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2 incredible dreams from God: The heavenly city, and Satan's counterfeit of Jesus' second coming

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posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 12:07 PM

Originally posted by JesuitGarlic
reply to post by Lazarus Short

I am very glad to hear this!!! This is the sole reason I am on this forum to spread this kind of information and hope that people will be convinced in their heart the truth of it. The message comes with it a solemn warning to prepare spiritually for the period of testing that will soon be upon us. I am happy to answer any other question you might have.

OK, I have a question! One of the ideas which led me out of the SDA church was this: we know that the Hebrew culture/religion did not have names for days of the week as we do, only Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, Day 5, Day 6, and Sabbath. Week after week it went so, but when a High Sabbath came along, and it fell on a date, maybe the weekly Sabbath, maybe not, and then the day count started all over again, Day 1, Day 2, etc. In consequence, the weekly Sabbath could (and did, according to my source) fall on any, ANY, day of our current calendar. How does the SDA sabbath position answer this?

Further, the commandment says to do all your work in six days, and rest on the sabbath. The SDA church, yes, I noticed this myself, emphasizes the Sabbath Rest, but lets the question of six days of work slide completely. Thus, it seems to me that they only support half of the commandment. Comment?

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 06:26 AM
reply to post by Lazarus Short

Where do you get your information from that a High Sabbath could fall on any day of the week? My understanding is if one of the 7 Jewish festivals fell on the Sabbath day then it would be considered a special sabbath or High sabbath.

Some information here that says the sabbath-day weekly cycle has never been lost citing various expert sources

More resources

The argument that the original sabbath day could have been lost?
Well if it was lost it was reconfirmed what the correct day was on about 9 occasions through history. Some of the occasions:
- During the Exodus when manna was given to last two days instead of one
- At Mt Sinai
- Then when we go to the Julian calendar in 46 BC we get the sabbath date reconfirmed during Jesus' life and the change to the Gregorian calendar did not modify the weekly cycle. It went from Thursday then Friday as the change came in.

Concerning the aspect to work on 6 days. My thoughts are that you do your typical day-to day business for 6 days that the emphasis is on making sure you set the sabbath day aside each week to spend it specifically to have God at the forefront of your thoughts. How would the emphasis on needing to work on each of the 6 other days work practically...what is the definition of work, how much work do you need to do to say that you have worked on that day, does it need to be paid work? How would you classify someone who is sick in the hospital unable to work, a pregnant lady perhaps, school children and students, people who are unemployed and can't get work even if they wanted to....would you consider all these people breaking the commandment....I would not have thought that is was the spirit behind the use of those words as part of the commandment.

Also something to consider is the worldwide movement (lead by various groups on behalf of the Vatican) to make sure businesses are closed on Sunday so as to make sure people can have their Sunday rest according to the papal command. So most people could not 'work' on Sunday even if they wanted to.

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 06:42 AM

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 07:50 AM
reply to post by RizeorDie

Care to elaborate on where you think there is error? or is your opinion not up for scruitiny

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 05:12 PM
reply to post by Lazarus Short

Perhaps I am getting some terminology mixed up myself....the festivals were also known as the sabbath festivals the word sabbath also means 'rest'.

I have not come across anything to suggest a weekly cycle reset based on the occurrence of any of these festivals just the weekly Sabbath

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 05:18 PM
reply to post by JesuitGarlic

As you are obviously christian, then what you state is what you and someone else "believe".
Whether it is factual truth is another matter.
Those of us non-christians will disregard this, like so many other posts and articles written by "believers" under the guise of "truths".
edit on 1-5-2012 by Sailor Sam because: spelling

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 05:24 PM

Originally posted by MamaJ
Why would God allow people to be manipulated and deceived like that and then punish them? Seems like a sick joke to me and I don't really buy it... but hey... what do I know.

You know more than 99 percent of the people on this planet. Jesus may or may not have actually existed, but it doesn't even matter.

"Blessed is the one who has not seen me and yet believes."

It's the Christ energy within that he incarnated that matters. His teachings indicated that anyone following him could also do the things he did and more. He never said to worship him, and he never said that he himself was saving anybody. He said to look for him like a flash of lightning that comes from upon the clouds and shines from east to west and to every extremity of the earth.

That energy could only come from the Sun in the sky, the Source of not only Life itself but our entire reality is created from it by our own consciousness.

