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Large underground concrete dome in Colorado, what is it?

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posted on Sep, 27 2004 @ 05:22 PM
I know this looks bad as this being my first post in all, but I�ve been wondering about some things and I think all you wonderful posters at ATS can help. Please don�t tell me I�m full of BS or anything like that, I�ve heard it all before. I know what I�m about to say isn�t that big of a deal probably, but I�m interested in it being that it�s so close to home. All I�m asking for is some information, that someone around here might know.

I live in Colorado USA about 70 miles west from Denver in a town called Silverthorne. About two years ago or possibly longer(I don�t remember) they had the military out here searching a close by mountain(in the Williams Fork range) for what was an underground base/hideout. This underground hideout supposedly had something to do with some kind of NWO organization. At least that�s what I heard it was.

Anyway, after some searching they found a large flap door. This was not the main entrance though. I�m not exactly sure what it was used for, but it could of been used to let in aircraft. After they did some more investigating they found out that the main entrance was at a mine called the Henderson(I think that�s what it�s called). The guys that were in charge of the whole operation kept coming back to my house to ask for more information, but I didn�t know anything. I just said there was a possible hideout nearby, someone told me about it first though.

Anyway what they found was a large concrete dome. I actually went inside of it with some of the men. They let me see it and it was pretty impressive. When I was with them it sounded like they were seeing it for the first time too. I remember seeing a large dome like this in a James Bond film that I watched after this stuff happened. So if any of you have seen those James Bond films that�s what the dome looks like but this one is bigger.

What they found in there was pretty shocking and weird. One of the men I was with pointed out that there was an aircraft and who it belong to. This aircraft was parked right in the center of the dome. It was a pretty large plane, looked like some kind of bomber and it was painted in camalflage. Anyway he said that�s Craig(or Greg, don�t remember the name) Buttons plane. Some of you might remember that Button supposedly crashed his plane near Vail Colorado. If he crashed his plane what was it doing in this dome? How did they fit this large aircraft in there to begin with? I don�t know, will someone tell me if you know?

I guess they already had the place secured when they showed it to me. The place was dead, nothing was going on in it.

Now, I don�t know if they blew that place up, if they�re now using it as a base or if it�s back into that organizations hands. I never heard anything more about it. I thought about walking up to where I thought it would be but it�s like looking for a needle in a hay stack.

Anybody know what I�m talking about, ever heard of this? I don�t think it was on the news or anything(I don�t know actually, I don�t watch the news). If it wasn�t on the news or in the news I guess it probably didn�t seem like that big of a deal or else they kept this really secret. Maybe the government is embarrassed that such a place exsisted.
Anyway, what I really want to know is what kind of organization/group/whatever had this dome? What was the name of it? Just referring to this as some NWO organization(and I don�t even know it has anything to do with that) isn�t cutting it for me. Are there more domes/underground hideouts like this around the world or in the U.S.A.?

My father once said that that was it for it and that�s all it was. He can�t be trusted though because now he denies that such a place ever exsists/exsisted altogether.

Again, please don�t tell me I�m full of BS or make up holes in what I had to say. I�m just telling you guys, believe what you want. I was just hoping someone could tell me more about this �cause I find it interesting, being something like this so close to home. Fine, make fun of me if you want, I don�t care.
This also might not be the right forum for this but I guess it can be moved.

[edit on 28-9-2004 by AaronDude]

posted on Sep, 27 2004 @ 10:44 PM
Silverthorne, eh? I gotta check out Summit Snowboard once when we were dropping off a guy who hitched back with us from Sunshine.

I'm from Cheyenne, so I don't know (or ever heard) of this dome. One person you may want to U2U is Loki... he is from Denver, so he may have heard something about it.

Did they by chance mention anything about DIA, or anything about local politics? Supposedly Denver is going to be the NWO capital, DIA has a HUGE underground base (which I wouldn't doubt... being adjacent to a military base, and just the way that place is in general), there is supposed to be a 'Grey' base somewhere right west of fort collins... basically, our entire range from the springs all the way up to Montana, and far south into arizona, is swarming with military activity (as well as reported ufo and alien activity).

