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Why are THEY blocking the sun in Washington state?

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posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 06:10 PM
I believe they are blocking the sun for one reason cause vitamin D cures alot of diseases including cancer,and less of that means more money for Big Pharma cause everyone gets sick alot more.

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 06:13 PM

Originally posted by nitro67
reply to post by Afterthought

The temp has been normal. It is just the odd "filtered" effect of the sun from these trails that turn into clouds that bothers me.

Yea I find it amazing that even WITH examples of Bio Engineers having gone on record YEARS ago stating how they want to conduct bioengineering through the use of a chemical dispersant (i.e. CHEM-TRAILS), plus with the literal WEALTH of information that is available that without a doubt proves the existence of an active chemtrail program, and much much more that there are some that refuse to believe. And not only that, but will vehemently attack anyone who even suggests that may be the case thus causing many to have to proceed with caution and word their words very carefully as noted above.

Call it deja vu or call it a glitch in the matrix I don't know but wasn't there another topic that was infamous for eliciting such hostile response with even just s whisper? Cough...UFO....cough....ahem

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 06:15 PM
reply to post by Gerizo

You dont get what I'm trying to say obviously.

Just because there are contrails blocking the sun in Washington state doesn't mean the sun is being blocked in say California.

I hope you understand this.

When you do you might see how absurd it is to say that contrails are blocking the sun.

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 06:30 PM

Originally posted by Acedrew89

Originally posted by FissionSurplus
Good thread, OP. Something is screwy in the skies and anybody who has a memory that functions properly can remember skies that didn't get criss-crossed with a bunch of freaky trails that create a milky cloud cover.

Yes, contrails are a known phenomenon, so what better way to spread things in the sky than by jet? The fact that these contrails behave differently than before tells me that there is something in them which wasn't there previously, causing them to last longer and to linger.

CONdensation TRAILS are just that: Condensation which eventually evaporates, sometimes quickly, sometimes a little slower, but there are trails which just aren't normal. All the trolls, government apologists, and people who say, "It's always been that way" do not sway me one bit.

Military Chaff is a known, admitted spray done by military jets. The chaff does not act like condensed water particles, it hangs in the air, looks weird, and we all know that it isn't normal!!

They're using a hell of a lot of it, too.


In July of 2006, the Idaho Observer published a story about a family in Iowa which had approached Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA) to report the constant criss-crossing of "chemtrails" in the sky above their neighborhood. They received back from the senator's office a Unitied States General Accounting Office (GAO) Report on "military chaff" and the material safety data sheet for aluminum-coated fiberglass fibers being spread seven days a week for several hours each day in the skies above their home. The report suggested "chemtrails" may really be a huge use of military "chaff."

The Observer reported: "Once chaff reaches the ground, it breaks down into particles small enough to inhale. Though military spokespeople insist that chaff is not harmful, the GAO report concluded that health effects are unknown and more studies are needed. "

"The 1998 GAO noted that:
(1) chaff is used worldwide in conjunction with military training, testing, and other assigned missions;

(2) in fiscal year (FY) 1997, the Air Force reported using about 1.8 million bundles worldwide, Navy and Marine Corps aircraft used more than 354,000 bundles and 593 rolls, and Navy combat ships used about 10,000 large bundles;

(3) DOD records indicate that FY 1998 inventories include more than 37 million bundles and more than 141,000 rolls of chaff;

(4) the Air Force holds about 77 percent of the bundles, while the Navy and Marine Corps hold all the rolls;

(5) the Army has some mission needs but possesses and uses little chaff in peacetime training or testing;

(6) while DOD components report that chaff is an effective means of defense for aircraft, ships, and related weapons systems, DOD and other agencies have identified some unintended and potential side effects of chaff;

(7) chaff can affect safety by interfering with air traffic control radar;

(8) chaff can also affect weather radar observations and the operation of friendly radar systems, especially when vehicles stir up chaff that has settled on the ground;

(9) the services have a number of ongoing initiatives to address concerns about the unintended and potential effects of chaff;

(10) for example, DOD has entered into or is negotiating agreements with other federal agencies to address issues related to commercial air safety, weather forecasting, and environmental impacts on public lands;

(11) also, the Navy has started a program to develop degradable chaff that is estimated to cost about 40 percent more than the current chaff;

(12) while intended as beneficial, the Navy has not yet defined the operational and environmental benefits that could result from this program;

(13) notwithstanding DOD's actions, some concerns continue to be raised by the public and federal agencies about the potentially harmful or undesirable effects of chaff on the environment;

(14) also, some of DOD's studies cite additional areas where questions have been raised about the unintended effects of chaff;

(15) DOD has not systematically followed up on these questions or on the recommendations of these reports to determine whether they merit additional review; and

(16) DOD continues to retain lead-based chaff in its inventory even though this type of chaff has not been manufactured since 1987 and is reportedly no longer in use. (The full GAO Report:

Note in the article that the military claims it only sprays sparingly and in small areas, yet the video I posted shows wide areas affected. They ADMIT they spray this crap, and yet people still come out and say it's nothing but ice crystals in the sky.

