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For Employees Of The Federal Government: The First Declaration Of Independence (and a new one...)

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posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 11:04 PM
Only 20 years ago our government chided and ripped other countries for censorship yet now they rely on it so heavily to maintain their control over "We the Sheeple". Every American needs to read this link and then share it with 10 people they know.

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 12:13 AM
reply to post by OldCorp

Pretty much everything in your OP says we already have a totalitarian government. Massive abuse of power are the tale-tell signs of the beginning of the fall.

I'm sure you know a bit about the Roman Empire, go read up on it if you don't. We're following in their footsteps like mirroring it so bad it isn't funny. Corrupt government always leads to ruin.

This is the way it goes based on my own comparative study of both ancent and modern dictatorships:

Corruption>abuse of power>dictatorship>absolute power>ruin.

We're just waiting on Julius Caesar to make his appearance and he will be coming shortly.

"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men."-John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton, first Baron Acton (1834–1902).

I agree, great men are almost always bad men.

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 12:25 AM
awesome thread man. I wish every American could see these facts. You do us justice. Thank you.

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 05:57 AM
reply to post by OldCorp

You seem to be trying to blame Obama for everything. The failures to abide by our Constitution were aggressively followed by Obama's predecessors, especially George Bush. He is the one who contrived to use the 9/11 massacre (for me, the jury is still out as to whether or not it was a false flag operation) to send our troops into two unnecessary wars, causing far more destruction to ourselves, as well as many times that to many innocent people of other countries, than 9/11 even approached. As he did so, that, as well as the lax oversight over mortgage lending, brought about the recession, as well as drove our national debt farther above the ceiling. George Bush continued the assault on our civil liberties, using fear as an excuse, making travel increasingly unpleasant, at least. He only continued the tradition of previous presidents who set up the income tax, the federal monetary system, the national security acts of 1947 and 1949. Don't blame it all on Obama. That is hypocrisy.

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 06:11 AM

Originally posted by sorgfelt
You seem to be trying to blame Obama for everything. The failures to abide by our Constitution were aggressively followed by Obama's predecessors, especially George Bush.

While President Bush had his transgressions; and they are not to be slighted; such actions and blame could be put on the multitudes of presidents before George W. Bush ever took office.

For the most part, we agree that it is a bit curious why the OP only focused on President Obama. It is fresh in the minds of many Americans. Our transfer of power is fairly unique and amazing to witness. Since I have been aware and alive, we have had 5 different "heads" of State. That is 30+ years of political power changing hands peacefully since I have been alive.

He is the one who contrived to use the 9/11 massacre (for me, the jury is still out as to whether or not it was a false flag operation) to send our troops into two unnecessary wars, causing far more destruction to ourselves, as well as many times that to many innocent people of other countries, than 9/11 even approached. As he did so, that, as well as the lax oversight over mortgage lending, brought about the recession, as well as drove our national debt farther above the ceiling.

I am going to call you out on this. First you say it was contrived by Bush but then make some half-ass slight of a comment that you are still "waiting for the jury" to paraphrase. Then after that you lay your claim that it was in fact Bush who planned it out.

My suggestion? Don't shy away from what you believe in and make comments/remarks just for the sake of it. If you believe Bush be the mastermind or at least a willing participant, than say so. If not, just express the different theories involved. The way it stands it is clear you believe that Bush was part of the "master plan" (even though he was thooughly labelled as an idiot -- talk about irony!

George Bush continued the assault on our civil liberties, using fear as an excuse, making travel increasingly unpleasant, at least.

I do hold President Bush to this, but I also hold Congress to you? You do know that bills originate from the Halls of Congress. If they never created the bill, then most likely such "liberties" would have never been "assaulted".

He only continued the tradition of previous presidents who set up the income tax, the federal monetary system, the national security acts of 1947 and 1949. Don't blame it all on Obama. That is hypocrisy.

Two wrongs don't make a right; especially when one side campaigns and "fights" for the complete opposite. Yet here have yet another president who has done just that. I do commend you for at least digging back and recognizing that such atrocious acts were not only from the present but that the past has also committed them.

