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The Real Power of Curses and Blessings...

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posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 01:20 AM
As always, I hope I've placed this in the right forum. So many topics that interest me tend to reside in a gray area between multiple forums, so I will understand if this needs to be moved. It is not a conspiracy, but rather a case FOR the very real effects of curses and blessings. I think you all will find this interesting, if not fascinating. I will quote some religious texts, NOT for the sake of arguing religion, but simply for quoting the wisdom of the period, to show that these concepts have extended far into our past, and have been echoed in multiple forms, to include religions. There is no way around it, since these words are mainly in our vocabulary BECAUSE of major religions. I hope everyone reads this with that in mind. Let us begin.

First, let's define a blessing and a curse:


There are three New Testament Greek words related directly to the English word "blessing".
(eulogeitos) is an adjective meaning "well spoken of; praised"
(eulogew) is a verb: "to speak well of; to praise; to call down God's gracious power"
(eulogia) is the noun form, meaning "praise; fine speaking"


Strictly speaking, there is no Greek meaning of the word 'blessed'. The word 'blessed' comes from a German word 'bletsian' meaning 'blood' - the reference being back to Old Testament sacrifices. The English-speaking church chose to use the word 'bless' as a translation for the Greek 'eulogeitos', the meaning of which is explained below. This Greek word actually provides the English word 'eulogy'. 'eu' means 'good' and 'logy' means word - hence the meaning of eulogy is literally 'a good word'. This Greek word 'eulogeitos' was the chosen by the New Testament writers as the nearest equivalent word they had for the contextual meaning for the Old Testament Hebrew word 'barak', which literally means 'to kneel'.


So far, we have blessed, which literally means "to speak well of". The Greek word for blessed is where we get "eulogy" from, which means "a good word", and the word "blessed" originates from the German word "bletsian", which means "blood". I don't buy the above quote's mention of this being a reference back to O.T. sacrifices, but I'll go into that later. Moving on...

katara: a curse

Original Word: κατάρα, ας, ἡ
Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine
Transliteration: katara
Phonetic Spelling: (kat-ar'-ah)
Short Definition: a curse, cursing
Definition: cursing; a curse; meton: a doomed one.



Denounced by God against the serpent (Gen. 3:14), and against Cain (4:11). These divine maledictions carried their effect with them. Prophetical curses were sometimes pronounced by holy men (Gen. 9:25; 49:7; Deut. 27:15; Josh. 6:26). Such curses are not the consequence of passion or revenge, they are predictions.

No one on pain of death shall curse father or mother (Ex. 21:17), nor the prince of his people (22:28), nor the deaf (Lev. 19:14). Cursing God or blaspheming was punishable by death (Lev. 24:10-16). The words "curse God and die" (R.V., "renounce God and die"), used by Job's wife (Job 2:9), have been variously interpreted. Perhaps they simply mean that as nothing but death was expected, God would by this cursing at once interpose and destroy Job, and so put an end to his sufferings.


The word "curse" may also refer to the resulting adversity; for example, menstruation has been described as the "curse of Eve".
The study of the forms of curses comprise a significant proportion of the study of both folk religion and folklore. The deliberate attempt to levy curses is often part of the practice of magic. In Hindu culture the Fakir is believed to have the power to bless and curse.
Special names for specific types of curses can be found in various cultures:

African American hoodoo presents us with the jinx and crossed conditions, as well as a form of foot track magic which was used by Ramandeep, whereby cursed objects are laid in the paths of victims and activated when walked over.

Middle Eastern and Mediterranean culture is the source of the belief in the evil eye, which may be the result of envy but, more rarely, is said to be the result of a deliberate curse. In order to be protected from the evil eye, a protection item is made from dark blue circular glass, with a circle of white around the black dot in the middle, which is reminiscent of a human eye. The size of the protective eye item may vary.

German people, including the Pennsylvania Dutch speak in terms of hexing (from the German word for witchcraft), and a common hex in days past was that laid by a stable-witch who caused milk cows to go dry and horses to go lame.


