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The Occult Wizard Mage Warlock Sorcerer Witch

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posted on Sep, 27 2004 @ 02:54 PM

Hello! Zero_GravX_12 here again to request info on one of the largest conspiracy forums online.
Do these things really exist? Is there such a thing as tapping into Cosmic Power and other dimensions/physical or spiritual planes? Or is it all just the power of our own mind creating these things. Does anyone really know anything about these things? Never fear I shall research this issue personally, but insight (or anyone with true knowledge on this matter) is very much appreciated.

posted on Sep, 27 2004 @ 02:58 PM
To truly get answers, you'd be better off addressing the Paranormal forum, as it's practicioners can be better found there....

posted on Sep, 27 2004 @ 03:48 PM
Very well then I shall stretch my message to that forum as wellll. Gracias por the advice.

DarkChaosTemplar Quote: "Truly in all the Universe, it is answers we seek."

[edit on 27-9-2004 by DarkChaosTemplar]

posted on Sep, 27 2004 @ 03:55 PM

Originally posted by DarkChaosTemplar

Hello! Zero_GravX_12 here again to request info on one of the largest conspiracy forums online.
Do these things really exist? Is there such a thing as tapping into Cosmic Power and other dimensions/physical or spiritual planes? Or is it all just the power of our own mind creating these things. Does anyone really know anything about these things? Never fear I shall research this issue personally, but insight (or anyone with true knowledge on this matter) is very much appreciated.

No. But I'd love to see your own research. If you manage to contact my dead uncle, tell him I want my 50 bucks. What a freeloader.

[edit on 27-9-2004 by LTD602]

posted on Sep, 27 2004 @ 04:04 PM
I dont think anyone can say much to "prove" the existence of things like that.. or even the ability to do that.

Its more or less something that you must do/discover/experience yourself to understand.

At least in my opinion it is.

posted on Sep, 27 2004 @ 04:14 PM
Cmon be nice LTD lol you would disturb your grandfathers spirit for 50 bucks? Good luck lol.

posted on Sep, 27 2004 @ 04:19 PM
But magic? Making a fireball out of your own mind power? Or anything psychic. Sounds like a magician trick, but if it were true it'd be extremely simple to prove. I mean if it were a self-believed/not real only in your mind thing then it isn't a Cosmic thing it's just a figment of our imagination. I mean dragons were a myth...but dinosaurs are more than real due to discovery of fossils etc... And now so are fossils directly related to the ancient Chinese dragon mentioned in the history of the Chinese. If that's practically proven, that dragons are more or less real and was a gigantic flying dinosaur (probably exaggerated in historical text), then how many more things are we close to wrong about?

[edit on 27-9-2004 by DarkChaosTemplar]

posted on Sep, 27 2004 @ 04:30 PM
I didnt realize that by "magic" you meant the hollywood sort.

When I think of magic, I think subtlety.
I have never seen fireballs or had demons rise up from my magic, but I have had people change their minds over things that they had previously been dead-set about, or the "1 in a 100 chance" (and 500 dollars cheaper than the alternative) fix for my radiator hold, regardless of what the 4 or 5 mechanics I talked to said would happen.

I guess more than anything, it comes down to faith. Strange how you cant really escape that word, regardless of your religion lol.

I doubt that as long as you search you will find "fireballs" shooting from peoples hands. But there is magic all around you in the world, even magic in you. Just takes some looking for.

posted on Sep, 27 2004 @ 08:37 PM
If those of us who do such things offered proof every time it was demanded of us, we'd have no time to do anything else.
If you're curious and have doubt, give it a try, but do so with an open mind. Otherwise you'll get what you put into it -- namely, nothing.

posted on Sep, 28 2004 @ 02:32 PM
Google on S.L.I.D.E.R. phenomena as that's what I am...

posted on Sep, 30 2004 @ 05:08 AM
As a mystic I can say yes. You cant go around proving such things because people dont believe it anyway.

Please see my post: The Water Realm

True Magick is your destiny. It comes to you. You dont go searching for it. For those who do it is most likely for selfish reasons/ personal gain. Thats when you get into openign doors that should not be opened. IE demons and other problems.

You have to keep your heart and your mind open and always with good intentions. It's easier for me since most of my gifts are incomoming. I need only sit and focus to feel the energies around me a translate them. Even better is when I sleep. There are so many possibilities during dream time. Some are mind garbage being let out. some are prophetic dreams, some are travels to other dimensions/worlds etc. You just have to find your place in the mystical world if you have one.

