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How To Prove You’ve Been Abducted by Aliens

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posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 11:33 AM
I ran across this article and found it rather interesting -

How To Prove You’ve Been Abducted by Aliens by Neil deGrasse Tyson

Do I believe in UFOs or extraterrestrial visitors? Where shall I begin?

There's a fascinating frailty of the human mind that psychologists know all about, called "argument from ignorance." This is how it goes. Remember what the "U" stands for in "UFO"? You see lights flashing in the sky. You've never seen anything like this before and don't understand what it is. You say, "It's a UFO!" The "U" stands for "unidentified."

But then you say, "I don't know what it is; it must be aliens from outer space, visiting from another planet." The issue here is that if you don't know what something is, your interpretation of it should stop immediately. You don't then say it must be X or Y or Z. That's argument from ignorance. It's common. I'm not blaming anybody; it may relate to our burning need to manufacture answers because we feel uncomfortable about being steeped in ignorance.

This is a very true statement. I don't know how many times I've heard someone say they saw a UFO and it must of been aliens.

But you can't be a scientist if you're uncomfortable with ignorance, because scientists live at the boundary between what is known and unknown in the cosmos. This is very different from the way journalists portray us. So many articles begin, "Scientists now have to go back to the drawing board." It's as though we're sitting in our offices, feet up on our desks-masters of the universe-and suddenly say, "Oops, somebody discovered something!" No. We're always at the drawing board. If you're not at the drawing board, you're not making discoveries. You're not a scientist; you're something else. The public, on the other hand, seems to demand conclusive explanations as they leap without hesitation from statements of abject ignorance to statements of absolute certainty.

Here's something else to consider. We know-not only from research experiments in psychology but also from the history of science-that the lowest form of evidence is eyewitness testimony. Which is scary, because in a court of law it's considered one of the highest forms of evidence.

Have you all played telephone? Everybody lines up; one person starts with a story and tells it to you; you hear it and then repeat it to the next person; the next person then passes it along. What happens by the time you get to the last person, who now retells the story to everybody who's heard it already? It's completely different, right? That's because the conveyance of information has relied on eyewitness testimony-or, in this case, earwitness testimony.

So it wouldn't matter if you saw a flying saucer. In science-even with something less controversial than alien visitors, and even if you're one of my fellow scientists-when you come into my lab and say, "You've got to believe me, I saw it," I'll say, "Go home. Come back when you have some kind of evidence other than your testimony."

I think I'll take eyewitness testimony over anything else and then form my own opinion or conclussion. Most evidence is eyewitness testimony and rarely do you have any other tangible evidence, but that doesn't make it any less true.

Human perception is rife with ways of getting things wrong. We don't like to admit it, because we have a high opinion of our biology, but it's true. Here's an example: We've all seen drawings that create optical illusions. They're lots of fun, but they should actually be called "brain failures." That's what's happening-a failure of human perception. Show us a few clever drawings, and our brains can't figure out what's going on. We're poor data-taking devices. That's why we have science; that's why we have machines. Machines don't care what side of the bed they woke up on in the morning; they don't care what they said to their spouses that day; they don't care whether they had their morning caffeine. They're emotion-free data-takers. That's what they do.

Maybe you did see visitors from another part of the galaxy. I need more than your eyewitness testimony, though. And in modern times, I need more than a photograph. Today Photoshop software probably has a UFO button. I'm not saying we haven't been visited; I'm saying the evidence brought forth thus far does not satisfy the standards of evidence that any scientist would require for any other claim.

So basically what he's saying is even if you got E.T. to take a photo next to its ship, science would dismiss it as evidence.

So here's what I recommend for the next time you're abducted into a flying saucer. You're there on the slab, where of course the aliens do their sex experiments on you, and they're poking you with their instruments. Here's what you do. Yell out to the alien who's probing you, "Hey! Look over there!" And when the alien looks over there, you quickly snatch something off his shelf-an ashtray, anything-put it in your pocket, and lie back down. Then when your encounter is over and done with, you come to my lab and say, "Look what I stole from the flying saucer!" Once you bring the gizmo to the lab, the issue is no longer about eyewitness testimony, because you'll have an object of alien manufacture-and anything you pull off a flying saucer that crossed the galaxy is bound to be interesting.

Even objects produced by our own culture are interesting-like my iPhone. Not long ago, the people in power might have resurrected the witch-burning laws had I pulled this thing out. So if we could get hold of some piece of technology that had crossed the galaxy, then we could have a conversation about UFOs and extraterrestrials. Go ahead, keep trying to find them; I won't stop you. But get ready for the night you'll be abducted, because when it happens, I'll want your evidence.

An ashtray? Go bigger, grab a pair of their undies while your at it!

Many people, including all the amateur astronomers in the world, spend a lot of time looking up. We walk out of a building, we look up. Doesn't matter what's happening, we're looking up. Yet UFO sightings are not higher among amateur astronomers than they are among the general public. In fact, they're lower. Why is that so? Because we know sky phenomena. It's what we study.

One UFO sighting in Ohio was reported by a police officer. Some people think that if you're a sheriff or a pilot or a member of the military, your testimony is somehow better than that of the average person. But everyone's testimony is bad, because we're all human. This particular police officer was tracking a light that was darting back and forth in the sky. He was chasing it in his squad car. Later it turned out that the cop was chasing the planet Venus, and that he was driving on a curved road. He was so distracted by Venus that he wasn't even conscious of turning his steering wheel back and forth.

