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1,183,700 Violent Crimes Committed at Public Schools; Only 303,900 Reported to Police

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posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 12:20 AM
1,183,700 Violent Crimes Committed at Public Schools; Only 303,900 Reported to Police
April 23, 2012

The Department of Education and the Department of Justice apparently came up with these statistics.

Devastating to the Intellectual crowd that runs the American public school system.

The stats seem like a bunch of mumbo jumbo when you read about it and how they arrived at the figures.

But the numbers are Mind Boggling

( - The Department of Education and the Department of Justice say that 1,183,700 violent crimes were committed at American public schools during the 2009-2010 school year, but that only 303,900 of these violent crimes were reported to the police.

By this government estimate, 879,800 violent crimes committed at U.S. public schools in the 2009-2010 school year were not reported to police.

These statistics are part of a report “Indicators of School Crime and Safety: 2011” published jointly on Feb. 22 by the U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) and the U.S. Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS).

The Department of Education and the Department of Justice based their school-crime estimates on the School Survey on Crime and Safety which surveyed a representative sample of about 2,600 public schools around the country.

At each school, the principal or another top administrator completed the survey. The NCES then extrapolated from the sample to estimate the full number of crimes committed at the nation’s public schools--as well as the full number of crimes committed at public schools that were actually reported to the police. The survey specifically asked school administrators about both the number of crimes occurring at their schools during the year and the number actually reported to police.
Are those "surveys" even accurate ?

It looks like the school "authorities" have more to say than the police ?

What's with this "no reporting" anyway ?????

Obviously, the intellectuals are hiding Something

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 12:28 AM
Nice catch for this story. In a personal note, we just had a small example of what you're asking a couple weeks ago with our Son. He's autistic, as I've mentioned but they're putting him into Mainstream with the others in his situation whether parents or kids or anyone likes it. That is the backdrop for what happened.

What happened was that in this case our Son was being bullied pretty hard and it was getting into pushing/shoving and building to something more. These kids have been riding him for years at this school and it's an ongoing challenge. We didn't see this, our friends did. Another couple we're very friendly with and a child of their own who isn't close friends with ours, but in a similar situation. They told us about it. Our Son then confirmed it and we called the school to ask about it, since these kids have been the bane of our Son's existence at school. These 2 specifically.

The School's response? The other parents were greatly exhageratting the situation, had no right to say anything to us and would be talked to on the privacy issues involved. The children though, simply had a disagreement and we should think nothing more of it. Hmmm... Yeah.. The PARENTS who told us about it are who the school saw as the problem to deal with...not the 2 creating a physical siituation at 2 to 1 which other parents felt the need to intervene with.

if anything, I'll bet the number of un-reported are quite a bit higher. Even our Son has learned that literally "talking out of school" is a bad thing..and we're having a heck of a time DE-programming that from him. It was deep by the time we realized that was the tack and tone the schools take with the kids on anything of this nature now. Internal...and ONLY internal whenever possible.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 12:34 AM

In 2002, there were about 659,000 violent crimes involving students at school and about 720,000 away from school property.


Take into account the population growths over the past decade, and factor in the rapid decline in TV morality. Snooki and the Kardashians have lowered more IQs in America than sodium fluoride has over the past 50 years.

I can't even feel safe walking into a laundromat because I'm always watching out for women breaking into fist fights over someone's large drawers falling on the floor, and Denny's, Burger King, McDonald's, Chuck E. Cheese, Toys R Us, Walmart, and Popeye's Chicken aren't safe havens either.

Gotta turn off the TV parents out there, it's over stimulation and severe "chasing the carrot on the stick" brainwashing that's screwing up kids just like they always have. Some of us have been there, lost the T-shirt, now we pass that wisdom down like our parents did for us. Hopefully the interwebs gives us that leverage we need that our parents never had before.

edit on 24-4-2012 by JibbyJedi because: tyop

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 12:44 AM
Don't tell me that! Do you know how expensive private schools are? No, we're going to have to figure something out. Since I had kids I've been worried about them going to public school. The problem is that there is only one private school within 60 miles of us and it's a huge inter-city catholic school. I think it's probably just as bad as any public school.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 01:04 AM
reply to post by BrittanyLea
Just insure your kids know that you want to know and need to know what happens at school which effects them. They need to know that some of the things they may be hearing are BS.

'your mommy and daddy are really busy...or...worried about other things....or.....wouldn't care about (insert here)'.

I understand he's heard a few variations of that logic for why we wouldn't want to know or it isn't right to trouble us by telling us about what happened with him that day at school if it's something bad. They're quick to call us if it's a serious issue...but just ..hush need to bother your parents...if it's something we'd actually like to hear about and would help with context to understand those occasional "serious things" they do call on.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 01:05 AM
reply to post by BrittanyLea

Sadly private, or charter schools are not much different, and agreed, cost way to much.

The other alternative, is to home school your children.

Yes, I know, it's a HUGE under-taking. BUT, it does give peace of mind knowing your children are safe, not haivng to deal with bullies, and being "baby-sat" by some stranger.. I mean teacher in some large building.

Public schools are quickly becoming like Vegas, what happens at school, is supposed to stay in the school, your not supposed to tell your parents about what happened in school, etc.

I know, and keep running across more and more concerned parents who are either looking into, or are working on home schooling their children.

Seems to be the only safe way, to give our children a decent education, anymore.

I know not all parents are able to do this for their kids, either, especially with the cost of living, and more often, then not, both parents having to work outside their homes.

Sadly, all part of the "gimmick" to make us all mindless robots. Both parents work, kids "baby-sat" at school getting 1/4 the education provided by other countries. (yes the US is falling further and further down the rung on the educational ladder).

Just my $1.02 *adjusted for inflation orginally $0.02.

Best of luck, and may your problems be solved in your favor, Britt.


posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 01:08 AM
My guess is that a lot of that "violent crime" is fighting, and that's probably why it wasn't reported to the police. Personally, I wouldn't want a schoolyard scuffle reported unless they were 17 or 18 or there was some serious damage done. Having a bunch of middle schoolers in the back of a cop car for something that has been done since humanity began isn't something I like thinking about.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 01:16 AM
i work with youth and we generally don't press charges unless the victim wants to or if staff feels its appropriate. normally its a great threat to hang over kids head, that the police can get involved if we want. as soon as kids know they're getting arrested they tend to get more violent until the police actually show up.

if your getting arrested might as well make it worth it right.
and do you really think they're ganna get any better with the way the rehabilitation system works??

of course, some you want to report right away, especially bullying violence.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 01:45 AM
reply to post by Nephlim

I guess it depends on the level of school. My Son is in grade school right now and moving up next year. In High School, it's really his problem and it has to be that way. He can learn to fight or he can learn to avoid fights. If he doesn't learn it will be far more unforgiving about teaching the same lesson.

In grade school though, yeah.. I think letting parents know about incidents of multiple kids bullying at once or things moving beyond simply a verbal stage is appropriate. The kids don't need to know the parents are informed, but we, parents, really DO want to know these little things for context.

Calling the cops isn't necessary in our case. We'll handle it just fine when our 'angel' gets home. If he's right, we back him 110%. If he's wrong, we handle the discipline and the problem rarely ever occurs a second time. As it ought to be, IMO.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 07:38 AM
Keep in mind that a lot of "violent crime" isn't reported to the police because the teacher or principal handles the discipline. For example, two kids get in a shoving match on school grounds. That'a violent act, but can be handled in such a way as to avoid the need for further punitive actions.

I frankly don't believe the numbers presented here. Of course, I teach at an elementary school where the biggest problem revolves around not sharing and playing tackle football in the hallway.

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