Originally posted by RawkMan
A hidden and usually invisible individual makes a decision which directly works against the quality of *your* life. So, if they can do it, why can't
*you* do it to the opposite creative effect?
Equal and Opposite.
this is where u fail to be for truth n rights, u r i guess without being hundred percent conscious about it, totally advocating evil arguments for
absolute powership over existence freedom rights
start to define what is an individual clearly before meaning individual objective move value
individual is what u cant in anyway divide bc it is truly only one point of points facts or points realities matters
how that is possible? how only one point exist alone?? well it is the way of truth to prove its existence indirectly
since only if truth exist then individuals exist
if existence was not true, then even the whole objective would be conditionned for smthg else while appearing existing only in form, so a point would
be such lost in forms reasons that it could never reach the right one which anyway would mean smthg else, so never individuality would be existing
even in shape
now what is true individual so a point existing alone
it cant b but revealing truth being freedom value by being individual freedom value as constant existence
how being free absolutely from all could be constant existence so consciously n willingly??
by being truly clearly independant to what facts are or else or others, never individual constant as a reaction realisation to smthg
all this above is exclusively to introduce my point, by clarifying true setting of individuality
the guy who mean right cant make any difference bc he is really n fundamentally n exclusively alone
so that introduce the case of the other guy u talked more about while it is not an individual
when individual freedom is a fact then any conscious of that fact know that it cant make a difference at all objectively since its freedom is only
affect only its owned fact, so individual freedom that u cant divide is always the same one, so it is a matter of individual freedom constancy
regarding what is more true in subjective terms, while always becoming more clearly free as true so not even a point, while at the maximum of inferior
conception it cant b but a point subjective stand existing
but there is another choice from knowing being an individual freedom fact, some choose to take advantage of the fact from being opposed to its truth
fact and reality
by knowing that u r in someway truly free alone, u can then choose to employ that free energy to destroy freedom of else rights, so turning freedom to
a kind of positive gain superior to what others got
individuals which mean that they are really concerned about their free paths, dont have any interests in loosing time for that crap replies, where
they would have necessarily to act against truth too in order to defend their freedom rights as being a possession, which would suit the affairs of
all evil ways
freedom is by excellence what cant b claimed as a thing nor having, freedom is absolute subject existence as the only form of objective fact
opposites are always exclusively to wars between truth and evil
opposites never exist in truth but to eradicate what cant never b true, by forcing it to be evil to an extreme fact of its objectivity so forcing it
to contradict its own existence by its ownd hands, and that must b done before anything exist really
so ur evil guy is related to all evil powers over existence, any normal individual know that the best choice is to turn its back to, and only in self
defense when there is no back anymore to turn he would have to commit suicide by its own hands in meaning existence belonging to truth rights only,
dying as a martyr is not a choice