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The Sun on my skin

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posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 01:19 AM

Originally posted by Pilot
I would like to hear from any of you folks who spend a lot of time outdoors. This year since Spring has come so early, I was out in the yard cleaning up and planting, etc. and noticed that the sunlight "stings". It is actually painful. I was wondering if anyone else noticed this. I spoke to a pal of mine in TN who is a landscaper and one of his employees and he both mentioned that they had also felt this.

I looked for some information on the subject and could only find articles about sunburn. I am careful not to get burned, I had melanoma years ago. If you are out only a few minutes, it hurts. I don't remember ever experiencing this before. I'm wondering if it's just me getting old and more sensitive; something common, nothing to fret about, or WHAT!


Hi Pilot...I work outdoors every day trimming hedges. I have felt the sun and definitely got the farmer's tan going. I haven't noticed anything unusual yet. But the UVA and UVB rays could be higher than normal if global warming is still kicking around.

I'll continue watching the sky for you!


posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 04:51 AM
I spend a lot of time outside, and I don't notice any difference beyond my eyes. We spend so much time staring at screens (movie/TV/computer/phone/etc) that I think it's affecting our eyes. Some are more sensitive than others. On days when the sun seems exceptionally bright, I force myself to spend more time outside,and once the eyes adjust, everything is normal.

posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 06:02 AM

Originally posted by Pilot
I would like to hear from any of you folks who spend a lot of time outdoors. This year since Spring has come so early, I was out in the yard cleaning up and planting, etc. and noticed that the sunlight "stings". It is actually painful. I was wondering if anyone else noticed this. I spoke to a pal of mine in TN who is a landscaper and one of his employees and he both mentioned that they had also felt this.

I looked for some information on the subject and could only find articles about sunburn. I am careful not to get burned, I had melanoma years ago. If you are out only a few minutes, it hurts. I don't remember ever experiencing this before. I'm wondering if it's just me getting old and more sensitive; something common, nothing to fret about, or WHAT!


same here, ever since the near beginning of 2012 my skin has tingled and stung from the sun in a strange way i can't explain.

even when im inside, i feel the warmth of the sun on my skin, as if i have minor sunburn.

posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 06:19 AM
reply to post by Pilot

A great topic it'll get a star & flag from me for sure . I have become what they call photo sensitive just after mid 2004 , it has worsened since till now I can spend as little as thirty minutes unprotected in bright open sun & I'll start out with itchy skin then by night time I'll have a full blown rash that's almost unbearable without some kind of lotion or Benadryl .

Mine started after being dxed with RA . I was assured even though RA & lupus was two very close diseases I still had RA & not lupus ( Lupus most often has photo sensitivity involved with it I'm not sure about others as I limited my research to these two ) , that the photo sensitivity was just a fact of my RA . Of course I was not satisfied with that & went through months of trials of stopping my RA meds over the years trying to find out for sure but nothing ever helping it .

I have to say it is always worse in the Spring after Winter before I get some tan on my skin that's not covered also . After I get a bit tan then it takes a little longer for it to bother as bad .

My doctors advice is always the same get a wide brimmed hat & cover up like they do in the deserts . As for meds Plaquenil helps as well . It's not eye friendly & you should have eye check ups every six months while taking it .


posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 07:00 AM
reply to post by Pilot

I read your OP

What I can say in relation is that I live in Australia AND work outdoors, I find that lots and lots of sunscreen helps, and I have a massive tan, go figure, the sun is frickin brutal!

posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 07:02 AM
reply to post by Pilot