Wake up and smell the chaff, folks. They know it's probably a health danger but THEY DON'T CARE.

Normal? I don't think so.

Having stated my previous post, I still think this is good work

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 06:34 PM
reply to post by burntheships

I too live close to an airport and see the contrails that do as they should do and then there are the 'other ones' that cover the sky and stay for many hours. There is a difference and judging from recent posts it seems to me that disinfo truly has penetrated into ATS. (just my half dollar on it)

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 06:38 PM
No you are correct it is a conspiracy to block the sun from reaching you, yes you specifically. I can't give you more details because "they" are watching us here. Send a U2U to the poster named Phage and then I will send you a phone number to call. Phage is a dummy account that I let my 5 year old daughter post on sometimes to keep "them" guessing.


posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 06:40 PM
reply to post by SnakeShot

Alright let's start with your first video shall we.


Ah,yes this video again.I take it you don't know much about TankerEnemy and his videos, well his videos are bogus and have been debunked many times over and this is one of the favorites.

Now the truth about this video.

and here is a little more that shows all he is doing is trying to keep this hoax going to make money from it.

Now for the second video.

Now let us see his comments on the video from the uploader...

Real jet "exhaust" disappears in just a very few minutes while the chemtrails being sprayed can last for hours!

Really this is what he says about what is in the video,well sorry but he is mis informed and well this is the truth..

If you are attentive to contrail formation and duration, you will notice that they can rapidly dissipate or spread horizontally into an extensive thin cirrus layer. How long a contrail remains intact, depends on the humidity structure and winds of the upper troposphere. If the atmosphere is near saturation, the contrail may exist for sometime. On the other hand, if the atmosphere is dry then as the contrail mixes with the environment it dissipates. Contrails are a concern in climate studies as increased jet aircraft traffic may result in an increase in cloud cover. It has been estimated that in certain heavy air-traffic corridors, cloud cover has increased by as much as 20%.


Depending on the temperature and humidity at the altitude the contrail forms, they may be visible for only a few seconds or minutes, or may persist for hours and spread to be several miles wide.

so your uploader for the second video doesn't know what he is saying.

as for the people on that video Alex Jones and Rosolind Peterson here is a good little video for them.

So do you think those are really two good sources for the chemtrail debate?

And here is a video that answers questions for the chemtrail believers.


Just thought I would post another video for your enjoyment...

edit on 23-4-2012 by tsurfer2000h because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 06:43 PM
They do this quite regularly here in Atlanta too and have been for some years now. Focusing efforts to cloud the sky starting in the direction of the sun in the morning. But if you talk about it here, you pretty much just get called an idiot and/or razzle dazzled with mumbo jumbo about contrails and the fact that it's only from YOUR perspective that this APPEARS to be happening and that someone standing on the other side of town wouldn't have that same perspecitve.
Guess because it's rather hard to describe, with photos or not...and even harder to believe if you haven't seen it over and over and over again. Guess you really have to be there for a sustained period of time (years) and be observant all the while. In my book, it's definitely happening.

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 06:51 PM
I don't believe that they are blocking the Sun on purpose, it's more that they end up blocking the Sun as they are engineering the weather

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 06:55 PM
They wear doing this where I live just about every day in summer. Last summer we had 100 degree + weather for 100+ days. So they cant be contrails because they stayed up all day in 100+ degree weather.

They would spray in the morning afternoon and sun set. They fallowed the sun so that it would be covered as the earth moves around the sun. You could look at the sun threw the clouds, it looked like a oven light. Because it was a droubt their wear no clouds in the sky. The only place any cloud like forums wear, wear in front of the sun. How can contrails witch are made out of FROZEN WATER vapor form in front of 100 degree+ sun? In a few years more will be released about the weather manipulation program. We will be able to fully control the weather within 10 years. I am not just talking out of my a$$ if you get my drift.

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 07:02 PM
reply to post by ~Lucidity

and the fact that it's only from YOUR perspective that this APPEARS to be happening and that someone standing on the other side of town wouldn't have that same perspecitve

Why have you rolled your eyes to this? I honestly thought you were smarter than this.

Here's a little experiment for you...

Stand under a roof in the shade, it's blocking the sun, now step out of the shade into the sun... Do you think the guy across town experienced the same thing as you just then? Of course not, so why do you believe what you said above?

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 07:06 PM
Well ive seen these ever time its sunny and the sky is clear. Aswell today in Calgary Alberta Canada i saw them making an x and several lines today it was 26 degrees weird stuff

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 07:06 PM
reply to post by ~Lucidity

They do this quite regularly here in Atlanta too and have been for some years now. Focusing efforts to cloud the sky starting in the direction of the sun in the morning.

