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I think I filmed Mothman

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posted on Apr, 22 2012 @ 02:44 PM

Originally posted by imd12c4funn

Originally posted by amongus

Originally posted by imd12c4funn
Reviewing some footage from 18 April 2012, I shot towards the city and caught what I now believe is mothman.

At the time, I was amazed at the size of what I thought was a bird and you can here the statement, "Wow! That bird looked %&^* huge! (excuse the choice of words)

Here is the entire clip and then a few more crops of the Mothman at slower speed.

edit on 22-4-2012 by imd12c4funn because: misquote fix

Furthermore, just because you said "wow!" at the time during the video doesn't mean anything. Plenty of boasted or nut jobs say crap while filming hoaxes, to add to the effect.

Your two vids do NOTHING to prove anything surrounding moth man.

Short of bringing it in gutted and tagged on the hood of my truck, you will say bird no matter what.

And? That is the only correct statement you have said.

How do YOU know that MOTHMAN looks like the blurry video you posted?

posted on Apr, 22 2012 @ 02:45 PM

Originally posted by amongus

Originally posted by imd12c4funn

Originally posted by amongus

Originally posted by imd12c4funn
Reviewing some footage from 18 April 2012, I shot towards the city and caught what I now believe is mothman.

At the time, I was amazed at the size of what I thought was a bird and you can here the statement, "Wow! That bird looked %&^* huge! (excuse the choice of words)

Here is the entire clip and then a few more crops of the Mothman at slower speed.

edit on 22-4-2012 by imd12c4funn because: misquote fix

Furthermore, just because you said "wow!" at the time during the video doesn't mean anything. Plenty of boasted or nut jobs say crap while filming hoaxes, to add to the effect.

Your two vids do NOTHING to prove anything surrounding moth man.

Short of bringing it in gutted and tagged on the hood of my truck, you will say bird no matter what.

And? That is the only correct statement you have said.

How do YOU know that MOTHMAN looks like the blurry video you posted?

How do you know it is not?

This is exactly why death row is full of innocent people.
edit on 22-4-2012 by imd12c4funn because: reply did not render properly on post

posted on Apr, 22 2012 @ 02:49 PM
Forgive my curiosity, but what exactly is about this video that had you thinking "mothman". Obviously something is there, but what made you go straight from bird/bat to mothman? I am truly interested to know.

posted on Apr, 22 2012 @ 02:49 PM

Originally posted by imd12c4funn

Originally posted by amongus

Originally posted by imd12c4funn

Originally posted by amongus

Originally posted by imd12c4funn
Reviewing some footage from 18 April 2012, I shot towards the city and caught what I now believe is mothman.

At the time, I was amazed at the size of what I thought was a bird and you can here the statement, "Wow! That bird looked %&^* huge! (excuse the choice of words)

Here is the entire clip and then a few more crops of the Mothman at slower speed.

edit on 22-4-2012 by imd12c4funn because: misquote fix

How do you know it is not?

This is exactly why death row is full of innocent people.
Furthermore, just because you said "wow!" at the time during the video doesn't mean anything. Plenty of boasted or nut jobs say crap while filming hoaxes, to add to the effect.

Your two vids do NOTHING to prove anything surrounding moth man.

Short of bringing it in gutted and tagged on the hood of my truck, you will say bird no matter what.

And? That is the only correct statement you have said.

How do YOU know that MOTHMAN looks like the blurry video you posted?

Saying "how do you it's not", and a crazy quote about "death row"(!?) does not prove your point.

You are officially the reason why people are getting Fed up with ATS.

You offer NO proof, and answer questions with questions. Your supporting "evidence" requires us to believe that the other blurry blotch is MOTHMAN. How do YOU KNOW it's MOTHMAN? Answer me that question.

ETA: what the (snip) does death row have to do with your thread? Just proves you are off your rocker, trolling for replies.
edit on 22-4-2012 by amongus because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 22 2012 @ 05:55 PM

Originally posted by Druscilla

Wow, man.

Sorry, but, yeah, it's a bird. No Mothman, or any other kind or type of Something-man.

As a criticism, I would strongly suggest you work on your skills focusing. There are classes you can take at your closest community college, and there's a wealth of information online for filmography and video technique.

Good Luck.

edit on 22-4-2012 by Druscilla because: (no reason given)

I think she's right, check this video out, this will help explain it.-man
edit on 22/4/12 by gunshooter because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 22 2012 @ 06:32 PM
If I had a dollar for every pixel in that video I would be 3 dollars richer

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 06:10 AM
Why is it Mothman? you even say its a bird in the video

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 10:31 PM
reply to post by imd12c4funn

You were zoomed in, this makes any image look bigger than it should. This means anything "man sized" must be much smaller in reality. This alone proves it's not mothman.

And no we dont need it stuffed and gutted, how about you show us something not blurry and not zoomed in, where we can clearly see what is on video. There's a reason I see amazing videos every day, yet every supernatural video is blurry and you can't really see what's going on.

posted on Apr, 25 2012 @ 07:12 AM

Originally posted by imd12c4funn
Those of you that see a bird, bat, spiderman or other,
Here is a comparison series of stills showing how
Mothman looks compared to a bird.

bird vs mothman

As you can see, birds have a more pointed long tail look and the wings are not like a moths, whereas Mothman looks more like legs and flatens out rather than taper and seems more like a stealth wing configuration.

That post is just sad. Really sad.

To me it doesn't look like a bird, but an insect. Wow, this thread is really showing what ATS has become..

posted on Apr, 25 2012 @ 07:25 AM

You compared blurry birds.....

to zoomed in blurry birds.......