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 07:14 AM

Originally posted by sorgfelt
reply to post by OldCorp

You seem to be trying to blame Obama for everything. The failures to abide by our Constitution were aggressively followed by Obama's predecessors, especially George Bush. He is the one who contrived to use the 9/11 massacre (for me, the jury is still out as to whether or not it was a false flag operation) to send our troops into two unnecessary wars, causing far more destruction to ourselves, as well as many times that to many innocent people of other countries, than 9/11 even approached. As he did so, that, as well as the lax oversight over mortgage lending, brought about the recession, as well as drove our national debt farther above the ceiling. George Bush continued the assault on our civil liberties, using fear as an excuse, making travel increasingly unpleasant, at least. He only continued the tradition of previous presidents who set up the income tax, the federal monetary system, the national security acts of 1947 and 1949. Don't blame it all on Obama. That is hypocrisy.

Before you go slinging labels like hypocrite around, maybe you should read the rest of the thread, or this article that I wrote while Bush was in power.

I focused on President Obama because he is the President at the moment. Arresting and trying Bush and Cheney can wait until we have the current crop of traitors standing in the dock.

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 07:41 AM

Originally posted by ownbestenemy

Originally posted by OldCorp
I didn't address the people...because I AM their voice. It is the employees of the Federal government who need to get their act straight, because without their help Obama couldn't find his way to the head.

Then you wholly do not understand the concept presented in the Declaration of Independence. That Free Men (all inclusive; men and women), regardless of employment or station, hold the political power. I won't deny that there are many within the bowels of the Federal Government that do enable, but the Individual on a whole acquiesces their political power freely.

I think you misunderstood what I meant, or I didn't phrase it clearly enough. One man can not assume the power of the people; that is what BHO has done and it makes him a dictator. I merely meant to suggest that I was speaking on behalf of the people (and I think I speak on the behalf of a LOT of them.)

And you or me are not enabling him? The reelection rates for incumbent Representatives is ridiculously high and short of killing someone, most know they firmly hold their seats because of you and I and our acquiescence.

With an approval rating of 9%, I am totally flummoxed by the recidivism rate in Congress (yes I meant recidivism, kinda cute huh?
) I would totally support a recall petition similar to the one in Montana against EVERY Representative and Senator that voted for the NDAA. That should clear the Halls of Congress of scumbags pretty quickly.

This could spawn a whole other topic -- depending on how one sees the Constitution. Founders such as James Madison, the "Father of the Bill of Rights", only put them in place because they needed the support of States that wanted them. He argued that such "Bills of Rights" would lead to the school of thought that by merely listing certain Rights, the Government could see the innumerable Rights we retain as not protected. One could say it has lead to the thought that Rights are granted by the Government; a view many hold today because of poor education regarding the concept of inherent and unalienable Rights. By I digress, this is a discussion for a different topic.

I agree, but briefly: The end result, amendments and all, was the most beautiful piece of Enlightenment thought ever put to paper. It's a shame to see how it has been mangled over the last 200 years.

And this is why I recognized that President Obama is fresh in the mind and that is why the list contains only what you think to be a list of abuses. But I think if we, as Individuals and collectively as the People are to flex our inherent political power, we need to expand the scope to show that the abuses have been happening for a much longer time.

I agree 100%. The politicians that have occupied the White House since President Reagan have all been Gobalist stooges, with backing from the dark rooms where the real power is held, where few.are allowed and even fewer know exist.

George Herbert Walker Bush was a member of Skull & Bones as well as the director of the CIA, William Jefferson Clinton is a member of the CFR, George Walker "Doofus" Bush also enjoyed S&B and CIA backing. And nobody knows how a no-name, first term Senator from Illinois (whose parents have been proven to be CIA assets) who can't even prove that he rises to the "Natural Born Citizen" requirement for President, came to be the most powerful man in the world.

