posted on Dec, 14 2013 @ 10:25 AM
There are many, and there is the one.
I've had a feeling about Putin myself, but I don't claim to know what that flash of insight meant. It could just have been meaning that he has an
important role to play, but I felt a strange qualm about him. I don't usually get gut feelings like that about people.
He certainly does have a cult of personality going, and I've heard admiration expressed for him by people who should know better. I don't think he
quite has the sort of pull we're looking for.
I think he'd need early Barack Obama campaign 2008 x 10 levels of pull going on all over the world for that. Now, maybe if he brokers peace in the
Middle East. He certainly has the most influence there now that we've made ourselves totally inept.
I also love how everyone defaults to the "blond haired, blue-eyed devil" of anime fame for the anti-Christ. Maybe he will be, but he could really be
anyone from anywhere. It's the charisma that will matter.