Now, I got a question for ya... how the hell did you get the military guys to take you into this little fortress? If you are for real, I envy you... I would have loved to see that... I've had my fill of missle silos. They all are pretty much the same, although they are definitly alot more interesting when you get to walk about 5 feet from the nose of a minuteman, and like 10 feet under a 3 foot thick door that still opens, lol.

I'll dig around and see if I can't find anything out. Unfortunatly, my friends either live at the resorts, or at The Linoleum in Denver, and none of them are big into these subjects. I could possible get together with my friend in Denver and do some remote viewing on the area, but I'm not sure if he's up to it... and it's a long drive for me... I don't much care for driving in the metro area during winter. And again, might U2U Loki and link him to this thread. He may know something... and update your thread title to something like "Large underground dome in Colorado?"... get better response from people who may know something... basically using better bait to catch the good fish

posted on Sep, 28 2004 @ 02:27 PM

Originally posted by Earthscum
Now, I got a question for ya... how the hell did you get the military guys to take you into this little fortress? If you are for real, I envy you... I would have loved to see that... I've had my fill of missle silos. They all are pretty much the same, although they are definitly alot more interesting when you get to walk about 5 feet from the nose of a minuteman, and like 10 feet under a 3 foot thick door that still opens, lol.

Ok, since this is being received better than I thought it would (people at ATS seem a lot more friendly then people on other boards) I�ll tell more.

I didn�t have to do anything to get the military guys to take me up there. In fact they forced me to look at it. They were hoping I could tell them more but I really didn�t know anything. I could tell you how they did it but I don�t think you would believe it, unless you believe in really weird stuff. I�ll just be quiet about it. Actually, the reason why they let me go into in the first place was because I was the one that actually said something about it. What surprised me though is that no one else ever had the balls to come out and say something about it. I was basically used as a puppet. If I remember right I revealed it to people while being interrogated by a man named John Walsh(he probably knows something if he�s still not denying it). Don�t ask why he was questioning me. So yeah, they basically let me see it because they thought I knew more and I didn�t. They didn't let me look at it for long.

No they didn�t mention anything about local politics or anything like that, they said very little to me in fact. That�s why I�m coming here for more information.

Anyway from the sound of it, it sounded like this place was some sort of NWO headquarters. Is there more? Beats me, I�m thinking there probably is. Again, I don�t know if they blew it up, gave it back or are now using it themselves but from what I heard from another man(I believe it was Sean Hannitty, not sure actually) there is supposedly a large crater where the thing was at, but I�m not sure if I believe that or not. I�ve been up on the mountain where I thought it was at and didn�t see anything. Maybe I just didn�t look hard enough.

In fact I live right around from where the dome supposedly is(or where I thought it is). Why do I live so close? Well my dad might have something to do with it but he�s denying everything, acts like he doesn't know anything when he does and like I said before he can�t be trusted.

Also, if you didn�t notice the tunnel that is nearby is called the Eizenhower (spelling?) And he supposedly had something to do with the NWO. It�s all kind of making since to me.

posted on Sep, 28 2004 @ 02:39 PM
There is a construction company in CO that specializes in Monolithic Concrete Domes for homes, businesses, etc. Perhaps that might be a start. The majority of these seem to be in CO, from a quickie Google search... What else was in the dome, other than the plane?

posted on Sep, 28 2004 @ 06:45 PM
Weren't there some project Plowshare peaceful nuclear explosions in somewhere Colorado ? One of the purposes of peaceful nuclear explosions was creating huge underground cavities for the storage of natural gas or drinking water. So if there is a huge empty space inside a mountain it could be a result of some of those tests. But only 70 miles from Colorado doesn't sound like a reasonable plase to start nuking though those were different times when you consider safety regulations

I don't know much about Colorado and project Plowshare information seems sparse at best so it's hard to tell. But what if it was merely such a site and soldiers were only pissed because someone was storing his aircraft in there ?

posted on Sep, 29 2004 @ 06:05 AM
Okay...I will play the role of the skeptic here since this definitely has received better/softer responses than I expected after lurking this place for a while.

