posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 08:53 AM
I stumbled upon this website a couple days ago, from New York Times.
I could have sworn Ron Paul had about 140 delegates when I was there a few days ago. Now he appears to have 80 delegates. Mitt Romney was about 600,
and is now 847.
HOWEVER, when you look at this ATS thread below, where-in it contains a video called reality check showing that Ron Paul actually won 152 delegates in
Missouri, and you look at the New York Times website above, It shows Ron Paul only won 4. But the other numbers don'd add up to 152 because Romney got
12, Santorum got 7, Gringritch received 1 and there are 51 (!!!!) unallocated.
ATS - Ron Paul Wins Missouri Delegates + Caucus Chairman Arrested
Is there something I am missing? I am an Australian so there may be something I am missing.
Right now I'm thinking New York times is doing some Fraud.
What do you think? Please help me get this right.
edit on 27-4-2012 by DaRAGE because: (no reason given)
edit on 27-4-2012 by
DaRAGE because: (no reason given)