reply to post by TKDRL
I don't quite agree with you there.
The rich don't really care if other people are educated, they just want to make sure their children are prepared.
It's more like politicians want to keep kids dumb so they don't grow up and realize the government is screwing them over.
As far as Ivy League schools are concerned, they weren't started for the rich, they were started for the intelligent.
Those that worked their butts of in academia.
Ivy League and even state colleges cost too much because of government involvement and greed not because the rich want to hold people back.
The entire system is set up to prevent people from paying for college with cash, colleges student for student get more money from Financial aid and
loans than parents who pay cash out.
I'm using simple numbers here to illustrate the point quickly.
College used to cost $1000.00 a year, some politician stepped in and said that's too much and it's unfair that students need to borrow 1K to pay for
So they approved $750.00 in government aid and told students you need to come up with the additional $250.00.
The board of trusties saw this and realized that the students were already able to borrow up to $1000.00 for college so over a few years slowly raised
tuition to $1750.00, 1K from loans, 750 from the government.
Along comes another politician that notices that there are still students that didn't qualify for aid so they increase the aid to $1500.00, and
increase the number of people able to qualify.
Round and round it goes until now an Ivy League education costs $100,000.00 or more for 4 years.
State schools while more reasonable in price were affected the same way.
When I started school was $1050.00 a semester, now that wouldn't even cover part time tuition at a state college.
Add on top of that, colleges get additional funding for each student on financial aid that they aren't allowed to charge the cash students.
So you have colleges that adjust the policies and say things like "financial aid students get priority registration because they need to maintain unit
levels to get their aid."
Government got in the way of a market cycle and threw the whole thing off kilter.
If Financial aid for college were cut in half tomorrow tuition would drop more than half in response because the colleges would realize they don't get
government money anymore.
Once that golden goose is gone they realize the only way to make money is through volume, not government perks.
College and education in this country is spinning out of control because the government is messing with it too much.
Don't believe me, look at it this way.
Every year college is more expensive and HS test scores drop.
Every year there are more government regulations and increased funding.
That's a 1 to 1 relationship.
Sorry if this is off tangent, but we can't blame the rich for all our problems.
I'm dirt poor, well close to it.
I don't blame the poor for my life sucking, or for college being expensive.
I'm in college every day, it's not the rich students that are making it hard to navigate college.
They are just trying to get in and get out as fast as anyone else.
Sorry to those on this thread for going off topic.
edit on 26-4-2012 by Pigraphia because: (no reason given)