Why were you picked out to either question or go with these "guys"? Did you notice any particular symbols/patches or squadron IDs on their unis? [I am assuming they were military].

I am having a bit of a in issue with the fact you either talked to or were questioned by John Walsh [America's Most Wanted?] and Sean Hannity [of Fox's Hannity and Combes?]. I have to be honest in that the "coincidence" that these two guys had these names is kind of amusing.

posted on Sep, 29 2004 @ 10:51 AM
I agree with Laserjock that the names are suspicious, but could be an honest error. Memory tends to blend names with time... in other words, the guys name could have been Sean Cannady and the mind will remember the more obvious Sean Hannity... and John walsh could have been John Quachi. Some parts make sense... interviewing the person reporting the incident is common, as well as even taking him to the spot,
but the part where you say that your father can't be trusted seems wierd... why? has he been replaced by a government android or something? My dad and i have shared experiences that needed to be "kept quiet" and instead of me saying "he can't be trusted" i say " he is following his government instructions and wont discuss it".

posted on Oct, 4 2004 @ 03:45 PM
what did the military guys say to you after youd seen this dome,did they tell you to keep quiet about it? How did you get back from there to your house? Why cant your dad be trusted?

I was the one that actually said something about it. What surprised me though is that no one else ever had the balls to come out and say something about it. I was basically used as a puppet. If I remember right I revealed it to people while being interrogated by a man named John Walsh(he probably knows something if he�s still not denying it). Don�t ask why he was questioning me. So yeah, they basically let me see it because they thought I knew more and I didn�t. They didn't let me look at it for long.

When you say no one else had the balls to come out and say anything-who else do you mean?

Were there any other corridoors or passageways running off from the main dome?

Can you match the aircraft to anything youve seen before?

have you got any more details of the supposed crashed pilots details?

you say your thinking of going back and looking for it,dont you remember the route you took up there and back down again?

not dissing you dude but your info seems sketchy at best,if this happened to me i would sh*t my pants-think i would remember quite a lot more than youve posted.

Have you ever worked for a goverment organization? Why do you think they thought youd Know something about this place?


posted on Oct, 4 2004 @ 04:04 PM
I dont' know much about the bedrock composition of Colorado but when an ancient ocean is dried out the salt is left behind, over millions of years, as the salt is no long on the surface and is subject to tectonic pressure. Since the salt rock is not as dense or strong as the surrounding bedrock it becomes compressed into a giant ball. This is essentially what a salt mine looks like, they are also massive, shockingly so. The opening is usually fairly small and all machinery is brought in perice by peice and constructed in side the salt mine once they've dug down deep enough to neccesitate and facilitate such operations. The machinery is usually left inside once the salt mine has become of no use. I don't know why there would be an airplane in there unless it had some sort of historical signigicance to someone, since salt mines are notorious for preserving just about anything, the plane could've been brought in there peice by peice and left in there so as not to rust etc. Perhaps these people heard of you saying it's some sort of base and insisted on you coming to check it out for yourself to help quell any kind of conspiracy theory. I don't know for sure though, only you do I suppose.

posted on Oct, 4 2004 @ 04:24 PM
This story sounds completely bogus from beginning to end. You have told a basically intriguing tale, but the details you include (peoples' full names) and leave out (several), make this sound like a Titoresque story.

A quick google search on AaronDude shows that you may either be from the Netherlands or you are a gay guy from Austin, TX.


posted on Oct, 5 2004 @ 07:26 PM
Someone is obviously pulling your legs.

posted on Oct, 6 2004 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by optimus fett
When you say no one else had the balls to come out and say anything-who else do you mean?

I'm talking about my dad and the people that work over at the mine. You know someone around there knows something about it.

Were there any other corridoors or passageways running off from the main dome?

From where I was at I couldn't see anything else like that.

Can you match the aircraft to anything youve seen before?

Yep, it looked like a warthog. I actually have a model plane that looks a lot like the one I saw.

have you got any more details of the supposed crashed pilots details?

