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UN Floats ‘Tax Hikes’ for Industrialized Countries.....since when did the UN impose taxes??

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posted on Apr, 21 2012 @ 11:58 AM
The title alone should have people up in arms!
Where does the UN think they have the authority to do this?

The upcoming United Nations environmental conference on sustainable development will consider a breathtaking array of carbon taxes, transfers of trillions of dollars from wealthy countries to poor ones, and new spending programs to guarantee that populations around the world are protected from the effects of the very programs the world organization wants to implement, according to stunning UN documents....

...▪ More than $2.1 trillion a year in wealth transfers from rich countries to poorer ones, in the name of fostering “green infrastructure,” “climate adaptation” and other “green economy” measures.

▪ New carbon taxes for industrialized countries that could cost about $250 billion a year, or 0.6 percent of Gross Domestic Product, by 2020. Other environmental taxes are mentioned, but not specified.

▪ Further unspecified price hikes that extend beyond fossil fuels to anything derived from agriculture, fisheries, forestry, or other kinds of land and water use, all of which would be radically reorganized. These cost changes would “contribute to a more level playing field between established, 'brown' technologies and newer, greener ones."

What? Trillions of dollars to be spread around?
Socialism? What the heck is going on behind closed doors!?

Editors note and highly advised to read:

Editor's Note: Once again, the United Nations does not have the authority to levy a "tax" on any country, people or entity. It's mission statement does not include the power to act as a global government. This is a power grab of the most enormous type and it must be fought at all cost. To allow the United Nations to levy taxes on sovereign nations is to cede sovereignty completely, and that means the protections afforded Americans under the US Constitution would mean absolutely nothing. The United Nations has gone rogue and has transformed from a good idea into a direct threat to freedom, liberty and national sovereignty. It must be disbanded, with malice, and replaced by an organization of functioning democracies and republics and limited to a forum for conflict resolution and nothing more.

I agree with the editor 110%.
We had better cut the head off this beast before it sucks us dry.
People....enough is enough.

Source of article:
New Media Journal

Original source:
Fox News

posted on Apr, 21 2012 @ 12:00 PM
Then we'd better vote for Ron Paul, heh?

He's the only presidential candidate who wants us out of the UN.

posted on Apr, 21 2012 @ 12:01 PM
I hate to say this....but the United Nations has all the rights it needs to levy taxes in us or any other nation. It has these rights because our leaders have willingly sold us out and GIVEN them these rights. It could never have been imposed upon nations of the world. It had to be entry to a Vampyre of legend. Once in though..well, our leaders have sold us right up the river alright and it;ll take a generation or more to repair the damage the last decade has done to our nation.

posted on Apr, 21 2012 @ 12:26 PM

the United Nations does not have the authority to levy a "tax" on any country, people or entity.

This is no something the UN will 'impose'.

There is an upcoming meeting in brazil, where member nations will vote whether or not to ratify the measure, which will be, if passed, taxes imposed by the member nations, not the UN.

Did you even read your own source?
edit on 21-4-2012 by stanguilles7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2012 @ 12:44 PM
reply to post by havok

I'm all for transferring money to the poor nations, if it's done right. Money spent wisely can completely turn a 3rd world country around, beginning with modern farming techniques, to creating a source of fresh water, roads, hospitals, schools, etc, but only in a perfect world do I see that happening in. I suspect most of the money would be wasted and/or stolen.

But that's the only thing I like about what the UN wants to do. Who the hell are they to impose a carbon tax on the world? Great, just what everyone needs, more taxes....
. I think it's pretty clear these western Gov't, hell all Gov'ts and Banks are terrible at managing money. I would love to stop paying into state and federal taxes because of the irresponsible misspending & constant wars/conflicts. Tax paper money does go to good outlets but a lot of it is down right wasted. Imagine what good all of that wasted money could bring to the USA and the world. So anyway, they're crazy if they think imposing world taxes is a good idea.

The scariest part of what the plan to do isn't the taxes, this is,

▪ Further unspecified price hikes that extend beyond fossil fuels to anything derived from agriculture, fisheries, forestry, or other kinds of land and water use, all of which would be radically reorganized. These cost changes would “contribute to a more level playing field between established, 'brown' technologies and newer, greener ones."

I suppose conspiracy theorist now have more evidence for the existence of the NWO. Alex Jones will be ranting about this for sure.

posted on Apr, 21 2012 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by Wrabbit2000
I hate to say this....but the United Nations has all the rights it needs to levy taxes in us or any other nation. It has these rights because our leaders have willingly sold us out and GIVEN them these rights. It could never have been imposed upon nations of the world. It had to be entry to a Vampyre of legend. Once in though..well, our leaders have sold us right up the river alright and it;ll take a generation or more to repair the damage the last decade has done to our nation.

