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Why do so few people care about the ongoing genocide of tribal people in OUR world???

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posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 10:32 AM
If for any reason you are oblivious to this genocide then let me clearly point out that in Australia, Indonesia, Africa, India, most of South America and other countries the indigenous people are being mudered and wiped out. Genocide of the tribes is happening right now as I speak on a huge scale!!!

I have for many years been writing letters to these authorities that either orchestrate or turn a blind eye to this sytematic genocide.

Please may I introduce you to Survival International where you can learn all about this genocide. I am not trying to promote an organisation in this instance, but just to offer you a web site that has so much info about this. They are an amazing Charity. They get things done.

Please if you can just sometimes spare a thought about what is happening to these natural people who live in such beautiful harmony with the earth and nature. They are so innocent compared to us. We have become so brutal. I know who the real civilized human beings are and it isn't us.

Thank you.

Survival International (website resource for information pertaining to the genocidal international slaughter of indigenous people):

Survival International

video of uncontacted Amazon tribe:

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 10:34 AM
1 word. Tribal.

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 10:36 AM
reply to post by Revolution9

let me clearly point out that in Australia

ndigenous people are being mudered and wiped out.

What??? Thats absurd.

Please explain what you mean by that. I am Australian and take great offence.
edit on 26-4-2012 by Germanicus because: (no reason given)

And please be clear.
edit on 26-4-2012 by Germanicus because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 10:39 AM
reply to post by Germanicus

Excuse me. Yes genocide is happening to the indigenous Australians and you know it. Stop being so ignorant and think, man. Don't even try to sabotage my thread or I promise I will make you look like such a FOOL! Wake up, man!
edit on 26-4-2012 by Revolution9 because: spelling

edit on 26-4-2012 by Revolution9 because: spelling

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 10:45 AM

Why do so few people care about the ongoing genocide of tribal people in OUR world???

Because I'm concerned with the economy, education system, and deaths in the United States, where I live. It sucks these people are dying, but really, in the grand scheme of things, I really don't care.

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 10:46 AM
Navy vet has a point where we have problems to contend with on our own as well, but I'd also like to add to the fact that it gets almost no coverage at times to so people don't know. If it does it's not very well covered or it's covered at the time when something else is on that grabs people's attention.

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 10:48 AM

Originally posted by Revolution9
reply to post by Germanicus

Excuse me. Yes genocide is happening to the indigenous Australians and you know it. Stop being so ignorant and think, man. Don't even try to sabotage my thread or I promise I will make you look like such a FOOL! Wake up, man!
edit on 26-4-2012 by Revolution9 because: spelling

edit on 26-4-2012 by Revolution9 because: spelling

There are about 500,000 Aboriginal people in Australia. Thus, the Government has agreed implicitly to pay up to $340 billion to bridge the gap.
(our population is about 23 million)
Are you serious? The Government just agreed to spend $340 billion on indiginous programs on top of what they have been spending for years.

I used to be a tutor in an Aboriginal Homework Centre when I was younger. I am also very interested in Aboriginal issues.Our great country does more than it should as far as 'bridging the gap' goes.

Please dont slander my great country with your nonsense.
edit on 26-4-2012 by Germanicus because: (no reason given)

Also please edit out the word 'Australia' from your Opening Post.
edit on 26-4-2012 by Germanicus because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 10:51 AM
People do care... unfortunately, they are fighting the genocide of their pay check, the genocide of their family, the genocide of home ownership, the genocide of jobs, etc.

They have to pick a fight, and tribes a thousand miles away didn't make the list.

HOWEVER, there are many that do care and donate to organizations like the one your support. Many people, including my wife and I, have actually been to these countries to try and help the indigenous peoples.

Again, everybody is trying to survive.. the tribes are number 10 on the list and most people have only made it to number 6.

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 11:15 AM
reply to post by Revolution9

Please may I introduce you to Survival International where you can learn all about this genocide. I am not trying to promote an organisation in this instance, but just to offer you a web site that has so much info about this. They are an amazing Charity. They get things done.

You most certainly ARE trying to promote "Survival International"! Only a fool could think otherwise.

reply to post by Revolution9

Stop being so ignorant and think, man. Don't even try to sabotage my thread or I promise I will make you look like such a FOOL!

Threats like that certainly don't speak well for you, or even the charity that you are obviously trying to promote.

See ya,

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 11:34 AM
reply to post by Revolution9

Do you normally talk with people that just go along with everything you say just because you said it?

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 11:36 AM

Originally posted by Germanicus
reply to post by Revolution9

let me clearly point out that in Australia

ndigenous people are being mudered and wiped out.

What??? Thats absurd.

Please explain what you mean by that. I am Australian and take great offence.
edit on 26-4-2012 by Germanicus because: (no reason given)

And please be clear.
edit on 26-4-2012 by Germanicus because: (no reason given)

The Hon Julia Gillard MP
Prime Minister
Parliament House
April 26, 2012

Dear Prime Minister,
I am gravely concerned that in a prosperous country like Australia, the indigenous population
continues to suffer appalling health problems. Only if they can regain some measure of control
over their lives and lands will their chronic health problems, such as a lower life expectancy and
higher infant mortality than most Australians, be improved.

