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Werewolves - real? Do you have evidence?

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posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 07:15 AM
I have heard some very interesting theories about werewolves. But one that keeps popping up everywhere and that sounds most luring to me, is that werewolves are assassins for Satan. That only very evil people can become a part of Satan's elite were-pack. What do you think?

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 07:21 AM
I don't think so. Why would a evil-turned powerful and all reaching angel who already has influence apparantly over the people, then need werewolf like assasins to take people out. Who would he need to take out? There is not many cases of possible werewolf assasinations in relation to all murders. Not to mention, how would even a werewolf, or for that fact satan exist? Where would you hide a number of werewolf assasins?

I think ATS these days is really starting to loose the plot

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 07:32 AM

Originally posted by Okandetre
I think ATS these days is really starting to loose the plot

I 100% agree with you.

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 07:34 AM
Lycanthropy is a legitimate medical diagonsis. But the person doesn't physically transform into a werewolf, the person just THINKS he's a werewolf. Big difference.

Hypertrichsosis is another disease often misunderstood. Sufferers grow abnormally huge amounts of hair all over their bodies, lending them a wolfish appearance.

If you are truly interested, you should research Native American skinwalkers. Its a different take on the werewolf phenomenon.

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 07:44 AM

Originally posted by smyleegrl
Lycanthropy is a legitimate medical diagonsis. But the person doesn't physically transform into a werewolf, the person just THINKS he's a werewolf. Big difference.

This I can believe, though to couple that with Hypertrichsosis I think are pretty low odds.

Even if that was the case it doesn't make this:

Anything like this:

Or anywhere in between really.

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 07:45 AM
If you don't have any answers relating on my topic, you are welcome not to read my Forum. I would appreciate it if you would not comment since lately ATS people (not all) has grown a lot of sticks up their (donkey's - nice word). It used to be a place where people shared the same ideas, no we are starting to get people on here that only wants to give their opinion and leave sarcastic lines as to end their argument. Come up with something original, until then i am welcome to ignore you in the future. and yes you know exactly who u are

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 07:47 AM
Thanks a lot for your reply, yes I know a lot about Lycanthropy the medical condition. I am just expanding a bit to a more paranormal and legend side of it. Have a great day

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 07:50 AM

Originally posted by lizzapuppy
I have heard some very interesting theories about werewolves. But one that keeps popping up everywhere and that sounds most luring to me, is that werewolves are assassins for Satan. That only very evil people can become a part of Satan's elite were-pack. What do you think?

Interesting concept. You say"keeps popping up everywhere". Where is that may I ask, as I've never heard this particular basis for the existence of Werewrolves before.


posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 07:51 AM
reply to post by Okandetre

I didn't mean to imply that the two were connected. You are right, they are not.

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 07:55 AM

Originally posted by lizzapuppy
I have heard some very interesting theories about werewolves. But one that keeps popping up everywhere and that sounds most luring to me, is that werewolves are assassins for Satan. That only very evil people can become a part of Satan's elite were-pack. What do you think?

From a purely scientific and popping-up-everywhere verifiable approach, the theory that only very evil people can become a part of Satan's elite were-pack has given rise to the other-monster theories of Zeus's very deceased elite vampire-brigade and Jah's very bright people elite mind-alterers consortium. Further investigations are warranted on all these theories, and to the role in Satan's army of the biological strain, place on the Gordinski Good to Evil Scale, elite fighting level field-test rational, and overall efficiency of each group of satanic assassin.
edit on 26-4-2012 by Aleister because: edit

edit on 26-4-2012 by Aleister because: more

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 07:58 AM
To Destinyone

Maybe we don't have the same google, or maybe we don't type in the same words in google when we are searching something. Feel free to download google chrome
and type in werewolf Satan's assassin. Is there anyone else on ATS that can talk with me on this topic other than the Donkey people.

Yours sincerely

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 08:03 AM
Thank you Aleister, now we are getting somewhere. Love your reply

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 08:27 AM

Originally posted by lizzapuppy
To Destinyone

Maybe we don't have the same google, or maybe we don't type in the same words in google when we are searching something. Feel free to download google chrome
and type in werewolf Satan's assassin. Is there anyone else on ATS that can talk with me on this topic other than the Donkey people.

