posted on Apr, 18 2003 @ 07:21 PM
they are more of a threat than iraq was that's for sure Posted by Lystergic
Militarily speaking very correct. However, the US isnt worrying about military threats at all right now, but going after economic threats, which Iraq
et al poses right now.
Iraq potentially has the power to bring the US economy to its knees due to the dollar vs euro issue. NK has nukes galore, but cant touch the US
economy.... So where are we deploying our forces??
Kind of gives you an idea about what holds more value to the administration doesnt it?
Of course, to be fair, we have more than enough forces deployed to the pacific rim to counter anything that NK could throw at us. Add to that the fact
that all nuclear material/devices are being constantly tracked from orbit by the MilStar sats, and if we see any missles being fueled, we can shut it
down in its silo with HAARP in a matter of minutes. (And if we wanted to try out Mindsnapper Mode, we could cause far worse loss of life in NK than
through nuclear weapons)