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Series of explosions hits Ukrainian city of Dnepropetrovsk ahead of Euro 2012, 27 injured.

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posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 07:57 AM

Originally posted by TruthxIsxInxThexMist

Originally posted by skywalk
I would advise to anyone not to attend the 2012 olympics because they are going to be used to start WW3. and Unless you like radiation, your nail and hair falling, dont go there.

Ok... dont make the paranoid even more paranoid.... this is a silly comment to make....

i have seen no visions of this in my pre-cog state of mind so it wont happen.... what i have seen though is a big earthquake event happening in a deserted place somewhere like Arizona!!

Not so silly comment to be honest. Ever been to London. Population 8 million in a relatively small area. The place is like a rabbit warren. You can be walking down a nice leafy street, turn a corner and find yourself in bandit territory.

How they think they are going to police it is beyond me. Currently a hostage situation going down with a guy that was refused a HGV license.

posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 07:59 AM
Why are so many assuming that this is a 'trial run' run or prescursor to an attack on the 2012 Olympics?

There are few similarities.

There is no major sporting event being held or even scheduled there.

London will be policed and monitored etc by one of the most up to date and security conscious police forces who will be supported by one of the most efficient Security Services all of whom have vast experience in dealing with security and terrorist threats.

Dnepropetrovsk is a relatively soft and unsuspecting target.

As far as I'm aware no-one has claimed responsibility for this outrage so there could be any of a multitude of motivations etc.

I just hope that whoever is responsible is caught and brought to justice before they can commit any further acts of terror against innocent people.

posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 08:03 AM
reply to post by murch

Currently a hostage situation going down with a guy that was refused a HGV license.

Fear mongering at it's best and totally irrelevant.

That could, and does, happen in any town or city in any country.

posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 08:12 AM

Originally posted by Freeborn
Why are so many assuming that this is a 'trial run' run or prescursor to an attack on the 2012 Olympics?

There are few similarities.

There is no major sporting event being held or even scheduled there.

London will be policed and monitored etc by one of the most up to date and security conscious police forces who will be supported by one of the most efficient Security Services all of whom have vast experience in dealing with security and terrorist threats.

Dnepropetrovsk is a relatively soft and unsuspecting target.

As far as I'm aware no-one has claimed responsibility for this outrage so there could be any of a multitude of motivations etc.

I just hope that whoever is responsible is caught and brought to justice before they can commit any further acts of terror against innocent people.


The Euros 2012 are about to be held in that country. This area will be packed with football fans in less than a month for a competition thats second to the world cup. This area will be a major transport and accommodation hub for hundreds of thousands of people.

As for the London situation the point is this guy is a wing nut. It happens everywhere, yes. It also highlights that there is no accounting for nut jobs.

PS just realised your in England. They play 2 games less than 250 km from that city. Loads of england fans will be staying there as donetsk will be charging a fortune for accommodation.
edit on 27-4-2012 by murch because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 08:13 AM

Originally posted by murch
reply to post by QQXXw

Considering that the devices were placed in trash cans in close proximity to injured persons it would be safe to assume the devices are low yield due to explosion characteristics (ie number of injuries). Also shrapnel type would be a good indication.

This would be a priority as detonation type of devices would be something the police would want to know asap.

PS this is potentially more worrying that they are homemade. They have no idea how many have been made, these devices also were dropped in trash cans so are not to big. Suggests some level of sophistication.
edit on 27-4-2012 by murch because: (no reason given)

why is the purpose of creating so many bombs? surely those who are responsible knew that placing so many bombs would be a lot more risky as the chances of both the bombs and the bomb-layers being discovered would be much higher vs using a single, large explosive

Also if 9 bombs did actually go off, that's a damn good success rate for amateurs (I recall the best Chechen terrorists having far less luck)

posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 08:24 AM
reply to post by QQXXw

Hmm I disagree. To generate a large explosion you need to transport a large amount of material. To generate 4 smaller all it would take would be a rucksack with 4 devices. Remember the point here. I hate the word but terrorists create terror.

No one is going to forget this for a long time and it will be on everyone's mind during the event.

posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 08:30 AM
reply to post by murch


Of course.

The Euros 2012 are about to be held in that country. This area will be packed with football fans in less than a month for a competition thats second to the world cup. This area will be a major transport and accommodation hub for hundreds of thousands of people.

So why alert the authorities to the ease or possibility of attacking such a 'soft' target well in advance of the competition?

These bombings appear quite well organised and relatively successful which suggests they were carried out for a specific purpose, which until we find out who committed them could be absolutely anything.

As for the London situation the point is this guy is a wing nut. It happens everywhere, yes. It also highlights that there is no accounting for nut jobs.

Exactly....this could and does happen everywhere and I dare say something similar has happened prior to the Olympics in every single hosting city.
As terrifying as it must be for those poor unfortunate people who have been taken hostage it's hardly unique and certainly no proof or evidence whatsoever of how hard it is to police London or indicative of any specific threat posed.

PS just realised your in England. They play 2 games less than 250 km from that city. Loads of england fans will be staying there as donetsk will be charging a fortune for accommodation.

I don't think anyone who I know who is going over is stopping there.

But one thing is certain, the authorities are obviously more than aware of the potential threat now and the city will be heavily policed and monitored etc.

posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 08:46 AM
another bomb discovered and disarmed, arrests have been made

all moving too quickly

posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 08:47 AM
interesting that one of the bombs was on Karl Marx avenue

perhaps anti communists?

posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 08:49 AM
reply to post by Freeborn

Why stage an attack prior to an event. The purpose of this tactic is to disrupt, affect and destabilize populations.

