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Cat People, Strippers and Telekinesis: Tales From Alien Abductees

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posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 10:37 AM
Cat People, Strippers and Telekinesis: Tales From Alien Abductees

The guys you’ve just been looking at are abductees – no unusual features, nothing that would cause you to look twice at them in the street. They don’t look especially enlightened, beaten down or smarter than your average bear.

Abductees are a niche outpost within this sub-culture of ufology; they belong to the world of abduction society. Some might argue that there’s no such thing as ‘abduction society’ but I’d say there is. It's a culture. Certainly, they have a number of dedicated websites, leading figures and attend the same events. They refer to the same books and talk in similar terms about what their abducting creatures mean to them. All this provides a barrier to protect their perceptions from the outside world. So we’ll find support networks and a brigade of militant posters making anonymous comments across the internet.

It’s an insular world and ripe for self-confirmation. At the same time, if anyone held the belief that they were being taken away (not by Peter Pan) by something a little more unusual, perhaps they’d also seek out others with the same ideas? Then, from within this isolated community, all manner of belief-systems will begin to grow.

This thread isn’t intended as a long run up to give abductee culture, in general, a kicking. It’s just to draw attention to the work of the photographer, Steven Hirsch, and to highlight the generic averageness of those making the claims to have been taken by so-called ET. Some of the featured stories are very hard to swallow and it's interesting to look at the wackier side of it all.

Cynthia is top left in the images and speaks of meeting all manner of critters and colours during her abductions…

I've met Salamander beings and I've met various different types of Greys. I've also met the Blue Arcturians which are incredible. They all have their own personalities and their own purposes. I've met Andromedans, the Assyrian Warriors of Light. I've met the Sirius Nephrons. I've also met the Cat People that are from Sirius. I've actually seen people that can shape shift from human looking to Reptilians.

Jeffrey describes being abducted whilst drunk in a lap-dancing bar…

"It happened eleven years ago in St. Louis, Missouri at an exotic dancing bar. I went in there to just have a few drinks and look at some strip-girls dance around the pole. And this guy comes in out of nowhere and he was black in color but he had a very strange voice. And he knew things about me that no-one in the bar knew. Like how many trips I took. He knew things I was doing. He knew when my parents were going to die and what they were going to die of… I was swept up for like three hours and they did exactly what they said they were going to do to me and then took me back to the bar and woke me up and I lost three hours in time

You’ll find several more accounts (including Travis Walton’s) at the story link and they are easily a wide variety of stories and accounts.

In Cynthia’s case, it’s very hard not to notice she’s referencing a horde of internet critters that have no provenance beyond channelers and BS artists. Assyrian Warriors of Light? Blue Arcturians? Freaking ‘cat people of Sirius?’ How could a bloody cat evolve technology when it can’t even hold a stick? Cats can’t open their own cans of food let alone fly their furry asses over here.

In Jeffrey's case, his statement tells us several things about him. He’s got a history of psychedelic drug-use, he goes to strip-bars alone, and he gets drunk (‘few drinks’) alone. Nothing wrong with that and maybe a good night every blue moon? The problem is, if Jeffrey saw a crime take place in that same strip-bar on the same night, chances are he’d be classed as an unreliable witness. Maybe he was watching the girls dancing and wishing he’d get taken away from his lonely perch at the bar?

I honestly don’t know what to think of abductees or the claims of abductees. Whilst some have genuinely reported experiences that are extremely real to them, it’d be stupid to believe that *every* claim is real. Some of these accounts are badly-imagined fiction but the accompanying photographs are a part of the social history of the sublimely ridiculous sub-culture of ufology.

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 10:45 AM
Why are so many abductees white people?

Also, the fat dude with the "they are among us" shirt, preeeeeeeetty sure he's just a crazy.

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 10:52 AM

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 10:52 AM
A nice, wacky, comedic, derogatory slant on a serious issue. Bravo, Mr. Insky.

Your schizzle usually makes sense. This thread just seems very spiteful. Perhaps I'm just tired. Apologies if I have misread.

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 10:52 AM
I just wish there were more believable stories like the barney and betty hill abductions and i believe these happened. One thing i noticed though is....

Aliens seem to never want to come to Australia. What are we? Contagious

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 10:53 AM

Originally posted by DaTroof
Why are so many abductees white people?

Also, the fat dude with the "they are among us" shirt, preeeeeeeetty sure he's just a crazy.

That shirt looks awesome!

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 10:54 AM
Here is a thread I started the other day. It is told from a scientists perspective and has some good points and not so good points.

How To Prove You've Been Abducted By Aliens

I believe humans have been abducted before, I just don't believe the majority of them. Like the people in your OP, I would have a very hard time being convinced they were abducted.

Travis Walton, Betty & Barney Hill, and the Parker & Hickson cases are much harder to disprove.