Every shred of his past has been swept under the carpet, even his grades and articles he wrote while at Harvard. He has spent millions of dollars to make his past disappear, and God only knows how much has been spent by others on his behalf. This is a man who openly associates with convicted terrorists and accepts their help, who does business with land developers convicted of fraud and bribery, and directs "community organizers" to commit election fraud. This is a man who openly defends the New Black Panthers, using his fellow conspirator Eric Holder to drop the charges against them AFTER they had been convicted of interfering with polling.

Yet no one can seem to mount a successful legal challenge. The courts don't even want to hear the evidence. There's something fishy about that.

A valid argument could be said that the Declaration was nullified and no longer recognized as a guiding doctrine because of the Civil War. In which Free Men, sought to change their Government and were struck down. Regardless of their reasons; good or bad; they had that Right as inscribed and recognized in the Declaration of Independence and were punished for trying to invoke it.

Just because the Southern States lost the war of Northern Aggression, that does not invalidate their right to secede. It may happen again, soon.

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 07:50 AM
OBE, please don't worry about "Contending" with me. That's what debates between men of goodwill are all about aren't they? I'm sure the Founders contended with each other quite vigorously as they crafted the DoI and Constitution.

posted on May, 6 2012 @ 06:27 PM
That which you create you control.
They created the person.
God created you the human.

All the americans need to do is understand that the state created the person, and if you are one by being the person (like if an actor plays a role in a play as a character created by the author) then they can treat you like a slave. (direct how the actor should act)

Season of Treason 1

Season of Treason 2

Season of Treason 3

some related info here too:

nice comparison chart showing differences between rights and privlidges

1. "rights" are given to you by God, (your god whichever it is you worship which would be something other than a government - doesn't have to necessarily mean christian/jew creator but just a creator that created you which could be anything afterall. Not everyone worships the same creator but that's another topic for another day)

2. The privlige are given to you by the government.

Rights - no government can grant or take away that which you already have. God-given rights are yours to excersise. So take the responsibility and just do it. "With great power comes great responsibility" - Spiderman.

When the ancient jews roamed the desert in the old testament times before they ever had a king to rule over them like Solomon, all they had prior was direct communication with their creator telling them what to do. So this would be an example of humans existing outside of government obeying laws which their creator set down for them and granted rights by whatever created them. No need to ask government to exercise things. The religious leader who could read was the expert on law and people who followed that god listened and obeyed the laws which their creator gave for them to guide them.

Privilige - similar to rights, given to you by the government, but you must ask the government for permission to be allowed to use it. If they say "no", you got to obey.

1. Humans were created by God so God sits above them in the pyramid of authority and is the boss of humans.
2. Humans then formed the government, so we get to tell our representatives what to do and how to serve us. Government is underneath humans in the pyramid of authority.
3. The government created the "person". If you want to be a person you are just asking the government if you can excersie your rights which they call "privliges" ) People who accept government and give consent to be governed are letting the guy below the human in the pyramid of authority to 'accept the tyranny' lol

"That which you create you control." God created you. Remember that. Then you created the system. The system created the corporate entitiy (known as the strawman/person) so you enslaved yourself through ignorance. But they made it easier for us to be ignorant so the blame rests on all of us as a human race.

The important things is this:
If the government does not represent the people anymore it is your duty to let them know, (they can say NO! lol) then if you feel like they have failed to give you happiness, simply go outside that government and just form your own new one which can be managed properly to better serve you. God is te capstone of the pyramid, humans must be underneath the capstone, humans are equal in authority to each other in authority to each other, and the government is underneath the human.

Order of authority: God > Humans > Government > "Person". The "Person" is why you must obey the commercial law stuff since you are doing business/commerce with the government corporation (called "united states" - the name of a corporation inside the united states of america the landmass where common law exists inside it too) and when you recieve a service they get to set the conditions of how it is used. Just like if you order a burger from mcdonalds and the guy serving you might have some control over how to serve the burger to you.

