This has been a tragic incident that has harmed both families involved, especially Martin Trayvon's family. I have no opinion what so ever being as I
don't know any of the details other than what the media has leaked.
That being said, what bothered me from day 1 is the way the media has turned this into a race issue. Why, I don't know because unfortunately, crimes
like this happen quite frequently. I just wondered why now are they playing the race card trying to stir up uncalled for trouble? And now, I just read
an earlier post here :
An black 18-year-old suspected of a violent attack on a white teen told Chicago police the beating was motivated by his anger over the Trayvon Martin
case in Florida, MyFoxChicago reports
I have also noticed that Rodney King has been making the rounds on news stations too. If you'll remember, all those riots back in 1997 were mainly
because the cops that beat him up were
acquitted.. Once again, why is the media pressing the race issue? Doesn't it seem a tad bit odd that
they're bringing up Rodney King now? That's to remind the people of what happened then and what COULD happen now, if the trial doesn't end
Which leads me to my original question:
What kind of pressure will be on the jury?
Can Zimmerman get a fair trial now that the race card has been played? Bringing R. King into the picture to me sends a message to the public of
"don't forget the riots", it can happen again. Plus the U.N. has shown interest. Why? Murders happen all the time in our country, so why do they
care now?
( – A Florida advocacy group spearheading protests over the racially-charged Trayvon Martin shooting has welcomed the intervention
of the United Nations’ human rights chief, who has called for the shooter to be put on trial and “reparations for the victims concerned.” “We
believe that the United Nations involvement can help prevent another Trayvon Martin situation in other counties across the world,” J. Willie David,
president of the Florida Civil Rights Association, said in a statement provided to on Monday. “The shooting death of Trayvon Martin and
Florida’s Stand Your Ground Law have created a worldwide movement that calls into question how justice is delivered to victims of color,” he said.
And with Rev. Al Sharpton inciting violence BEFORE Zimmerman was arrested, what will he do if Zimmerman were to be found innocent?
TextSHARPTON THREATENS ESCALATION OF CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE Says protests 'will move to the next level' if Zimmerman remains free Published:
03/30/2012 at 8:34 PM
I realize that was before the initial arrest, but what happens now?
I worry that the jury will be FORCED to make a decision that may not be what they want. If found innocent, what will happen? Riots of course. The
message is already being sent via the news media. More violence will escalate I'm afraid regardless.
SO..... what do you think? Will the jury be pressured to find him guilty even if they believe him to be innocent just to satisfy the few that will
cause mayhem across this country? What a mess this is thanks to the media.....
What are your thoughts.....
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