Alls I know is he basically stole his plane, flown all the way from Nevada or Utah, and supposidly crashed. Discovery had something on this Craig/Greg Button years ago. Then they supposidly did an update on it a couple years ago but I didn't watch it so I don't know what the hell happened to this guy.

you say your thinking of going back and looking for it,dont you remember the route you took up there and back down again?

Here's where it gets messed up, but since you asked I'll tell you anyway. The first time they asked about it they injected me with something(still not exactly sure what but I believe it might of been truth syrum(spelling?) or a sedative) then we just all ended up on top of the mountain near the flap door(that's all I can remember). Just seconds later the next thing I know I find myself back at home.

Then they found out the real entrance(or alternate entrance, hell I don't know) was at the henderson mine and they asked me if that was true and I didn't know.

Later, they again injected me with something and I found myself standing inside the dome, very hungry, weak in the legs(it felt like I was about a 400 pound man). I was standing there with some of the men and one of them said that was craig buttons plane. I got into a little argument with them because I said it was greg button and they said it was craig button. Just moments later I then found myself at home again.

So yeah, I didn't get to really walk around in it or expore it or any kind of that stuff. I just saw what I saw when I was standing there.

not dissing you dude but your info seems sketchy at best,if this happened to me i would sh*t my pants-think i would remember quite a lot more than youve posted.

Have you ever worked for a goverment organization? Why do you think they thought youd Know something about this place?


I already answered that question. I was being questioned and it came up. I was hearing voices in my head, someone told me about it. The reason why I left this out is 'cause it gets weird. I'm still not telling you everything. There's a reason why I was hearing voices in my head and it's not 'cause I'm a schitzo. I'll explain it if you really want to know, just ask.

Well, I knew this was gonna be hard to believe when I first posted it so I left out some of the other details. I was more hoping someone would know about this and tell me stuff. I really don't know much about it myself to be honest. It does sound like a couple of you have a good explaination for it but I can't understand why the aircraft(looked like a warthog) was in there. Plus, the thing about one of the men saying that was buttons aircraft has me wondering. And how they went about handling the whole situation has me scratching my head. Hell, I don't know anything. Allls I want is someone to inform me what that dome really is, if it's still there, and all that stuff.

Anyway that's all I'm gonna say for now before I lose all credibility and dig myself into a larger hole.

posted on Oct, 6 2004 @ 02:53 PM
Why were you hearing voices?

Why doncha just go ahead and unload the whole story on us?


posted on Oct, 6 2004 @ 10:08 PM
You eatin some bad shrooms man.

posted on Oct, 6 2004 @ 10:47 PM
ArronDude: How about you tell the WHOLE story, including why your dad is not to be trusted. Now you say that you "ended up on top of the mountain near the flap door". Which mountain? If you didn't know you would write 'a' mountain.

Plus when you are on top of a mountain there's a weird phemominom (sp) that causes you to see everything in the surrounding area! Surely you knew which side of the mountain you were on. How about you go back to the mountain and try to find a place where the area looks the same. Then you may have found the entrance.

Or you just go to Henderson Mine and do a bit of exploring.

If you are full of BS, you're hoax will be proven soon enough. Not much gets past ATS.

posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 04:01 AM

You eatin some bad shrooms man.

Yeah,like a field full of them

Yep, it looked like a warthog. I actually have a model plane that looks a lot like the one I saw.

Well was it,or was it not a warthog? there a pretty unique looking aircraft,hard to confuse it with anything else.

ArronDude: How about you tell the WHOLE story

Yeah man,tell all because if this is true (:lol
then theres probably a Delta team on their way to silence you as we speak!!


posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 05:26 PM
well, i make no claims for this guy telling the truth, BUT....i did find this.......

posted on Oct, 8 2004 @ 10:52 AM

Originally posted by el cid
well, i make no claims for this guy telling the truth, BUT....i did find this.......

People say stuff about speaking with aliens in their astral bodies and we're just supposed to take that for granted? "Please don't use ray weapons on us!" Righhhhhhht....