Well you say that they are doing this in Atlanta for some years now,correct?

Funny I don't see them doing any spraying,but I do see contrails. I guess I should say that I live right outside Atlanta and also work in Tucker and see planes flying over with contrails daily. In fact here are a few pics I took at my job..

After these were taken the trails lingered but the sky stayed blue..And yes these are all contrails.

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 07:09 PM
reply to post by Chadwickus

Because I've seen it for days on end, year after year, and it truly almost drives me mad to not be able to explain it properly. And the sun is "blocked" for as far and wide and as I can drive in a few hours (I've never gone further). They start on the horizon and work across and upwards and it spreads to make a sunny day hazy and darker is as close as I can come to putting it into words.

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 07:10 PM
chemtrail or contrail, do I really care? Someone is blotting out the sunlight with these and lowering crop productivity. Thus far global dimming caused by this air traffic has amounted to nearly 20%. To me that means when I try to grow food for myself I'll need 20% more space because I'll lose out on 20% productivity. Any way you slice it this is an attack on the very most basic thing humans need to survive. Studies released by mit and club of rome depicting a 50% reduction in global population over 20 years, bet you know what that involves. It means half of you need to starve to death someday in that time. There are predictions that global dimming due to air traffic will also render earthbound observatories completely blind by 2050. So by 2050 good luck growing a plant using the sun. And good luck getting that solar panel working. The elites are screwing us big time. Soon you won't be-able to survive without their breast feeding sessions, which they will be-able to cut off any time they desire or deem you a threat. Don't like it, starve to death.

Mix in GMOs, and all the horrible things monsanto is doing, radiation from fukushima and god knows what else to come in the future because of the globalist's complete idiocy. The potential of world war.

The elites have been working hard to manufacture death on a global scale so that we all submit and beg to curry their favour.

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 07:11 PM

Originally posted by ~Lucidity
reply to post by Chadwickus

Because I've seen it for days on end, year after year, and it truly almost drives me mad to not be able to explain it properly. And the sun is "blocked" for as far and wide and as I can drive in a few hours (I've never gone further). They start on the horizon and work across and upwards and it spreads to make a sunny day hazy and darker is as close as I can come to putting it into words.

that is precisely what I am seeing out here in victoria bc.

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 07:11 PM
link" target='_blank' class='tabOff'/>
I took this pic last weekend from my balcony in Everett WA..i see this all the time and have pics that span back to last summer..the second the sun comes to peek out in a full blue sky..they come to cover it up..the only thing I canthink of is they are blocking us from radiation..but yeah it pretty obvious from my pic..and I have more that they are shielding us from the sun..the trail dissapates and turns into a hazy cloud..glad someone posted on this..thought I might be the only one who noticed..i have also noticed alot of solar halos..which I also have pics of..

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 07:18 PM
reply to post by tsurfer2000h

That's not even close to what it looks like after a couple of hours. I'll see if any of my pics survived my last hard drive crash, but as I said before, pictures don't even come close to describing what happens. It's far more common but not limited to certain months. Rarely in the spring from what I recall...the other three seasons are more common. And that's The other thing that drives me mad is that there doesn't seem to be a discernible pattern or reason that I can see of figure out, such as, oh, it's a day that's going to hover over 100 degrees and they want to prevent overwarming, or oh, it hasn't rained for X amount of days and we're going to try to make some.

And of course I don't have a plane to tail these planes that fly back and forth for hours on end (NOT in holding patterns or doing touch-n-goes), enough math knowledge to figure out the altitude of the planes, or enough patience, if I'm honest, to go try to track a particular plane or three and try to determine their altitudes and origins, the humidity and temperature of the air at said altitude, and all the other commonly cited variables that go into people being 100% certain that this is X and not Y.

Again, I just know what I see.

P.S. Pics are hard to take because the sun is too bright to shoot in that direction when they start out, and then after that it becomes a haze, where there may or may not be other, more natural clouds floating around. I don't have any fancy filters, but someone who does might be able to capture it properly.
edit on 4/23/2012 by ~Lucidity because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 07:21 PM
The denial posts are either recentley fired GSA employees or Secret Service guys and girls.

They have a different level of honesty.

Am I going to get a visit? I want Ted Nugent as my lawyer and I don't even like his music.

Good guy. though.

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 07:23 PM
reply to post by Infi8nity

They wear doing this where I live just about every day in summer. Last summer we had 100 degree + weather for 100+ days. So they cant be contrails because they stayed up all day in 100+ degree weather.

The temperature on the ground does not effect the temperature at 35000 ft, With temps around 40 to 50 degrees below zero 100 degrees on the ground is irrelevant. And yes they were contrails and yes they can stay up there for that long.

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