Saviors are for the weak and ignorant. No one is coming to save them. Christians have been duped for nearly 2,000 years and not much has changed. In the meantime they just continue blissfully slaving for their Overlords, who are nothing without their black magic and fake money.
edit on 1-5-2012 by SimontheMagus because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-5-2012 by SimontheMagus because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-5-2012 by SimontheMagus because: correction

edit on 1-5-2012 by SimontheMagus because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-5-2012 by SimontheMagus because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-5-2012 by SimontheMagus because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 05:37 PM

Originally posted by MrsBlonde
reply to post by JesuitGarlic

no the Earth is the Earth,Tartarus The Abyss is the Abyss it as as far below Earth as Earth is below Heaven

Mrs Blonde - I take it that you do agree that the earth is round.
Therefore where is below the earth.
When I stand on the ground in New Zealand, I have to look up to where heaven is, according to your definition (earth is below the heaven).
And as, according to you, the abyss is below earth, then the abyss must be below my feet.
The problem is that when I start digging (metaphorically speaking) eventually I would come out somewhere in Europe. I then stand up and look up towards your heaven, but unfortunately that is the direction that I would have perceived the abyss to be, according to your definition again, as I am still looking down from my spot in New Zealand, but which just happens to be looking up from Europe(towards your heaven).
The same, but in reverse happens to a person in Europe, his heaven is up, his abyss is down, through the earth and then up to the heaven in New Zealand.

So we (you and I) have a problem don't we.
The only way your argument holds true is 1) if you actually believe in the flat earth concept, or 2) the abyss is at the centre of the earth, and heaven then is at a distance equal to the radius of the earth above its surface and enveloping the whole planet.
As the centre of the earth is one tiny, miniscule spot there is no room for satan and all the sinners.
Please explain.
edit on 1-5-2012 by Sailor Sam because: spelling

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 12:18 AM
reply to post by Sailor Sam

The point of presenting the dreams Sailor Sam is to perhaps open up new thoughts to Christians now who know the Word already and can cross reference the dream(s) to what is mentioned/warned of in the Bible.

ALSO though it is to provide a written record to YOU non-Christians that when these events occur (the counterfeit second coming of Jesus) you will know that they are already predicted and to know what the events mean in context too, so you won't go along with the masses of people under various levels of mind control to demand the imprisonment and deaths of the people who will stick to God's law and keep the 4th commandment (which will be the seal of God/mark of the beast final test). You do not have to believe the false second coming dream now, just to know that someone has written details down about how it will go down so that when it happens, no matter how unlikely, you will believe in the truth this person has to share and will not be deceived by Satan who is only interested in the destruction of your soul. I am sharing these dream(s) because from my continual monitoring of the drivel the Galactics/Ashtar command/Ascended Masters (aka all Lucifer) send to the New Age Movement dupes and my own expertise in understanding the role of the designed collapse of the financial system, I am anticipating such a great deception may very well occur within the next couple of years, so it won't be too long for you to remember the details of the dream hey!
edit on 2-5-2012 by JesuitGarlic because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 12:21 AM
reply to post by SimontheMagus

Why pollute the thread with your drivel....attacks backed up by no evidence and no better alternative given of what is actually truth (according to you). Why is that, is your belief system not able to handle any scrutiny.

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 12:43 AM
reply to post by Sailor Sam

Why continue to pick on a minor detail which is only a moot point, no need to add another critique. I have already covered it in my response back. Want to know where they inhabit....well in reading the Book by Gary Bates called 'Alien Intrusion' from witness testimony of abductees of anytime when they are in a craft and can see where they are going they say they traveled down into the earth/ went under the ocean ect... combine that with the fact that calling out Jesus' name is the only thing that stops the abduction event from continuing whilst part way through it and you'll get a pretty good idea of who is involved. There is plenty of space under the surface for them to inhabit. And the sinners aren't there now anyway. Those who do not make it into the book of life will be raised up after the righteous has spent a millennium up in heaven going over the records of everyone, and the Judgement will then take place back down on earth and the wicked will be consumed with fire until there is nothing left (like stubble). So no the sinners are not now at the center of the earth being tormented forever by the molten core. That is called BS false Catholic teaching not based on scripture (to control people by fear and make God out to be cruel and unreasonable).