I have always feared the sun. I can be exposed to it short term, but outside, I always cover myself as much as I can(face excluded). Reason is that after a few(5-8) minutes of continuous exposure to the sun takes my energy away. I start to feel powerless, depressed, exhausted, and then after 15-20 mins, I tend to pass out. That little sting was the least of my concerns ever.
I have my theory(actually it is not entirely mine) but my short reason is that we were genetically manipulated from two distinct races. The DNA of the early neanderthal, was infused with DNA of extraterrestrial origin, which originates from a moon of a gas giant, or at least a planet farther away. So, this is why mankind, just in an exact eyeblink 200.000 years ago, appeared with poor night vision eyes, skins not compatible with sunlight, bone structure unlike any other being present in this planet, and brains, much sharper than the present fauna. Of course, mainstream science tells you it all happened like this, but we have a missing link, so that's the case, but if you look at it, the chain would need at least two or three dozen missing links.
I have dug very very deep into this over the past ten years, and I am sure you have heard of occam's razor. It says that the simplest answer is probably the best, and in our case, it is the simplest explanation.
It gives so many answers for so many things. Our origins, our thousands of genetical defects(kind of may have happened through genetical manipulation.) our fused chromosomes, our skull and bone structure, our brains, our sudden appearance two hundred thousand years ago, and so on.

I have stretched far, I am sorry.
By the way. I have been without sunlight for at least one and a half years(continuously 3 weeks. sometimes I have to make examples of course) I only go out when the sun goes down, or when thick clouds are around. I sleep by the day, and do my things at night(I was never really the office worker type) and I am absolutely fine. of course, you have to ingest vitamin D for example, but other than that, I am healthier than most. I sleep less, and have more energy.
Not that I recommend it.(It kills relations with other people)

posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 07:46 AM
reply to post by Narcissous

What about people that have skin compatible with sunlight, like myself?

posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 08:02 AM

Originally posted by ArMaP
reply to post by Narcissous

What about people that have skin compatible with sunlight, like myself?

And also people who are sun sensitive but feel that they need it & enjoy it? Not knocking your theory Narcissous, but it seems this particular "stinging" has come up for people in the last few years. Not everyone agrees but there are enough people who say they feel a difference to make you wonder if something has changed with the atmosphere and/or the Sun.
edit on 27-4-2012 by Pilot because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 01:19 PM
reply to post by kdog1982

Checking the UV index is good, especially for sungazing.
Sungazing For Mind/Body/Soul Safely!

This post:

About sunblocks and vitamin D.

n 1982, the British medical journal the Lancet reported on the relationship between skin-cancer and sun exposure.

The researchers found that those whose main activity was outdoors had the lowest risk of developing skin-cancer.

Other studies have yielded the same results.

An overview of all of the published research reported in the International Journal of Cancer revealed that multiple studies show that people with “heavy occupational exposure” to the sun have significantly lower risk of melanoma.
High, lifetime recreational sun exposure lowers your risk.

Additional studies performed at the British Columbia Cancer Agency confirmed that the higher your lifetime recreational sun exposure, the lower your risk of skin-cancer.

Lifeguards in Australia have the lowest rates of melanoma.

In the February 2, 2005 issue of the Journal of the National Cancer Institute a study confirmed that exposure to the sun reduces the risk of skin-cancer.

In my province of BC, the cancer agency conducted a long term study on outdoor workers, who were not overly protected as a whole, and expected to find increased skin cancers but instead, they found a SIGNIFICANT REVERSE.

posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 05:46 PM
Holy macaroni! I read through 4 pages looking for a specific post and didn't find it!!! Now I'm thinking this will be throwing bait to the sharks, but why not? This is a conspiracy forum, it's not all serious are a vampire!!!

posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 07:34 PM
I do landscaping, and I've been outside ten hours a day everyday since monday and haven't noticed. It's still a little cold here in MI so I've had a hoodie on but I usually it off once we get going. Haven't noticed it yet but I will for sure keep an eye (or a nerve I guess?) out for it tomorrow.

posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 09:08 PM
I don't do landscape, but I have noticed that my whole house heats up like a furnace, even on cloudy days. I don't know. Nothing is on, no heat or A/C
edit on 27-4-2012 by Manhater because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 11:20 PM
I haven't noticed anything, the only reason the sun bothers me is when it comes in a specific window during the day and I can't see my PC screen due to the glare.

I will go outside tomorrow if it's sunny and see if I notice anything out of the ordinary.

Oh and by the way, whomever said chemtrails must be making it worse, I disagree. The actual patents revealed that the goal was to lower solar radiation from bombarding Earth, rather than increase it.