OK, so let me pause and state for the record, that when I started searching for information for this post, I was overwhelmed. One thing led to another, to another, and yet another, and I have been left in even more wonder and amazement than I was originally. I'm having a lot of difficulty trying to figure out how to focus this properly without going off into different tangents, yet all of them are very valid! My goal here, is to tie in various sources of proof, history and research, in order to make a case FOR the power of blessings and curses. It closely piggybacks numerology, as I very quickly discovered. This opens an entire database of information that is very easy to get lost in, but it's fascinating none the less.

So to sum it up, blessing means "to speak well of", and curse means, "to speak ill of, or wish ill will". Quite simply, the very ACT of speaking or writing good things or bad things with intention, then becomes either a blessing or a curse upon a person, people or objects. It's that simple. It's so well documented and ingrained in human history in every form of literature and mythology, it's impossible to disregard. What IS funny is that modern culture ignores ALL of that, and gaffs it off as mere superstition. But is it? Well, buckle your seat belts, we're in a for a ride, so hold on.

Language, in it's very basic form, is nothing more than frequencies being uttered by human vocal chords. As we all know, our entire physical existence is nothing more than matter resonating at different frequencies. DNA is a physical representation of language.

Now, I MUST dig into religious aspects...not for the argument of dogma, but for the sake of understanding who or what God/Jesus is or is not. This is not a religious post, so please resist the urge to argue this aspect. But what if we don't understand what God and Jesus REALLY are? Let me explain. The Bible very clearly states that God is "the word". If Jesus is the physical representation of God, (or the son of God), on Earth, then perhaps by deductive reasoning, we can presume that God is the word, and Jesus is the manifestation of that word. Follow me? For the sake of non-polarity, let's assume that God is "the all" or "the source", and let's include Jesus in the group of "christs" or manifested/incarnated holy men that have walked the Earth throughout history, OK? This is just to keep the topic on track so that it doesn't get lost in dogma.

Continued in the next post...

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 01:20 AM
So in other words, God is FREQUENCY, and Jesus is the physical manifestation of God, brought into existence by the spoken Word. In this light, if you read the texts where it says, "believe in me, and you shall be saved", I believe it is saying, "believe in the WORDS you speak, for in those, you can be saved". Jesus spoke endlessly about faith...the kind of faith where a simple command will move a mountain. The faith BEHIND the WORD are unstoppable forces of measurable energy! Forget Dogma...who cares about dogma?!? This is something far more important. Call it what you will...rename them if you must, just to suit your satisfaction, but consider this.

John 1:1 is the first verse in the Gospel of John. The King James Version of the verse reads, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God". The phrase "the Word" (a translation of the Greek word "Logos") is widely interpreted as referring to Jesus, as indicated in other verses later in the same chapter.[1] This verse and others throughout Johannine literature connect the Christian understanding of Jesus to the philosophical idea of the Logos and the Hebrew Wisdom literature. They also set the stage for later understanding development of Trinitarian theology early in the post-biblical era.

According to Matthew Henry (1662–1714) in his commentary, Jesus is called "the Word" in this opening verse because he was the Son of God sent to earth to reveal his Father's mind to the world. A plain reading of the verse has John the Evangelist to be understanding the verse as proof that Jesus is God; that Jesus has coexisted with God the Father from the very beginning, the Word was with God, and the Word was God.[2] The proper rendering into English from the original Koine Greek text continues to be a source of vigorous debate among Bible translators.


Moving on, because there's so much MORE to talk about...

DNA has been argued, and even stated by a President, as being the "language of God". It the blueprint for which all living things are made. Computer languages didn't just pop into existence...they were written. So too, was ours written. BUT...certain frequencies/words can and DO alter our DNA!

Russian biophysist, Pjotr Garjajav, and his research group have been investigating the scientific basis for phenomena such as clairvoyance, spontaneous acts of healing, the success of affirmations, auras, and the potential of groups of people to influence weather patterns through their intention. Now, this research has revealed that DNA can be reprogrammed by words and frequencies– opening up a whole new arena in medicine. As we know, 90% of DNA has classified as “junk DNA.” The Russian scientists joined linguists to explore this so-called “extraneous” DNA and found that the genetic code “follows the same rules as all our human languages”–indicating that human languages are actually a reflection of our DNA.

