I've noticed something here recently; and in some forums, this is something that the staff have actually complained about themselves, in the
While I am well aware of the rule against naming names, there are a number of exceptionally vicious, mean-spirited, nihilistic atheists inhabiting
this forum. The lack of integrity of these individuals, by itself, is not the major issue, however. The more difficult problem is the fact that said
people have an automatic assumption that it is mandatory, for everyone else on this forum, to adhere to their own, entirely arbitrary standards of
Atheists have no inherent right, to tell anyone else how to think.
If you believe that the way in which I think, is illogical to the point of being outright schizophrenic, that's fine. I do not care, and I should not
forced to care by aggressive, abusive behaviour on your part. Some of you will immediately begin crying about how Christians try and
dictate how you should think, and what you should believe, and before you ask, no, I don't condone it when they do that either.
It is just as wrong for a Christian to try and tell me what to think and believe, involuntarily, as it is for Atheists to do so.
"But we've got
Science on our side!"
So? Christians make exactly the same claim about the Bible being inerrant and God-breathed. Islamist fanatics think that we should murder everyone
who doesn't want Sharia Law.
"But that's different! They're deluded! Science is
Provability is not the issue here. Fanatical, self-righteous bigotry is. If there is one thing I've noticed about the sort of trolls that I'm
talking about in this post, it is that they will go to literally any lengths in order to justify their behaviour. They will scream censorship; they
will use any other bogus, superficially plausible rationale that they can get their hands on.
"But the slogan of ATS is Deny Ignorance!"
Maybe it shouldn't be, then. I'm not being flippant here; I'm deadly serious. If you interpret this site's slogan, as justification for ideological,
and even ontological authoritarianism, then maybe said slogan
does need to change.
Some will doubtless object to the above, on the basis that if we were to do so, the entire analytical quality of ATS would go into systemic decline;
but I would suggest that that has already happened, and it has actually happened in direct proportion to the rise of the debunkers. The people who so
abusively, vitriolically shut down anyone who they think is irrational, to the point of following them through multiple threads and harassing them,
such that people who might have otherwise posted, become too intimidated to do so.
A lot of the debunkers that we've got here, don't contribute to denying ignorance. What they really seek to deny, as I've said before, is any
communication or mention whatsoever, for ideas or beliefs that they don't consider to meet their own intellectual standards. So this isn't about
denying ignorance; what I'm talking about actually increases ignorance, via seeking to silence anyone who disagrees.
The other point here, is the behaviour that these people exhibit, relative to their claim of being "free thinkers." In the case of the group that I'm
describing here, the term "free thinker," can be considered doublespeak. It describes the exact opposite of what it claims; mental, intellectual,
ideological, ontological
If, as an example, you want to argue with me about whether or not 9/11 was an inside job, in the public forum, by talking about what you consider to
be the available evidence, then that is one thing. If, on the other hand, you feel a need to chase and harass me through multiple threads with
disparate subject matter, regurgitating material of mine from other sites, and repeatedly demanding personal information which you can then use as a
basis for personally attacking
me, as opposed to any specific
argument, then that is something else entirely.
I think that there are a number of topics on this forum, which certain people do not want discussed. I think the acceptable disguise for said people,
has become a veneer or facade of logic and reverence for science. I think said people are genuinely evil, to put it bluntly, and that they will quite
happily employ literally any means at their disposal to squelch conversation about any ideas, events, or beliefs which they feel opposed to, all the
while attempting to use said bogus rationalism as a shield to hide behind.
I want to serve said people notice. I know who you are, and I know
what you are. If you want to consider me your enemy, I openly
invite you to do so. The more you attack me, the more public exposure I am going to give your methods of doing so.
Game on.
edit on 27-4-2012 by petrus4 because: (no reason given)