There was a thread on Ats where a member made a graph showing the graph marked for a major earthquake on
October 26, 2009
The guy that posted this chart writes in bold red marker and points to the dip on Oct.26th and he says there "Might??" be a Major earthquake.
So I look up that day on a website that shows earthquakes...Now There is an earthquake on Oct. 26,2009 of a 5.3 off the coast of Sakhalin Russia.
But I don't think that was a big deal at all..
Remember the guy didn't know what was going to happen yet because the post was on March 3rd 2009. But I don't think the earthquake off the cost of
Russia was what the graph was pointing towards.. OOHH Nooo. So I do some digging into Drudge report archives for Oct.26,2009 and this is what i
What was a big News Headline for 10/26/09 was..
- Helicopter Crashes In Afghanistan Kill 14 Americans. The deaths added to a monthly toll that is among the worst for U.S. forces since the war began
eight years ago. That happened on October 26,2009 and that was Headline news all around the world.
link to news article
Now if you look at the Previous dip on the chart and look down at the dates at the bottom it lies in between June 21st and June 29th 2009 Now the
date that lies in between is the 25th since the chart doesn't have in between date numbers I took (21+29)/2=25
So from taking the mean of 21,29 I arrived at my date to check out on drudge report.I looked up June 25th 2009 and my jaw hit the floor.
Drudge Report 6/25/09 Headlines
It's the Day Michael Jackson Died!!!! Wow!
Now if you go back one more dip we have a similar problem with the dates the dip falls in between the 14th and 6th of February 2009. So I did the same
thing as before and took the mean of the #'s (14+6)/2=10. So I look up February 10th 2009 and boom!! Another hit!
Dangerous ice Accumulation on Plane Appears to Be Most Likely Cause of Disaster That Killed 50 People Outside Buffalo, N.Y.
Link for article
So is this just coincidence or what?
The dips seem to be showing huge news relating to big news deaths ..
I would like to see what people think about these Time Wave charts. I want to know if there is an energy marker in the universe or "time stamp",
where we can predict big events that will repeat the energy signature from past history.