It's yet another reminder of how feeble our sensory organs are—especially when we're confronted with unfamiliar phenomena, let alone when we're trying to describe them.

So remember non-scientists when you see something in the sky that's's just Venus!!
edit on 26-4-2012 by chrismicha77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 11:42 AM
ask the aliens to give you super powers or atleast to mutate your genome to where you have fragrance flatulents

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 11:48 AM
I think showing off your prescription for lithium and your scars from self implant removal is always good proof. Or maybe your discharge papers from your local mental hospital

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 11:48 AM

Several good points about UFO and Abduction, I don't like Dr Tyson as hes pompous and arrogant but the man can make good points.

Personally I think the rise in popularity of UFOs, shows like Ancient aliens, etc, is all part of the results of the war on Education and Intellectuals in the US.

Ignorant populace will eat this crap up.
edit on 26-4-2012 by benrl because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 12:16 PM
When the memories come back ,that's enough for most people. There's no way to scientifically prove it unless you were taken and then ate some of their food and drank their water and had been tested and had rare elements in your system. I have eaten alien food a few times if my memories are correct. I don; think I want to get tested so the Government can't silence me or try to gain access to my abductors.

Proving stuff like this is a double edged sword. One side you proved that aliens are real, which has already been done, but skeptics won't except the proof and the other side which is the Government finds you and does their vile experiments which leads to your death. At this point, I'm going to leave my channeled book as evidence due to the fact it's not proof to anyone other than that I've contacted a race of violent flesh eating beings bent on monstrous deeds. Since I believe that most spiritual beings are sourced from aliens, this is proof enough for me.

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 12:23 PM
Very good post OP. (love your posts btw).

I had that very same idea the other day when I was having a lucid dream. I was thinking of taking something or leaving something in the dream just to see what happens. Ive heard stories of alien abduction where victims claimed they woke up with dirt and types of plants that were not found in the area they lived. Personally, I hope to never get abducted, but in the case I do, I'll do my darn best to bring something back.

And post it on ATS, cause remember, pictures or it didnt happen

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 12:48 PM
reply to post by benrl

Several good points about UFO and Abduction, I don't like Dr Tyson as hes pompous and arrogant but the man can make good points.

Ha! I feel the same way about him.

He has a lot of good points because he has been trained in sciences ....but his arrogant personality and biased opinions kind of tick me off sometimes.

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 01:03 PM

Originally posted by blackmetalmist
Very good post OP. (love your posts btw).

I had that very same idea the other day when I was having a lucid dream. I was thinking of taking something or leaving something in the dream just to see what happens. Ive heard stories of alien abduction where victims claimed they woke up with dirt and types of plants that were not found in the area they lived. Personally, I hope to never get abducted, but in the case I do, I'll do my darn best to bring something back.

And post it on ATS, cause remember, pictures or it didnt happen

Well thank you!!

How do you know it was just a lucid dream.....maybe you're an abductee!
Next time make sure you pack some Reeces Pieces and bring an E.T. back with you. Because it's well known that E.T.s love Reeces Pieces.

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 01:40 PM
No one can do any of those things in an abduction. And the scientists who are working with ET know fully well that and so that article is being put out by those who know differently and are laughing at people, taunting them "you can't prove anything". It makes me sick to my stomach to even read such crapola.

You can't photograph your own abductions. Some of them are out of body, some are in body, and its all with alot of missing time blurbs, and strange events. Not everything is medical and even when there is a medical component you don't get to remember it most of the time, I don't get to remember any medical, though have had wounds to deal with.

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 01:51 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

That's what I pretty much got out of it. He's arrogant and it's a slap in the face for those who have experienced it. Like I said, even if evidence was somehow brought back, the science community would dismiss it. It would be left to those in underground science community to prove its validity. Once brought out in the open as legitimate, it would be laughed back to the underground.

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 02:04 PM
Ok i bet the article is kind of satirical,because if the person who wrote it is serious,then he has no idea about aliens and alien abductions.I really laughed when i read it.

"Hey! Look over there!"

Like the alien is 5 years old and dumb and the moment you say this it will definetely turn the other way.

you quickly snatch something off his shelf-an ashtray, anything-put it in your pocket, and lie back down.

Pocket????Really????If you are in a medical table and get probed you are propably naked,so where exactly you are going to put the ashtray?

"Look what I stole from the flying saucer!"

Even if you manage to steal something from the aliens...what makes you think that they will let you keep it?

How To Prove You’ve Been Abducted by Aliens

Having some experience in the "field" i can tell you that the only way to prove that someone is taken is going to happen ONLY when they permit it.You can try everything,but if they don't want you to have proof there is no way that you will have it.

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 02:12 PM
I don't know if this stuff is real or not meaning abductions but I think a movie like paranormal activity shows us how we can prove and or disprove this. i don't really care for the movie myself. but it's genius for alien abductees. I would think. But then you have to take into account would the aliens if exist just wait for you on a country road?

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by Phantom traveller
Pocket????Really????If you are in a medical table and get probed you are propably naked,so where exactly you are going to put the ashtray?

I can only think of one place....OUCH!

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