posted on May, 21 2012 @ 07:04 PM
Originally posted by breakherlegs
Well said, bro. ;D
Christians are all like "Don't tell me my God is false, you're going to Hell!"
Athiest are all like "Pshht, there is no proof of your God, my science is infallible!"
Muslims are all like "INFIDEEEEELLL!"
Pretty childish, I reckon.
People will "teach", no matter who you are, even if one tries to "teach" others that "to teach" is morally reprehensible.
Jesus said to go into the world and make disciples of all nations.
Jesus said to beware of the teachings of the pharisees.
He didn't tell us to snuff out the pharisees but to beware of their teachings, not to believe them nor to conform to their ways. The pharisees wanted
to snuff out Jesus, they found his words offensive and wanted to take vengeance into their own hands.
Jesus said that by our words are we justified and by our words are we condemned.
Jesus said that those who do not gather, scatter abroad.
We are incapable of not affecting others, we either are to the detriment or the benefit of others.
I think that use of the scientific method is benefitial to those who employ it, I wish more science oriented minds would make use of the scientific
method in regards to their personal held beliefs.