The answer to these problems is not to remove control of Aboriginal peoples’ lives and
communities from them, but to give them a greater say over decisions that affect their future.
I would have expected Australians to be more civilized in their treatment of these Beautiful
People. It is very easy to see who is the real Beast here and it is not the Indigenous Australians!
How disgusting, how barbaric. Just who is the true civilized human on this planet? Tell me? Stop it

Yours sincerely,
Michael Anthony XXXX

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 11:38 AM
Just a guess. Maybe its because they're afraid they'd have to give something back?

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 11:39 AM
No one cares because it's out of sight.

Even when they see pictures of this happening on the news it's such a common occurrence that we have become desensitized to it.

Sad, but true.

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 11:41 AM
I don't know that "so few people care." I hear about this issue a lot, even though in raw numbers it effects a very small number of people.

You know what I want to know? Why do so few people care about the ongoing genocide of indigenous Europeans (read: "white people") who are being innundated with immigrants both in America and Europe, constantly made to feel guilty about the color of their skin, and subjected to race-mixing propaganda day and night on TV and the media in general. Oops we can't talk about that, its not "politically correct," right?

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by TheXoor

Europe being "taken over" by dark skinned people gets talked about a lot. America being "taken over" by dark skinned people gets talked about a lot. Sound and fury, they have taken nothing.

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 11:59 AM

Originally posted by navy_vet_stg3

Why do so few people care about the ongoing genocide of tribal people in OUR world???

Because I'm concerned with the economy, education system, and deaths in the United States, where I live. It sucks these people are dying, but really, in the grand scheme of things, I really don't care.


posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 12:27 PM

Originally posted by Revolution9

Originally posted by Germanicus
reply to post by Revolution9

let me clearly point out that in Australia

ndigenous people are being mudered and wiped out.

What??? Thats absurd.

Please explain what you mean by that. I am Australian and take great offence.
edit on 26-4-2012 by Germanicus because: (no reason given)

And please be clear.
edit on 26-4-2012 by Germanicus because: (no reason given)

The Hon Julia Gillard MP
Prime Minister
Parliament House
April 26, 2012

Dear Prime Minister,
I am gravely concerned that in a prosperous country like Australia, the indigenous population
continues to suffer appalling health problems. Only if they can regain some measure of control
over their lives and lands will their chronic health problems, such as a lower life expectancy and
higher infant mortality than most Australians, be improved.

The answer to these problems is not to remove control of Aboriginal peoples’ lives and
communities from them, but to give them a greater say over decisions that affect their future.
I would have expected Australians to be more civilized in their treatment of these Beautiful
People. It is very easy to see who is the real Beast here and it is not the Indigenous Australians!
How disgusting, how barbaric. Just who is the true civilized human on this planet? Tell me? Stop it

Yours sincerely,
Michael Anthony XXXX

Who the heck is this misinformed Michael Anthony?

And thats a long way from the genocide you accuse Australia of. You said the word "genocide" and you said you would be "clear". You also said you would make me look like a "fool".

Im still waiting.
I am tempted to alert this post because as I said I take great offence to your comments. They are untrue and this mysterious letter that you have produced is nothing more than the rantings of a bleeding heart liberal of some kind. And in it is no mention of the "genocide" you speak of. You cant just go around slandering the people of an entire Nation. A great nation like Australia.

The health problem's are due to many things. Lifestyle being one of them.There is also the problem of many Aboriginal communities being remote.They have less access to care.I share that problem with them,I live in a rural community in the country and we dont have it like they do in the city,as a result people from the country have higher death rates from cancer and other treatable things. Country men also seem less inclined to get regular check ups than guys in the city so we miss out on nipping things in the bud like many in the city do. See how that skews the stats? Same thing with the stats on Aboriginals,its lifestyle and its up to them. I am against all forms of 'Affirmative Action'. You can spend 340 billion on Aboriginal issues but gain nothing if Aboriginals wont change their lifestyle.Its up to them,they are responsible for themselves. But anyway,do the math on 340 billion for 500 thousand people.Its alot for each Aboriginal isnt it? And you claim our government commits "genocide". The 340 billion is also just the tip of the iceburg as far as aboriginal spending goes. The money is a complete waste if Aboriginals will not take responsiblity for themselves.

I have Aboriginal friends who agree and will not take any of these hand-outs. They are insulted by these offensive bleeding heart liberals and their ill-informed solutions.Affrimative Action devalues the accomplishments of an Aboriginal. Its just like African American's,ask Clarence Thomas.

But back to the "genocide" please be clear on that.As I said,your letter is the rantings of an out of touch,ill-informed offensive liberal. Im not even sure what you think it proves.
edit on 26-4-2012 by Germanicus because: (no reason given)

Edit- I also have some Aboriginal mates that would fist fight you for refering to them as "tribal". Its 2012. They arent running around with spears.
edit on 26-4-2012 by Germanicus because: (no reason given)

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