I suggest looking into astrology and charts for basic understanding. is a good one.

The book that is best is "The Only Astrology Book You Will Ever Need" Im not at home so I dont know how the title goes exactly but its simple and to the point. It will give you better insight.

Magicks are also highly based on physics in combination with your mind. Everyone cannot do the same things. Your mind may not be equipped for certain acts.

posted on Sep, 30 2004 @ 07:22 PM
Magick is simply a hyped up prayer. That's all. I am a practicing Christian Magician and i have been so for years. I can tell you right now, 100% of the occult is in the mind. But what is truly going on here? Magick is a communication. Lets say your the corperate executive at a large company. You want something done. You call your secretary and have them arrange it. But true magick works a little more like this:

- You are a worker in a company, a low level employee. You want something done so you ask your boss if its alright to do it, then you call and make all the arrangements necissary to make it so.

That is the essence of true magick. It is all in the mind. Magick would do no less without robes, candles, and a complecated ritual, but the key is EMOTION. The trigger of the mind is emotion, and that is the key to magick.

posted on Dec, 15 2004 @ 06:29 AM
I personally think (and know) that such things are reality. Not too sure about the fireballs though...

A good book on the subject would be "The Spiral Dance" by Starhawk.

Look for proof with an open mind. There is a lot of proof out there. Keep in mind that there is also a lot of hoaxes and frauds out there too!

posted on Dec, 15 2004 @ 09:17 AM
"Wizard Mage Warlock Sorcerer Witch" yes...we exist...but no it's like in fairy tails and current fireballs, no moving trees/walls/houses/etc....

posted on Dec, 20 2004 @ 04:56 AM
Ok, hello people from the DeadMan.. I think it's safe to say that Wizards and Magick practitioners as a whole do exist. But like previos responses have claimed. Now the way that Hollywood portrays them to be.. there is indeed circles and groups of people world wide who practice such beliefs. For many of them even predate modern Christianity. However... the question is.. how to find them hehehhe...

If your looking to cast fire balls, and expell lightning bolts from you finger. Stay with DnD or Diablo.. becuase if that's what your looking for. you'll find yourself very dissapointed.. but if your looking for the real thing.. keep in touch.. who knows what you'll find in the deepest darkest corners of cyberspace

posted on Dec, 20 2004 @ 05:33 AM
I can say from my time as a satanist....that there is more to the magick then most of those whitelighters realize. It all depends on the level of commitment you wish to put into it. Meditation is a good start...because true magick is not something supernatural but something thats is naturla yet untapped. Creating an egregore was fun...that'd be an example of chaos magick. If you're going to summon anything....please don't disrespect them by using lame xtian based lemegeton methods. You will get more out of it if u call them by their proper names, use the right sigil, and just meditate on them. I've had contact from one so far and let's just say that it was overwhelming yet peaceful at the same time.

posted on Dec, 20 2004 @ 05:56 AM

Originally posted by SLIPStream
I am a practicing Christian Magician and i have been so for years.

Um, a what?

That's got to be #1 on the Top100 Oxyoronic Statement Chart!


posted on Dec, 20 2004 @ 06:00 AM
Hey Orfeo8.. just wondering.. what make using the lemegeton a disrespect to the spirit? you kinda caught my attention with what you said...

posted on Dec, 20 2004 @ 06:08 AM
I'm not an expert on that lol...i know ppl who've been in this for like 40 years....but from what i've seen...the casting of circle, using prayer and exorcism (which doesnt work btw) to banish the demons is laughable....they arent out to hurt people, its the people who cal lthem then they get scared, act irrationally say things to offend the demon (which actually is an alien) and then they wonder why they dont get a response after that or why they may be attacked in some way. The lemegetton is not needed for summoning. Just do meditation to strengthen ur connection for commmunication, get the sigil, and call out to the one u desire.....but i'd say...stay away from ones like Andras etc....not to be messed with unless ur a satanist urself. Darn must go to work lol if only i could keep writing.

posted on Dec, 20 2004 @ 06:11 AM
Is andras a Malevolant spirit??? Ive got 2 copies of the Lemegeton.. One printed by an old accquaintance and the weiser version.. Whats with Andras?? He a tough one to handle?

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