Through exploring the vibrational behavior of the DNA, Russian scientists were able to use certain frequency patterns to alter the genetic information itself. Even more astounding, the experiment proved that one can use words and sentences to influence DNA. This explains scientifically how the body can be programmed by language, words and thought– finally lending credence to the use of affirmations and hypnosis.

The scientists also proved that using frequency can repair chromosomes damaged by x-rays and actually reprogram DNA. By applying vibration to the DNA information patterns, they successfully transformed frog embryos to salamander embryos.

Equally exciting is the news that the scientists found out that our DNA can produce magnetized wormholes– “tunnel connections between entirely different areas in the universe through which information can be transmitted outside of space and time. The DNA attracts these bits of information and passes them on to our consciousness.” This lays the groundwork for proving hyper communication or psychic phenomena, and understanding where that information comes from....

Read the rest here

The science behind WHY it's imperative to guard every word, action and thought is literally encased in our DNA. This is the basis for the biblical "generational curses", which is suddenly much easier to understand if DNA is persuaded by our words, thoughts and actions. We literally pass our "curses" or "blessings" on through our bloodlines to our children...then they either reap the reward or are left to unscrew what we messed up. Those positive or negative frequencies literally reprogram our DNA. Motivational and positive speakers suddenly take on a whole new importance now, don't they? And think of all the crap we listen to daily on the radio in the form of "music". Good God, no wonder why so many people are sick and dying...we're inundated with "death" in music form. We're inundated with "death" on the television, just by the words we hear. Let's not even addressed the double-edged sword in the other frequencies that are created with our electronics...that's a whole other can of worms.

Certainly, the Bible isn't the only text that outlines this scientific wisdom, but it is the one in which I'm most familiar with. The ancient Egyptians were well versed in the art of curses and blessings...why would they employ so much human labor to engrave them into stone if there weren't credence to support the concept? I do know that blessings and curses are echoed throughout every culture in the world, and every religion as well.

One more thing before I bring this post to a close for discussion, (although I may bring in some other items I discovered along the way if I have the time)....

Through my research into this, I stumbled upon some of the more "occult" conceptions in those things we consider to be magical in nature. I had to laugh when one search came up with "abracadabra". But as I began to read, I realized that this was no joking matter. Of course, it is today, but when that word was initially formed, it was done so with the knowledge of frequencies of certain combinations of letters. There seems to be some conflict as to what the original spelling may have been, but that's beside the point.

Continued in the next post...

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 01:21 AM

Abracadabra is an incantation used as a magic word in stage magic tricks, and historically was believed to have healing powers when inscribed on an amulet. The word is thought to have its origin in the Aramaic language, in which ibra (אברא) means "I have created" and k'dibra (כדברא) which means "through my speech", providing a translation of abracadabra as "created as I say", thus its use in magic.

The first known mention of the word was in the second century AD in a book called Liber Medicinalis (sometimes known as De Medicina Praecepta Saluberrima) by Quintus Serenus Sammonicus, physician to the Roman emperor Caracalla, who prescribed that malaria sufferers wear an amulet containing the word written in the form of a triangle:

A - B - R - A - C - A - D - A - V - R - E
--A - B - R - A - C - A - D - A - V - R
----A - B - R - A - C - A - D - A - V
------A - B - R - A - C - A - D - A
--------A - B - R - A - C - A - D
----------A - B - R - A - C - A
------------A - B - R - A - C
--------------A - B - R - A
----------------A - B - R
------------------A - B

This, he explained, diminishes the hold over the patient of the spirit of the disease. Other Roman emperors, including Geta and Alexander Severus, were followers of the medical teachings of Serenus Sammonicus and may have used the incantation as well. It was used as a magical formula by the Gnostics of the sect of Basilides in invoking the aid of beneficent spirits against disease and misfortune. It is found on Abraxas stones which were worn as amulets. Subsequently, its use spread beyond the Gnostics. The Puritan minister Increase Mather dismissed the word as bereft of power. Daniel Defoe also wrote dismissively about Londoners who posted the word on their doorways to ward off sickness during the Great Plague of London. But Aleister Crowley regarded it as possessing great power; he said its true form is abrahadabra. The word is now commonly used as an incantation by stage magicians. It is also applied contemptuously to a conception or hypothesis which purports to be a simple solution of apparently insoluble phenomena.