Yours sincerely

How rude of you. I asked a question regarding something YOU said. Your condescending reply shows much about you.

Good luck finding people to actually have a *discussion* with you. As you lack the ability to understand what a discussion is. JMOHO...

edit on 26-4-2012 by Destinyone because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 09:09 AM
reply to post by lizzapuppy

You are welcome. And let me take this chance to say that everybody here seems to treat people with some respect, except lots of the time, and it is a serious discussion group site too. Your thread is fun and speculative, but there really aren't satanic assassin werewolves so the idea of talking about them is just to extend limits. Most of the threads here are very interesting and serious to the degree that they touch lives, either on a breaking news basis or on an interest level of real-world events and speculations. UFO's and Christians and conspiracies vie for attention here in a kind way, except sometimes, and when someone is as new as you and I play too often it kind of labels us as flake-o's, and we must live with that. But play nice, play fair, and maybe give that Des guy a complimentary word for even taking an interest in such a borderline, ah, in such a speculative thread.

Good to meet you, and may the wolf be with you.

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 10:26 AM
Do some reacherch on the Beast of Bray Road. I belive it happend in Wisconsin. A police officer saw a roughly 6 foot tall being was standing on the roadside. It was behind a downed tree. Keep in mind this was broad daylight. He stated that it was a muscular, hairy, lupine beast. What he said the beast did stayed with me for some time. He stated " I stared at it, it stared me. Then I watched it in my rear view mirror as I drove away." Creepy.

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 10:50 AM

Originally posted by lizzapuppy
To Destinyone

Maybe we don't have the same google, or maybe we don't type in the same words in google when we are searching something. Feel free to download google chrome
and type in werewolf Satan's assassin. Is there anyone else on ATS that can talk with me on this topic other than the Donkey people.

Yours sincerely

Destinyone has been a member of this forum for quite some time, and authors wonderful posts. If you don't want serious debate, then state it in your opening post so the experienced members of ATS will bypass your thread.

Rudeness is never acceptable.

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 01:33 PM
The closest evidence that I've come across in favour of the existence of a werewolf - like creature, was in relation to the Beast of Gevaudan (La Bete de Gevaudan).
This creature definitely existed, and it left around 100 bodies in it's wake as proof!
The only question is... what was it? Werewolf? It certainly ticks many of the boxes.

There are loads of sites with good tales of La Bete, but I'll add a link to one of the best ones here;


La Bête du Gévaudan was a real wolf-like monster prowling the Auvergne and South Dordogne areas of France during the years 1764 to 1767, killing about 100 people, often in bizarre circumstances. Every effort to stop her failed and she became nationally infamous. The King - Louis XV - took a personal interest, one reason being the unrest she caused in an area of religious/political tension and potential revolution. Many explanations - mutant, prehistoric beast etc. - were put forward at the time and during the two centuries since but none has ever been generally accepted. The important firm fact is that sufficient evidence remains to prove La Bête really did exist and was not just a myth. Among all the popular monster mysteries she is unique - she left behind one hundred bodies proving herself real and guilty beyond doubt.

I got a bit of a chill reading about La Bete because there is NO DOUBT that this beast really did exist and really did kill about 100 people, evading capture for many years. Anyway - I hope that enjoy reading about "her"!


posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 01:38 PM
Altought human share alot of DNA with the rest of Earth's animal, including the wolf's, I don't see how a human can toggle between DNA and change it to a wolf's. That's simply impossible.
edit on 26-4-2012 by swan001 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by swan001
Altought human share alot of DNA with the rest of Earth's animal, including the wolf's, I don't see how a human can toggle between DNA and change it to a wolf's. That's simply impossible.
edit on 26-4-2012 by swan001 because: (no reason given)

A logical and valid point Swan....

I think we are just getting to the technology to splice genetic material between species...but, only in a lab setting,and a test tube. Though I am intrigued by the Cryptozoology history of werewolves.


posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 01:54 PM
reply to post by lizzapuppy
You have got to be kidding me,get a grip man.

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