posted on May, 1 2012 @ 05:55 AM
IMHO its a beautiful demonstration of the inherent hypocrisy in censorship. Imagine a kid from that town telling other children where he's from.
Its not the strong words that are bad, its the use of them in harmful ways. But with sensorship - even the suggestion of a strong word can get
someone a slap - it even happended to me here without using any specific words. Just the "#" signs.
In my world, "taking offense is offensive" - and that includes censorship. And yea I get it that the ATS policies are designed to resist corporate
filters for wider distribution. But I've seen much less filtered blog-sites in way more corporate settings. And as for filtering things from kids
that'll NEVER work, kids are the best at finding what they want to find on the internet. So instead the censorship leads to the scenario of the
V Speech.
So IMHO, well done OP! I think you've artfully pointed out a valid short-coming of the T&Cs that result in a random unexpected violation for
members here from time to time. Like in this thread with this context those pictures are VERY entertaining, interesting - and perfectly legitimate
for all ages of geography and language lessons. And similarly, an image like one of those in opposition to another poster would be quickly mod'd as
disrespectful... and thus we're stuck with the slippery slopes of the T&Cs... to the point where even asking the question might be DANGEROUS. Of
course some risks are worth $$$$'ing taking (IMHO).