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Are we safer today than 4 years ago?

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posted on Sep, 28 2004 @ 08:45 AM
Did our country become safer under George W Bush after 4 years?
You be the judge.

North Korean Minister Declares That They Have Weaponized Their Nuclear Material

Iran: "Crush America" and "wipe Israel off the map"

CNN Producer Seized in Gaza

WAR: Video Shows Beheading of American Civilian Nick Berg by Al Qaeda Group

I could go on and on. Fact is we have added 1000+ more US deaths in Iraq to add to the 911 deaths. Not to mention the ultra secret maimed and dismembered troops ya never hear about and on top of that how many 10's of thousands of Iraq's have died under the watch of George W Bush?

The world of George W Bush is not a safer place. His actions have only caused humanity more death. I bet more Iraq inocents have died in this war than Kurds died from chemicals.. death is death no mater how it is administered.

posted on Sep, 28 2004 @ 12:49 PM
"Are we safer today than 4 years ago?"

No, because Clinton would not attack his own people. Bush planned and ordered the 9/11 attacks and has been trying to bring about another 9/11 sized "terrorist attack" since then, but has been unsucessful.

Just look at Cheney's face when he says 'another terrorist attack is imminent' and you'll see what I mean.

Bush Out Now. He's on the track to becoming the Hitler of our time. He's a fascist dictator in a Cowboy outfit.

posted on Sep, 28 2004 @ 12:57 PM
Safer from who? From the terrorist or our own government? I'd say neither. Let's look at the facts. Shall we?

1. Bush says "We're safer than we were on 9/11."
How can we be safer if the department of Homeland Security keeps telling us about Al-CIA-DUH (al queda) planning more attacks?

2. As Xeven said "Fact is we have added 1000+ more US deaths in Iraq."
How does this make us or our troops safe?

So why is the Bush Administration doing all of this by saying we're safer when we're really not? Part of it is to keep us in fear and the other part is to keep us confused. There is more to it than that but those are just some of the reasons.

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