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 10:59 AM
1 and 2 look bat crazy. 3 Looks like he belongs in twilight, 4 and 5 look like their posing for a cameo role

Why do most abductees come from America and are white? More than likely they also live in the sticks where their closest neighbor is 20 miles away.

I find it hard to even start to grasp modern day abduction stories, the idea that an intelligent being from millions of light years away would only go to America and abduct an average Joe is completely nonsensical to me.

edit on 28-4-2012 by n00bUK because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 11:03 AM
Why do most abductees come from America and are white?

I suppose if aliens want to research us they want the majority to examine, not the minority. As to why they go for america. I don't know maybe they like fat people JK

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 11:07 AM
Star & Flag.

I don't give either regularly, as a lot of stuff on this site is just flat out garbage.

Check out the link in my sig, OP, you might find something there you like as well.

Really fantastic read.

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 11:13 AM
reply to post by n00bUK

I find it hard to even start to grasp modern day abduction stories, the idea that an intelligent being from millions of light years away would only go to America and abduct an average Joe is completely nonsensical to me.

I disagree, I think the idea of an Intelligent being coming from millions of light years away abducting an average joe isn't that hard to grasp in all honesty..

I mean, take us humans for example - If we want to learn about something such as another species, what do we do? We simply take it, we study it and on occasion put it back into the wild where we got it from. If, for example, an alien civilization out there discovered earth, discovered that it had other living "thing's" on it and had a way to travel here without being seen then I really don't think It's out of the question to say just they'd just do what we would undoubtedly do.. they'd take some of us, study us to learn about us that little bit better, to see how similar we may be to them, to see what we have that they don't and so on and on.

Personally I do classify myself as a real skeptic of these stories, and I know to many others abduction stories themselves may seem a little bit far-fetched as well, but the reasoning behind why they would occur is not that "out there" really, not in my opinion anyway. It's quite quite logical to me - After all, once again, we'd probably do the same thing if we could. Also, I think It's worth pointing out that abduction stories don't just come from America. They do come elsewhere.. they just don't, for whatever reason, seem to get as much attention. But just because we don't hear about something though, that doesn't mean it's not there.

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 11:18 AM
Then again maybe aliens have seen it this way.

Who is the public going to believe more? A person in the public lime light or the average Joe?

So who knows.

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 11:22 AM
reply to post by Kandinsky

Why do they all seem to have that either "deer caught in the headlights" look, or "I'm a homicidal maniac looking for my next fresh victim"look?

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 11:27 AM
Passed out in a bar is a common trait among abductees?
Wow, I know a lot of them then.
Matter of fact, I may even be one myself.

The folks in the pictures do not look credible.
I honestly believe many who claim to have been abducted are just looking for attention.
For whatever reason, they don't function well with others, so make up a reason to belong to any group that will have them.

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 11:35 AM
It used to be,.....that an abductee is someone who got missing time, and a CE (1,2,3, etc)

How has it come to this???

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 12:44 PM
reply to post by Kandinsky


posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 01:02 PM

Originally posted by Rising Against
reply to post by n00bUK

I find it hard to even start to grasp modern day abduction stories, the idea that an intelligent being from millions of light years away would only go to America and abduct an average Joe is completely nonsensical to me.

I disagree, I think the idea of an Intelligent being coming from millions of light years away abducting an average joe isn't that hard to grasp in all honesty..

I mean, take us humans for example - If we want to learn about something such as another species, what do we do? We simply take it, we study it and on occasion put it back into the wild where we got it from. If, for example, an alien civilization out there discovered earth, discovered that it had other living "thing's" on it and had a way to travel here without being seen then I really don't think It's out of the question to say just they'd just do what we would undoubtedly do.. they'd take some of us, study us to learn about us that little bit better, to see how similar we may be to them, to see what we have that they don't and so on and on.

Personally I do classify myself as a real skeptic of these stories, and I know to many others abduction stories themselves may seem a little bit far-fetched as well, but the reasoning behind why they would occur is not that "out there" really, not in my opinion anyway. It's quite quite logical to me - After all, once again, we'd probably do the same thing if we could. Also, I think It's worth pointing out that abduction stories don't just come from America. They do come elsewhere.. they just don't, for whatever reason, seem to get as much attention. But just because we don't hear about something though, that doesn't mean it's not there.

Fully understand and agree wholeheartedly. I didnt really explain what i meant, I was trying to say its nonsensical to me that aliens would visit us and only pick up large amounts of Americans (who most of the time look crazy) and not people from other countries such as England or Japan etc.

Yes it makes sense that they would visit us and do what we do when examining new species, but it doesnt make sense only doing it to Americans, it leaves me to believe that most modern day abduction cases are fake, with a very low percentage been genuine. Also leaves me to ponder on why keep on abducting? Are they watching us evolve or checking up on us or something? Is it loads of other species of aliens? Why always the same detailed explanation of how the alien looks, grey, humanoid or reptilian - All these abductions and very low variation of species of aliens abducting these people. Loads of questions and very little answers

And to the person who said the white man is the majority needs to go out of their own country and find that dark skin is the majority, not white.

