally posted by: AllSeeingI

Stratospheric aerosol injection tactics and costs in the first 15 years of deployment. Peer reviewed study. 11/23/2018

Excellent resource for debunking chemtrails. Thanks for posting this

posted on Dec, 3 2018 @ 05:20 AM

originally posted by: AllSeeingI

Stratospheric aerosol injection tactics and costs in the first 15 years of deployment. Peer reviewed study. 11/23/2018

amazing. It says what we have all been saying. No plane exists that could do this, a new tanker has to be designed and built. Good to see you acknowledging all this.

posted on Dec, 25 2018 @ 08:34 AM
For 'awake' and 'aware' conspiracy theorists, its funny how no chemtrail believer has yet guessed that maybe they are actually supporting TPB's agenda by ensuring the focus is firmly held on relatively tiny contrails from aircraft six miles up, and no attention whatsoever is directed towards potentially far greater source much closer to home. Well done genius'

edit on 25-12-2018 by waynos because: (no reason given)

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