So actually they are probably trying to prevent this from getting out of hand.

posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 11:25 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

That makes perfect sense that the sun lowers cancer rates, especially considering our ancient history as a species was spent very often outside.

The main source of skin cancer epidemics in my opinion, at least in relation to the sun, are sun screens/blocks, which are created usually out of petroleum derived chemicals. Petro oil is a known carcinogen and can be very dangerous to cellular structures if skin contact is established.

I have no idea why people put that kind of toxic crap on their skin (oh yeah I do, because they were lied to by the industry and fooled into giving themselves skin cancer).

Anyways I highly suggest avoiding it.
What kind of sun block is safe? A hat.

posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 11:57 PM
All my friends are commenting on the microwave type sun we've been experiencing here in Central Texas. I'm an avid gardener, they are also outdoors type people, this microwave intensity is not normal here. I'm going out on a limb and say whatever reflective stuff they're putting in the atmosphere is also reflecting back to us. Add to that excited particles from the sun flares and voila, people, animals, etc, running for cover.
edit on 4/27/2012 by seentoomuch because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 12:50 AM
U R not wrong, I live outside of Tucson AZ. in a 'Gopher Hole' called Vail, AZ.where it tends to get 'Warm'. This is not to be taken as 'Scientific' by any means, however I use a very good 'Automatic Arc Welding Helmet' which has adjustable controls for 'Darkening'. It is only about 8 months old & the Batteries test good. I had to weld outside the other day & almost broke my neck just walking (tripping) out the door as it turned so 'Black' so 'Fast'!!! I had to totally re- adjust the controls to be able to use the helmet!!! I was back east last year until Autumn, but this Spring MANY old timers have noticed the same thing, that the intensity of the Sun seems to have been 'Kicked Up a Notch' this year!!! Moosemose

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 12:57 AM
reply to post by muzzleflash

Well with regards to the chemtrails, they do make it sting, when I'm sungazing, if there are any clouds around the sun, even when its near setting and no UV and normally you can actually stare at it, its stings the eyes, and you have blink into it with watering eyes. The clouds obviosly have metallic particles. Also, there is aluminum in those particles, barium and aluminum in the tests done on the sludge. How could aluminum, which is a superconductor, protect us from the sun???

It would do the opposite!

Thats why I wonder how much amping up of the sun rays is going on.

I've had wonderful experiences and memories during CME's, and really question, what those sunbeams, sun flares, and sun rays really are.

Lightening? Burning plasma?

I see Love instead.

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 01:23 AM
I haven't noticed it since I try to get as much sun as possible and add sun gazing to the whole going outside thing even though I'm indoors most of the time.

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 07:08 AM

Originally posted by Unity_99
How could aluminum, which is a superconductor, protect us from the sun???
Aluminium is a superconductor at a very low temperature (1.2 ºK = -457.24 ºF = -271.8 ºC), so it does not act as a superconductor in the atmosphere.

But why do you think that being a superconductor would make a difference (I think almost all metals are superconductors at the right temperature) in protecting us from the Sun? As far as I know, any thing between us and the Sun gives us some amount of protection.

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 11:58 AM
reply to post by ArMaP

Haven't you felt how hot metal can get outside in the sun? And they're putting that up in our atmosphere???

I personally believe that what they're doing is creating this heat and altered weather.

Now if they knew an ice age was coming that would make some sense, except they're poisoning everything.

But, if they're trying to block off the huge hole in in our earth shield, I don' think metallic particles would help in the least it would only amplify, whatever it is in Sunlight that makes heat. Because the essence of photons or Light is something else metaphsycially and not our enemy. So to me this is playing the pretend matrix world game as it is. But in the pretend matrix world, the fake stuff around us, metal heats up pretty fast in the sun.

And I don't trust their formulas too much. This goes against common sense enormously.

By the way I wouldnt do that for an ice age. I would put up huge statellite solar panels and direct free energy and warmth wherever needed. Energy everywhere.
edit on 28-4-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

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