reply to post by Xterrain
Sadly this is just the tip of the per-verbal iceberg. The radioactive debris field form the tsunami is of concern but whats in the air and water
should be of greater concern.
The 4 reactors in Japan are along a portion of coastline where three major currents converge. One goes north along Japan and around the coast of
Alaska, down towards Canada. One feeds in to the Central Pacific, and the other feed in to the Southern Pacific.
These currents are now conveying radiation across the Pacific Ocean. And based upon radiation monitoring done by the Japanese and the Woods Hole
Oceanographic Institution radiation is spreading across the Pacific, and is not dissipating as the "experts" thought it would. The Japanese are
dumping thousands of gallons of radioactive water per day! And there is no end in sight.
Plus the Jet Stream is carrying radiation across the Pacific and dumping on us here in the United States, with the West Coast taking the bulk of the
radiation. But do not be fooled,just because your not on the West Coast doen't mean your safe, no place is immune to the long term effects
radioactive fallout.
All of this was caused by the total melt down of ONLY three nuclear reactors. Which I might add are still in total meltdown with no end in sight. As I
mentioned above there are 4 reactors that were in Japan, three are in total meltdown, the forth is so unstable structural engineers give the reactor
building an earthquake rating of ZERO, which means the vibrations from a semi-truck could bring the whole place down.
When and IF reactor 4 fails it will release so much radiation that the Japanese government is currently drawing up plans to evacuate the entire area
including Tokyo! Currently the Japanese Government is trying to by back some if its northern islands that Russia took back during WWII so they can
build place for evacuees to. Plus they are also seeing if China will allow evacuees to relocate to the "ghost cities" Northern China! This is
amazing do to the fact the Chinese hate the Japanese for what they did during WWII. Such an arrangement would require Japan to ally itself with China
and would give China a huge technological, economical and industrial boost.
So while some may say this could never happen, it might given the Japanese need a place to live (survival come first) and China would benefit greatly
for Japans knowledge and expertise, plus as an added bonus it would destroy the Japanese/US Alliance and totally shift the balance of power in the
Also you are seeing American Military Forces evacuate Okinawa and redeploy to Hawaii.
As bad as things are now they're only going to get worse with time.
You know things are bad when nuclear experts have plans to evacuate their families to the Southern Hemisphere if reactor 4 goes critical. They may be
able to run for a while but the radiation will eventually catch up to them.
In time we will see plant mutations, them small animals like mice and rabbits, then come the still born birth and deformations. And in time we will
see cancer rates sky rocket. The Human body can only take so much radiation in a single life time. Radiation exposure is cumulative, it does not
dissipate with time.
And as for the US government keeping silent about it........... I'm mad as hell! However on an intellectual level I can rationalize what they are
doing. This is a problem with no good solution and there is nowhere to run or hide, so why create a panic when there is not a damn thing we can do
about it.
So short of divine intervention we are so totally screwed.