To further this notion, the written word has held quite a bit of power in ancient texts. Biblical prophets wore special amulets on their headdresses, and the breastplate of Aaron contained twelve precious stones, each inscribed with the names of the 12 tribes.

So much is related here that one could write a book...several books for that matter. But I will leave the info for now, and allow room for discussions on what I've presented thus far. If nothing else, it should give everyone great pause to consider the three monkeys...

The three wise monkeys (Japanese: 三猿, san'en or sanzaru, or 三匹の猿, sanbiki no saru, literally "three monkeys"), sometimes called the three mystic apes,[1] are a pictorial maxim. Together they embody the proverbial principle to "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil". The three monkeys are Mizaru, covering his eyes, who sees no evil; Kikazaru, covering his ears, who hears no evil; and Iwazaru, covering his mouth, who speaks no evil. Sometimes there is a fourth monkey depicted with the three others; the last one, Shizaru, symbolizes the principle of "do no evil". He may be shown crossing his arms...

..."The Three Mystic Apes" (Sambiki Saru) were described as "the attendants of Saruta Hito no Mikoto or Kōshin, the God of the Roads". The Kōshin festival was held on the 60th day of the calendar. It has been suggested that during the Kōshin festival, according to old beliefs, one’s bad deeds might be reported to heaven "unless avoidance actions were taken…." It has been theorized that the three Mystic Apes, Not Seeing, Hearing, or Speaking, may have been the "things that one has done wrong in the last 59 days."

According to other accounts, the monkeys caused the Sanshi and Ten-Tei not to see, say or hear the bad deeds of a person. The Sanshi (三尸) are three worms living in everyone's body. The Sanshi keep track of the good deeds and particularly the bad deeds of the person they inhabit. Every 60 days, on the night called Kōshin-Machi (庚申待), if the person sleeps, the Sanshi will leave the body and go to Ten-Tei (天帝), the Heavenly God, to report about the deeds of that person. Ten-Tei will then decide to punish bad people, making them ill, shortening their time alive, and in extreme cases putting an end to their lives. Those believers of Kōshin who have reason to fear will try to stay awake during Kōshin nights. This is the only way to prevent the Sanshi from leaving their body and reporting to Ten-Tei.


posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 01:27 AM
It would be really easy to gain a rich persons trust and then manipulate them into giving you money.

Just stage these events and claim you have controll... for a small fee youll bend reality for them. Coincidence and ignorance are most likely the origin of all mysticism.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 01:33 AM
Excellent post, thanks for the info. Blessings be upon you!

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 01:42 AM

Originally posted by Wertdagf
It would be really easy to gain a rich persons trust and then manipulate them into giving you money.

Just stage these events and claim you have controll... for a small fee youll bend reality for them. Coincidence and ignorance are most likely the origin of all mysticism.

But magic shows aren't the gist of the post. It was merely an addition to a broader sense of verbal frequencies that have been used over generations to manipulate our physical surroundings. The science behind all this is what I was getting at. The implications cannot be classified as coincidence.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 01:43 AM

Originally posted by ezekielken
Excellent post, thanks for the info. Blessings be upon you!

And blessings be upon you as well!

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 02:49 AM
Excellent post, with well presented info

Alot of my favorite interests in one thread! I can see why you'd be inclined to go off on a tangent!
Looking forward to anymore info you unearth

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 10:29 AM
Giving this thread a bump, hoping that the rest of the world is up and reading now. I really hope some of you want to discuss this. I know it's a lot to read, but it's a GOOD read, and the implications are amazing!!