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 02:30 AM

Originally posted by JesuitGarlic
reply to post by Sailor Sam

Why continue to pick on a minor detail which is only a moot point, no need to add another critique. I have already covered it in my response back. Want to know where they inhabit....well in reading the Book by Gary Bates called 'Alien Intrusion' from witness testimony of abductees of anytime when they are in a craft and can see where they are going they say they traveled down into the earth/ went under the ocean ect... combine that with the fact that calling out Jesus' name is the only thing that stops the abduction event from continuing whilst part way through it and you'll get a pretty good idea of who is involved. There is plenty of space under the surface for them to inhabit. And the sinners aren't there now anyway. Those who do not make it into the book of life will be raised up after the righteous has spent a millennium up in heaven going over the records of everyone, and the Judgement will then take place back down on earth and the wicked will be consumed with fire until there is nothing left (like stubble). So no the sinners are not now at the center of the earth being tormented forever by the molten core. That is called BS false Catholic teaching not based on scripture (to control people by fear and make God out to be cruel and unreasonable).

Both of your responses to my intelligent posts reek of desperation.
My first point - What you are espousing is only a "belief", not factual truth.
It can only be a belief because you are assuming that there is a god, there is a heaven and a hell and Jesus was the son of god.
However it seems Jesus was also related BY BIRTH through Joseph to King David.
Your book of truths - the bible - says so.
If that is but one untruth in the bible, there are probably hundreds more. You cannot have it both ways - either Jesus is the son of god or of Joseph.

My second point - I questioned Mrs Blonde's reasoning about where heaven and hell are, she said heaven was (is) as far above the earth as the abyss is below it. So how high is heaven above the earth, and I assume that you also believe that the earth is a sphere, which I know it is as I have travelled right around it, then my question is relevant as the only place that is below all places on its surface is at or near its centre.
Maybe the earth is hollow after all.
It is not my fault you did not answer it scientifically, instead you answered with a ranting rave, once again just only about what you "believe"
I rest my case.
edit on 2-5-2012 by Sailor Sam because: spelling

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 03:01 AM
reply to post by Sailor Sam

You have an axe to grind against Christianity and your comments suggests you are devoid of trying to learn anything. You SEE untruths in places where there are no issues. Yes, Jesus was related to David through both Joseph and Mary. Mary was the only one to provide human DNA though.

Check out the Archeologist Ron Wyatt discovery of Jesus' blood

If you want a scientific explanation of the proof of a creator read the book, 'The Case for a Creator' by investigative journalist Lee Strobel. The whole Genesis Conflict series found here. And the youtube video 'No Intelligence Allowed' by Ben Stein.

Personally I have no idea where heaven is, and I don't care. I trust God's promises, the absolute 100% track record of fulfillment of hundreds upon hundreds of prophecies already attests to that. For all I know it could be closer than we think but just cloaked in another dimension that we would never be able to see in our current form anyway.

Comeback and make a useful comment when you have gone and read the book suggested and watched all the videos as well.
edit on 2-5-2012 by JesuitGarlic because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 3 2012 @ 09:29 PM

Originally posted by Sailor Sam
What you are espousing is only a "belief", not factual truth.

Morpheus: "It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to BLIND you from the TRUTH."

This goes FAR beyond just beliefs. It is now quite well documented. The information is available to anyone willing to seek it out. The real question: are you looking for TRUTH or just things that confirm what you have been told.

If you watched "The Matrix" and were convinced that it was just Science fiction think again...

Trinity: "The answer is out there, Neo, and it's looking for you, and it will find you if you want it to."

"The Ark was found on 6th January 1982 but was kept secret by request of the Israeli Government. ... the whole episode has been compassed about by miracle." Link

"Ron Wyatt paid a lab in Israel to do an analysis of the blood. Mr. Wyatt asked them to do a chromosome test, but they informed him that he was wasting his money since you can't do a chromosome test on dead white blood cells. They proceeded with the analysis and said, "It's your money." As they began viewing the cells under the microscope, they saw cells dividing before their eyes! They could tell it was human blood, but "This blood is alive!"

"They couldn't believe what they were seeing! They continued with their tests and found the blood to be unique from any other human blood! Each cell contained only 24 chromosomes compared to the normal count of 46 that you and I have. Christ received 23 chromosomes from Mary, and one "y" chromosome from His heavenly Father to designate a male child."