They even appear to be from the same crappy camera. If you put your mothman up against another mothman, you'd at least be on the right track. Sorry man, but you're reaching to far for something that isn't there. I could go shoot that exact same video filming seagulls down the street. The only difference is my resolution wouldn't be terrible.

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 12:49 AM
I gotta be honest with you I watched that recording at least five times its such poor quality I can't tell what it is.
The thing I don't get is after you reviewed this recording yourself did you really think it was credible to show with the claims of mothman? As bad as this recording is you might as well claim its Nessie as well since no one will be able to identify it anyway

posted on May, 4 2012 @ 05:11 PM
Fantastic thread!





but really OPie please do not ambarass yourself anymore listen to the guys, learn more about handling your cam, whatever this helluva ancient aparature is and next time, please show us mothman, when you state it is one.


posted on May, 4 2012 @ 05:38 PM
reply to post by Skepticesque


posted on May, 5 2012 @ 10:58 AM
As far as i know, the mothman is a supernatural being and it's easily capble of manipulating your camera thousands of years before you were born.

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by swan001

Wow... 3 people backing your rude comment. ( at the time I viewed your post) Most people came in here w/ rude comments like yourself, so your not alone. You just happened to be first in line.

People get excited to show you what they think they've found and you humiliate them for it?

I don't have a problem w/ you dis-agreeing but can you not be more respectful of another's persons excitement and pride at what they think they have found and took the time to up-load and post?

In a way I think that's bullying people. Not all people have the same IQ...common sense...ect ect

Isn't ATS here for people to share, learn, educate, ask questions?

You said, " You saw Mothman? Friend of Spiderman? "

How does that contribute to this thread?

I made a video and it took me 2 days to get the video ready for viewing....even if it took 1hour doesn't a fellow ATS'er deserve respect for just that alone? A for effort? It's fine to dis- agree but it's not fine to step on another persons efforts so you can feel a cut above.

Some people are soo much different then you are. Be more compassionate. I'm actually stunned that myself or anyone else would have to ask you to just be nice and respectful. If you have nothing to add to this thread to make it better, move on to the threads where you can contribute.

One guy above me sounds like he knows his camera bussiness. That would be a perfect opportunity to educate the OP on what settings would be best. Although I do agree a new camera is probably warranted, but maybe some can't afford a new one,p. it would have been a perfect opportunity to give advice as to how to make it film clearer, if it's possible.

It must be dis-hearting when you see an answer to your thread, you click over, excited at the prospects of a good comment and the only thing you get is, " friend of spiderman? Hahahahahahahahaha

You should realize we need to work as a team...

People like you prove that we need a button to vote down a post. That way your W and K index would actually be more accurate. A person might get 3 up stars, but they also got 5 down stars, as an example. I'm almost willing to bet people would really watch what they say if you go in the red w/ down stars...your not able to post or contribute for a certain amount of time. The only thing you can do is listen and keep your lousy sarcastic rude comments to yourself.

Isn't against ATS law if your not going to contribute...then don't say anything. If its not an ATS rule, we know it is a moral issue. You do know that, right you guys?

To the OP....because the camera was having a hard time focusing I would say its really hard to determine what it is. I'm sure it was an adrenaline rush none-the-less. I would go into the area again and see what you might find.

edit on 5-5-2012 by tracehd1 because: Add

posted on May, 6 2012 @ 12:35 PM

You said, " You saw Mothman? Friend of Spiderman? "

Yeah, you probably right. My joke was about the way the OP titled his forum: 'I Think I Filmed Mothman'', instead of the more correct ''I think I filmed A moth-man".
You were right about that it was a bit inappropriate. I don't think that the OP has inferior IQ, though. I know how long it takes to put up a video, I am in film editing myself. I just think that the thing that was filmed was not a moth-man.
Thanks to you for taking the time to speak your mind. I appreciate. A star for your honesty, mate.

posted on May, 6 2012 @ 01:51 PM

Originally posted by dashdespatch
Why is it Mothman? you even say its a bird in the video

All I know is I have compared and reviewed many bits of footage taken from this location.

All objects passing through the frame have these charactoristics.

If it is close to the camera, big or small (i.e. 747 or insect on or by window), The object will pass through or in/out of frame so fast, there could be one, two or three frames and it's gone.

The farther away, the more frames captured while in frame.

The towers in the frame, although I don't know the exact dimensions, is pretty big and about 8.5 miles away.
If this was close to them it is huge. If it was by my camera or in between, is progressively smaller

With this zoom, (sanio VPC-T1495 on highest quality at 6X zoom - MAX zoom) I compared other bits of footage and what I find is that all the birds captured in similar size of the frame have features unlike the mothman's.

1) The tail has a defined taper. Mothman has more 'leg-like' lower torso with almost a 90 degree 'foot' if you will.
2) The wings do not look attached so low on the body. Mothman's wings attach at the 'ankle' area.
3) The color is darker or black. Mothman is greyish/brown
4) No "bird" undulates it's lower torso (that I have captured on film). Mothman flies as if swimming the butterfly stroke.
5) All objects in/out of frame for five consecutive frames at full zoom seem to be about 6 miles away, no matter their size on frame. Mothman is by far the biggest object in frame I've filmed and I would guesstimate it to be about 6-7 feet long comparing with birds of known size.

So, if you say bird, what species is it?
If this is a bat, what species?

Other than the blurry focus, the dimmentions, whether focused or blurred, can be compared to determine approximate size.

I know this is not 'proof positive', but I have seen nothing debunking my theory and neither opinion nor derogatory comment is anything more than rhetoric.

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