I think you guys should check out the freeman movement and look into Robert Menard Freeman Society. Maybe one day enough people wake up to make that thing pracitical but for now people love to have another authority tell them what to do all the time. Know the common law, commercial law and just picture your land as having commerce on top of it so "sea law" (merchant law) can be used on the land. If you think of the corporation as a house, and the law of the land as the ground which that corporation sits on, then you will understand that as a human you can be on the sea while walking on ground. "Jesus walked on water". Merchant law has to do with buying and selling we do between the corporations. But on the ground is also the common law.

If the corporate government is a house on the land, you should be able to exit that house when you want and go into the common law area of the land instead of being inside the cage/matrix/house. This is why people need to awaken to who they are in relation to what created them. In the movie "Robocop", was Murphy (the man who became the cyborg cop prgrammed to follow orders of the corporation) actually the property of Omni Consumer Products or was he the property of God? (born from human woman, descended from adam and eve which were created by god)? Think about that: do you want to be property of "Omni Consumer Products" forced to be a slave to "Directive 4" (which was secretly used to stop justice, allowing a corrupt guy inside the corporation who created the robot body, to manipulate the robocop character like a puppet so the cop could not arrest him due to secret program code) ....or... would you rather be plain old Murphy? (a free human being with a soul who regained his identity - unrestricted to protect the public from the bad guys who managed to put themselves above him in authority in some secretive way to cheat the system and gain more power for themselves)

some choice lines in the movie:
Lewis: "I asked him his name. He said he didn't know."

Bob: "He doesn't have a name. He's product. He's OCP."

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 06:51 AM
government employees are the most productive people on the planet.

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 01:22 AM

Originally posted by psych
government employees are the most productive people on the planet.

Ah...the critical thought process of hit n' run posters.....I do enjoy the passive aggressiveness that you presented though.

So psych -- should only the Federal workers be blamed? Should it also fall upon the People? Expand your mind other than rediculous "drive by posting" using your anonymity to skate you through.

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 05:01 PM
reply to post by OldCorp

Now THIS is COMPLETELY BIZARRO anti-Obama Propaganda wrapping itself in the FLAG...which it ALWAYS DOES!

1) These people are mostly FOR Obama.
2) The reading of the Declaration of Independence is NOT what our Constitution says.
3) Just reading a few of the CLAIMS show them to be completely false and/or misleading.
4) Really? Obama is FUNDING al Qaeda... Really? The same al Qaeda that is funded from OIL money that Obama has declared WAR on? Really? The same al Qaeda that Obama killed 20 of it's 30 top leaders? REALLY? The same al Qaeda where Obama killed bin Laden?

LIES is what's killing our country... REALLY, and this POS is what a HUGE part of the problem is.

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 05:35 PM
reply to post by OldCorp
Plus- WAITING to arrest and try Bush and Cheney proves this guy knows NOTHING or is trying to con us. Reagan and Bush 1 were NOT arrested ot tried BECAUSE of the Statute of LIMITATIONS according to the Iran/Contra investigators...Plus- Bush gave amnesty to everyone that could testify against him.

Really? The South may try to Secede again? YEAH! Another TRUE American Patriot! Who actually believes in a BIGGER conspiracy theory than Eve and Adam conspiring with a snake. Obama isn't really a citizen...

Really? The WHOLE WORLD ILLUMINATI conspired to Make Obama President, from his birth on! His parents were CIA doncha KNOW? OF COURSE, we ALL know that the Illuminati conspire to have CIA agents kids made President. That means Great-Granpappy Bush was an Illuminatti/CIA agent? Who's son, Prescott married SP Magnate Harriman's daughter. The guy who later had 4 corporations confiscated for financing Hitler? We ALL know that now, right? And of course, Obama? He's JUST THE SAME! "That" makes a WHOLE lotta sense.

You don't declare all-out war on the Oil and Energy Monopoly's decades-old stranglehold and get to be called Illuminati. That's just plain nuts. Clinton and best-bud Bush? Now THAT I can believe.... But for MUCH different reasons... including Iran/Contra and Afghanistan/bin Laden as proof positive.

posted on Jun, 9 2012 @ 09:21 AM
Book marking for further review...

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