"With tears in their eyes they asked, "Whose blood is this?" Mr. Wyatt replied, "It is the blood of your Messiah." Then they asked who the Messiah was, and they began wailing and shouting. No other male human being has ever had this same chromosome count! Christ's blood is alive and unique to prove His divinity to the world before He returns to this earth." Source

To date there have been at least 16 people who have died trying to interfere or move the Ark of the Covenant:

"The Israelis wanted to move the Ark of the Covenant out of occupied territory, into their own territory. ...six men dressed in Levitical garb went into the tunnel system to move the Ark of the Covenant to a safer place and they didn't come out. Ron had to fly to Israel to assist with removing the bodies from the cave. The Ark is very sacred and still holy, set apart and protected. Woe be to those who try to mess around with it, who are not commissioned by God to do so."

"Now the men that were in the tunnel had these walkie-talkies or radios, and I'm sure they were in contact with people that were at the opening to the tunnel. All I can figure is, that they must have made some horrifying noises as they died, which was heard by those outside, otherwise they would have gone in to see what happened to them. But, nobody would go in. Well when I went in they were all six dead. All of them died of a bilateral stroke, as witnessed by the fact that in all six, both of their eyes were crossed." Sources: 1 2

For those like Sailor Sam that must have "factual truth", when this takes place in the future, ask yourself WHY:

"Inside the cavern Ron encountered four angels who told him they cleaned the cavern out, and to remove the stone tablets when they lifted the heavy Mercy Seat lid up. He did so; and then handed them to one of the angels who set the tablets up on a ledge. The angel told Ron God wanted them to be brought out and shown as soon as the beast has commanded that everyone receive the mark." Source

posted on May, 3 2012 @ 10:40 PM
reply to post by Murgatroid

Mega post mate! Thanks for the backup

Isn't it curious that Ron Wyatt is SDA too and he is at the fore front of all these discoveries...The explanation of the timing of the unveiling of the tablets of stone by the angels was so good to hear. I didn't realize that. All the pieces of the puzzle are fitting together nicely.
edit on 3-5-2012 by JesuitGarlic because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 02:45 PM
reply to post by JesuitGarlic

So if anyone tells you, 'There he is, out in the desert,' do not go out; or, 'Here he is, in the inner rooms,' do not believe it.
These would be the two zealot rebel leaders who were messianic characters during the time of the Jewish/Roman wars that resulted in the destruction of the temple at Jerusalem.
The one in the "inner rooms" would be Simeon, who was living underground, below the temple, and was eventually flushed out and captured, and taken to be executed in Rome.
The one "in the desert" would be Eleazar, who was at Masada, where he eventually took his own life to avoid capture.
edit on 5-5-2012 by jmdewey60 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2012 @ 01:19 AM

Originally posted by JesuitGarlic My understanding is if one of the 7 Jewish festivals fell on the Sabbath day then it would be considered a special sabbath or High sabbath.

OK, that's what I said, but you sidestepped my real question: does a High Sabbath reset the week or not? You sound like you answered, but you did not. I was asking about High Sabbaths that DID NOT fall on the weekly Sabbath. Goodness, you sound like the folks who answer questions for Signs of the Times.

posted on May, 6 2012 @ 02:10 AM
reply to post by Lazarus Short

. . . does a High Sabbath reset the week . . .

Nothing does that.
Days of the week are universal and the same now as exactly what it was four thousand years ago.

posted on May, 6 2012 @ 05:10 AM
reply to post by Lazarus Short

I will make it clear for you, I agree with jmdewey60

I stumbled over the question because I have never heard of it before...I never realized it was an issue for anyone. I did a bit of research and gave an answer which was correct. Later on I came across some more information how the Jewish festivals were known as the sabbath days. This information I had left out of my first response and I did not want to leave any confusion and think that I was deceptively leaving something out, so I put it in to make further distinction. Perhaps by including the information I only just confused you more, sorry!
edit on 6-5-2012 by JesuitGarlic because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2012 @ 09:31 AM
reply to post by JesuitGarlic

OK, fair enough. My source may just have been wrong. However, it did seem to answer the problem of Jesus' three days in the grave. You see, He was crucified on Preparation Day, don't call it "Friday," and was in the grave during the weekly Sabbath, then the High Sabbath (or vice versa), and then came the first day of the week. It made sense to me.

When everything is said & done, I must admit that our modern Saturday is still the best candidate for Sabbath.

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