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 07:45 PM
I read somewhere that the Jewish children are the most affirmed and blessed by their parents, due to a blessing said over them every Friday night, as Sabbath starts.
Due to this the Jewish children are self confident and have high self esteem.

(I am not talking about the 14th Tribe/Khazarites/Zionists)

This has led to Jewish people having the hghest percentage of high earners and professional jobs per capita.

Also Moses was told to split the tribes into 2 groups on two mountains, six tribes were for blessing and six were for curses or judgements. Deut 27v12-13

On Mount Gerazim (blessing) were;Simeon, Judah, Issachar, Joeseph and Benjamin.
On Mount Ebal (cursing) were; Reuban, Gad, Asher, Zebulun, Dan and Nephtali.

Any ideas why?

The Levites were as a blessing to the Israelites, as God had changed their DNA to cope with the radiation coming from the Tabernacle and Ark of the Covenant.

LIve long and prosper (Lenard Nimoy (Spock) got this from the secret hand symbol from the Rabbis in his synagogue. It means El Shaddai. And it has power!! I have experienced it.) God gets everywhere!

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 08:41 PM

Originally posted by AriesJedi
I read somewhere that the Jewish children are the most affirmed and blessed by their parents, due to a blessing said over them every Friday night, as Sabbath starts.
Due to this the Jewish children are self confident and have high self esteem.

(I am not talking about the 14th Tribe/Khazarites/Zionists)

This has led to Jewish people having the hghest percentage of high earners and professional jobs per capita.

Also Moses was told to split the tribes into 2 groups on two mountains, six tribes were for blessing and six were for curses or judgements. Deut 27v12-13

On Mount Gerazim (blessing) were;Simeon, Judah, Issachar, Joeseph and Benjamin.
On Mount Ebal (cursing) were; Reuban, Gad, Asher, Zebulun, Dan and Nephtali.

Any ideas why?

The Levites were as a blessing to the Israelites, as God had changed their DNA to cope with the radiation coming from the Tabernacle and Ark of the Covenant.

LIve long and prosper (Lenard Nimoy (Spock) got this from the secret hand symbol from the Rabbis in his synagogue. It means El Shaddai. And it has power!! I have experienced it.) God gets everywhere!

Hey, thanks! That's some pretty fascinating stuff there! I can only theorize about the 12 tribes. The tribes were an old testament reflection of the heavens, which also represented the 12 zodiac signs, whereas the 12 disciples were a new testament representation/reflection of the zodiac. Just like the 12 months of the year...spring and summer are life giving, fall and winter are the opposite. I've seen some alchemical pictures of the zodiac in which they are drawn in the form of a clock face...the top 6 being in the light, the bottom 6 being in the dark. In everything, there is yin and yang, light and dark, curses and blessings. The two mountains you mentioned may be nothing more than their zodiac position in the skies...the east where the sun rises is the blessing mountain, and the west where the sun sets is the cursed mountain. The "mountains" may be nothing more than the appearance of the Milky Way across the sky...the great "clock face" of the heaves, so to speak.

I have always been fascinated by the concept of biblical blessings. Likewise, I also have a keen interest in the "birthright", in which brothers would kill brothers over, or trick them out of their older brother's birthright. There had to have been something far more than just material items to be gained by the birthright of the first born son. I had read or heard once before (can't remember which, and have since been unable to confirm it), that the birthright of the first born was the passage of esoteric knowledge down from father to son...priceless! How and when did that die out and get lost?

Eh, lots of questions come to mind. The implications of DNA changing as a direct result of vocal language should be the biggest topic on here. Yet, few are interested. I'm shocked at this. To me, this is a gold nugget. Who WOULDN'T want to dig into this and radically change their life and the lives of those around them? It's so amazing to me, the power we have!

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 09:04 PM
True, even in Latin Bendicta and Maldicta means Good (ben) + Say (dict) and Bad (mal) + Say (dict).

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