Anyway, there's no such formation as '.' because two of the three planes cannot see one of the planes. The formation is .'. so that only one of the planes has blindspots.


posted on Oct, 8 2004 @ 03:19 PM

Plus when you are on top of a mountain there's a weird phemominom (sp) that causes you to see everything in the surrounding area! Surely you knew which side of the mountain you were on. How about you go back to the mountain and try to find a place where the area looks the same. Then you may have found the entrance.

Well I kind of remember how it looked up there on the mountain but I'm not sure where it's at. I ended back at home just moments later so I didn't get a really good look around. I do believe it's the mountain right north of the subdivision hamilton creek. Like I said though I went up there and found nothing. I might go up there again to check it out though, maybe I just didn't look hard enough. That's all I can say about that.

ArronDude: How about you tell the WHOLE story, including why your dad is not to be trusted.

I'll continue to tell the story in bits and peaces because I already got most of the stuff out of the way. I'll tell you what's left and that's it. I suppose you could just peice it togeather. If any questions come up I'll explain that too.

My dad can't be trusted because he has ties with some NWO group. He never told me the name of the group, he just always refered to them as the NWO. When I ask him about it now for some reason he just denies it. I remember driving around with him in Nevada a couple years ago looking at some richie homes and he said they were all built by the NWO. He said he would hope to move in one, one day, and he would if he could kill me. He also took a hit out on me about two years ago.

Or you just go to Henderson Mine and do a bit of exploring.

You can't see nothing at the mine, it was just used to dig that dome out and it's the supposed entrance. As for the flap door at the top of the dome I don't know what that's used for. My guess is they got the warthog in through the top somehow.

Well was it,or was it not a warthog? there a pretty unique looking aircraft,hard to confuse it with anything else.

yes, it was a warthog.

Why were you hearing voices?

Why doncha just go ahead and unload the whole story on us?

I was hearing voices because I had a chip inplanted into my head as a child. When I was being questioned I was hearing a man talk to me. The man admitted it to me that it was him on a game chat board. He was using a middleman to relay the message though so I never found out what his real identity was.

Why did I have a chip inplanted into my head? Well the government has thought for years that I'm the bringer of disorder (I guess they refer to it as a horseman). They(FBI) gave me a self destructing CD that explained everything on this case. I thought the CD was a joke so I didn't get a look at all the good stuff they had on it. I wish they would give me another one. Anyway, I was being questioned on things that had to do with this case so yeah.

So what is the chip used for? I'm not exactly sure but I know you can hear voices with it. They can track my exact position with it. Also it was used for me and the military men to teleport(lack of a better way to describe it) to the dome and back those two times I mentioned. However to get it to work you need help of a drug such as truth syrum or a sedative. At least that's the way I understand it. I'm not sure though so...

So I guess you now know why I left some parts out.
It get pretty hard to believe doesn't it? Yeah, it's hard for me to believe too.

Yeah man,tell all because if this is true (:lol
then theres probably a Delta team on their way to silence you as we speak!!

There was already a group of people on another board that told me to stop what I'm doing, that they can see it, and that I will be dealt with soon. They said they weren't gonna kill me yet though. I'm supposidly part of their experament. I don't care I'm gonna say what I want. If they want to silence me then I challenge them to do so.

posted on Oct, 9 2004 @ 04:14 AM

My dad can't be trusted because he has ties with some NWO group. He never told me the name of the group, he just always refered to them as the NWO. When I ask him about it now for some reason he just denies it. I remember driving around with him in Nevada a couple years ago looking at some richie homes and he said they were all built by the NWO. He said he would hope to move in one, one day, and he would if he could kill me. He also took a hit out on me about two years ago.

WHATTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!! your own father took a hit out on you?

Why did I have a chip inplanted into my head? Well the government has thought for years that I'm the bringer of disorder (I guess they refer to it as a horseman). They(FBI) gave me a self destructing CD that explained everything on this case. I thought the CD was a joke so I didn't get a look at all the good stuff they had on it. I wish they would give me another one. Anyway, I was being questioned on things that had to do with this case so yeah.

why do the goverment think this?

It get pretty hard to believe doesn't it?

yeah,no sh#t.

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