A scenario: Attacks continue small scale across Ukraine. Nobody is caught but injuries mount. You then invite hundreds of the highest paid sportsmen in Europe to come to the area.

Good luck with that. Their insurance companies alone will not allow them to go. Footballers don't strike me as the bravest.

Whoever has carried this out has determination and abilities. Hopefully an individual but possibly an organisation.

In regards to the purpose of these attacks. It has been achieved. The only purpose of an attack like this is to garner attention to a cause and leave the population scared.

posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 08:51 AM
a firefight reported

whoever planned this certainly wanted to cause enough trouble

posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 08:55 AM

Originally posted by murch
reply to post by Freeborn

Why stage an attack prior to an event. The purpose of this tactic is to disrupt, affect and destabilize populations.

A scenario: Attacks continue small scale across Ukraine. Nobody is caught but injuries mount. You then invite hundreds of the highest paid sportsmen in Europe to come to the area.

Good luck with that. Their insurance companies alone will not allow them to go. Footballers don't strike me as the bravest.

Whoever has carried this out has determination and abilities. Hopefully an individual but possibly an organisation.

In regards to the purpose of these attacks. It has been achieved. The only purpose of an attack like this is to garner attention to a cause and leave the population scared.

I don't think the population will be scared, why scare the population anyway? what have the population done to anybody? Ukraine keeps out of world politics aside from minor spats with Russia. This is either some outside group drawing attention to their cause by attacking the country that will host the Euros or some sort of internal conflict (anti-communists, gangsters, government power struggle etc)

The attacks will definitely have an impact on the tourists arriving for the Euros however

posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 09:00 AM
reply to post by QQXXw

I would be kacking it if I was at work and was informed that 4 explosions had occurred in my city and now I have to go home.

The most important bit of info will be who is at the root of this.

posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 09:03 AM
reply to post by murch

I understand all that.

Of course I see that there will be security implications for the Euro's which are being jointly held by Ukraine later in the year but I just can't see how so many people then take the massive leap forward to link it to a future attack on London during the OIympics without any supportive evidence whatsoever.

The potential for any terrorist attack on London remains exactly the same as it was prior to this outrage.

posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 09:17 AM
reply to post by Freeborn

Well I think this is dependant on who carried out the attacks. If it is an international organisation then I think it does have a direct impact on the Olympics. If its a national movement then an immediate crackdown is to be expected and deserved.

On a side note I personally think there will be trouble at Olympics. Our border control systems have been substandard for years. Police can only take affective action against those they are aware of. As a nation we have a lot of enemies due to our horrible foreign policy.

posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 09:20 AM
Just been reading up. This may have some bearing on motive:

The city is the birthplace of Yulia Tymoshenko, the imprisoned opposition leader who embarked on a hunger strike this week. Tymoshenko's case has aroused significant attention in Europe, given what many believe to be the political nature of the trial against her and her October sentence to seven years behind bars.

posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 09:26 AM

Originally posted by murch[/]

Ever been to London??. Population 8 million in a relatively small area. The place is like a rabbit warren. You can be walking down a nice leafy street, turn a corner and find yourself in bandit territory.

Errrrrrm..... yes, i live there

And yes it has had its probs just like any major City and yes there will be highlighted presence of Police and Security over the next few months but i'm convinced nothing spectacular will happen.... there may be an attempt of somekind but it will be averted.... of course there are people who would want to cause major disruption and if something big happens, it would be our own fault for letting them live here (them meaning Fanatics.... meaning Islamists because they are the ones who want to destroy the English way of life!!) .

But there are others who would want to bring disruption to the Games.... people who are against the System for example...

posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 09:39 AM
LOL on the back of my comments about London just went and checked the most dangerous cities in Europe.

Guess I will be shutting up as Glasgow is 3rd and London doesn't get a mention.

Makes me proud to be scottish LOL.

posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 11:11 AM
I agree with Murch, it is more likely connected to the case of the trail approaching than the Euro 2012. They don't start for another month and a half or so, why do an attack on an event 6 weeks before it happens?! The only thing i can think of is a trail run, but that would be pointless as they have a very high chance of getting caught, as one poster stated earlier, arrests are already being made. So i doubt that this has anything to do with the Euro's.

As for the Olympics, the one thing i can say if anything was to happen, is that it will not be in London. The security is just far too strong, mind bogglingly strong. They will be checking everything once, twice and three times, everything from bins, random people waking down the street, public transport, taxi's, etc etc. Also, London is literaly covered with CCTV, literaly covered. I just can't see how it could be possible to do an attack that heavily covered, unless however it was to be conducted by a group of people who was working within the security, which is a possibilty, but a slim one.

If there WAS to be an attack on the Olympics, it will be places such as Conventry, where i believe the womans football is being held along with others. One thing with England is, they don't care as long as it doesn't happen in London. All security will be in London, people from all around the UK will be brought to London to help out with security, leaving these other cities vunrable to attack, as many of the reinforcements will be in London. We seen it with the riots, the cracked down like mad in London, bringing riot cops from other area's to help out. No such thing in Wolvs, Manchester, Birmingham etc. They pretty much just let those places sort themselves out. I know from people that the only reason the riots stopped there was because the wolvs ferm was pissed off that the Holland game was called off because of the rioters, meaning that they couldn't fight the dutch, so they went out and literaly beat the crap out of all the rioters. Hardly any police was in Wolvs when it was about to kick off.

posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 11:25 AM
reply to post by murch

Well, one of the first theories comes from Tymoshenko's party who have suggested that the government itself carried out the attacks in a false flag operation to deflect from the unwanted and negative international attention they have been receiving in light of her imprisonment.

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