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 02:36 PM
reply to post by lazernation

A nice, wacky, comedic, derogatory slant on a serious issue. Bravo, Mr. Insky.

Thanks. It was also drawing attention to a very interesting Wired article.

This thread just seems very spiteful.

No, not spiteful at all. Satirical maybe. It's just focusing a little attention on the story-tellers who hitch themselves to a genuinely interesting phenomena. I take a lot of ufology seriously but, if we're honest, most of this sub-culture is supremely absurd.

Admittedly, that makes me absurd too.

reply to post by chrismicha77
I agree with DeGrasse Tyson's case. Without hard evidence, it's understandable that most people won't accept the veracity of UFO or abductee claims.

Where I deeply disagree with him is on the value of UFO reports. He takes the classical sceptical view that all reports are hoaxes or misperceptions of known phenomena. I take the position that there are reports that defy explanation according to our current understanding. The abduction phenomena is something to suspend judgement on because no current explanation accounts for enough aspects to become conclusive.

reply to post by Druscilla

As part of the pathology aspect, we have genuine conditions like sleep paralysis where abduction experiences have been replicated in the lab under controlled conditions through the application of certain techniques involving drugs that bring about a false sense of impending death.

Hiya Druscilla, if you look into it a little deeper, there haven't been any clinical experiments to replicate the abduction experience. Aspects, sure, but thematically or intrinsically, not yet. People might perceive critters and figures - they don't experience the narrative content of the typical abductee claim. This hasn't prevented some commentators from presenting it as a *case closed* scenario and that's pretty typical for a subject that features so many absolutists on all sides.

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 05:44 PM
Ok guys, putting aside all that disproves this exists, there are many out here that have experiences that indicate abductions, but we are not delusional, lonely nor are we looking for attention.

My wife for instance does not want to talk about experiences, she keeps it to herself. I also don't talk to just anyone for similar reasons. Hell, the guy across the road does not believe in anything to do with Ufo's, even when I tell him I just saw one, yet he considers me an honest person.

Just for instance, I have training which leads me to be analytical as well as background in teaching science. Now when my wife some 22 years ago came up pregnant which was not possible along with her sister, and then six weeks later both were terminated the same night and both had memories of the termination event, I took notice. My sister in law actually woke up as the process was finished and chased this odd thing out of her house as she feared for her daughter, sleeping in the other room. My wife woke up very upset with having been paralyzed and the little doctors around her. I leave out details here, it was somewhat like an assembly line.

Mention was made of loss time, she experienced this also as well as the two of us while talking and never knew where an hour went, except she told me, they were there, waiting for her to relax and sleep. A similar event with myself and my wife waking me twice when I was going elsewhere, kind of a violent event which left three burns on my inner arm.

Nothing here proves a damn thing, but then I cannot just blow it off as sleep paralysis etc. I do not go into paralysis, I move, I know and I often am taken out via the astral, so think of that, abductions do not have to be with the physical. I asked my wife why she came back the one night and she told me, she tried to scream for me but her lungs did not work like they were supposed to. She tells me, we are always together except for that one night. I reminded her that in the astral you don't breath and her answer was, "oh, I forgot". Know this, she never watched TV, reads books or such and has not outside influence nor interest in this. One thing she told me then is the little ones, she loves and they work for the tall ones. It was the little ones that were in the woods watching her and her sister when they were children, but they would not allow the girls to tough them.

I throw this out there because, we don't look to others for validation nor do we seek attention, we just know some things and glance at each other when around others that talk about these things. I left out a hell of a lot here, but the point is made for others similar to ourselves, and so I will read all that is said and roll my eyes in amusement.

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 11:52 PM

Originally posted by Rising Against
reply to post by n00bUK

I find it hard to even start to grasp modern day abduction stories, the idea that an intelligent being from millions of light years away would only go to America and abduct an average Joe is completely nonsensical to me.

I disagree, I think the idea of an Intelligent being coming from millions of light years away abducting an average joe isn't that hard to grasp in all honesty..

I mean, take us humans for example - If we want to learn about something such as another species, what do we do? We simply take it, we study it and on occasion put it back into the wild where we got it from. If, for example, an alien civilization out there discovered earth, discovered that it had other living "thing's" on it and had a way to travel here without being seen then I really don't think It's out of the question to say just they'd just do what we would undoubtedly do.. they'd take some of us, study us to learn about us that little bit better, to see how similar we may be to them, to see what we have that they don't and so on and on.

one thing though if they want an average joe, Why dont they go to Asia. I doubt you'll find any other place with 1.3 billion specimens to study

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