Indeed it is unfortunate that if the administration in power accepts these measures we the people have zero recourse other than to vote then out in the next cycle. Which is why since we have no direct representation at the table in the UN it should have no authority to do this crap.

The US under the current admin has all but stated the UN is an authority to which we will bow and scrape.

He did its bidding in Lybia without even consulting congress...impeachable offense IMO.

posted on Apr, 21 2012 @ 12:50 PM
reply to post by Golf66

This is true ^. Apparently the administration answers to NATO/UN first and Congress a distant second. I do believe we are screwed.

posted on Apr, 21 2012 @ 12:54 PM
It is time for the tree of liberty to be watered....

This is getting beyond out of control.
It's practically treason.

posted on Apr, 21 2012 @ 12:56 PM

Originally posted by havok

It's practically treason.

How so?

posted on Apr, 21 2012 @ 01:25 PM
reply to post by Golf66

You and Havok both will find no argument from me in any of this. The more time passes, the more I come to agree with the need for that infamous tree to get some watering. Sad...and tragic..if it actually comes to that. How can't it though, when we're giving away everything our founders died to create by ceding our soverignty to the U.N. in even the slightest way?

Apparently, the fix is in and the deal is done for accepting the United Nations as the framework for the One World Government body. It would sure seem so we aren't hearing leaders argue the concept of a global tax or variations of it..just the rationale to allow it and the purpose it'll be collected.

It seems to me..and American leader would have words about the mere idea that any nation would pay ANYTHING for a "tax" to an international body. Oh well.... We have a crop of leaders who laugh at questions of Constitutionality for what they pass and they laugh on camera and in our faces. I suppose the UN thing here shouldn't be that shocking in context.

posted on Apr, 21 2012 @ 02:13 PM

Originally posted by stanguilles7
How so?


To allow the United Nations to levy taxes on sovereign nations is to cede sovereignty completely, and that means the protections afforded Americans under the US Constitution would mean absolutely nothing.

So I guess giving up our Constitution as a whole, isn't a treasonous act?
Or ceding our nation's sovereignty to a separate governing body isn't?

If the US gov't decides that the UN can oversee it's powers to create taxes, which I'm sure they already have, then they are acting in a treasonous nature towards the Republic.

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

Congress has the power.
NOT the United Nations.
The UN is NOT the government of the United states of America.

posted on Apr, 21 2012 @ 02:19 PM

Originally posted by havok

So I guess giving up our Constitution as a whole, isn't a treasonous act?
Or ceding our nation's sovereignty to a separate governing body isn't?

NOT the United Nations.
The UN is NOT the government of the United states of America.

And again, the UN is MOST CERTAINLY NOT 'imposing' a tax on the US, or on anyone else. That was your wording and did not come from either of the sources you posted. You embellished your headline for sensational yet untruthful effect.

You are correct, they dont have that right.

And they arent doing it.

So your point is based on a false premise.

Red your own damn links.

edit on 21-4-2012 by stanguilles7 because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-4-2012 by stanguilles7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2012 @ 02:25 PM
Tax hikes,disarmament and vitamin confiscation,these people have been busy,powerless blue hats.

Just ask any soldier who has had to serve them.

posted on Apr, 21 2012 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by stanguilles7

And again, the UN is MOST CERTAINLY NOT 'imposing' a tax on the US, or on anyone else. That was your wording and did not come from either of the sources you posted. You embellished your headline for sensational yet untruthful effect.

You are correct, they dont have that right.

And they arent doing it.

So your point is based on a false premise.

Red your own damn links.

Did you re(a)d the links?
Of course it's sensational!
This is huge news...

The UN is proposing tax hikes to all industrial nations.
Not the US....the UN!

If the UN gets their collective "way", then they would in fact, impose these new taxes.
The US didn't come up with these global tax hikes?
The UN in effect, they would be handing them down to each nation.
Or "imposing" them...

If they agree to tax the world, and our gov't allows am I wrong?

Or do you need the United Nations to be here telling you to pay them?
That's not going to happen...

posted on Apr, 21 2012 @ 02:43 PM

Originally posted by havok

The UN is proposing tax hikes to all industrial nations.
Not the US....the UN!

Right. Proposing. Do you know how the UN works? Member nations vote. Nations like the US have veto power. There is simply NO WAY the UN can 'impose' a tax on the US, as you claim.

If you actually read the data you provide, you would understand that.

Your claims are hysterical and untrue.

posted on Apr, 21 2012 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by cavtrooper7
Tax hikes,disarmament and vitamin confiscation,these people have been busy,powerless blue hats.

Just ask any soldier who has had to serve them.

What we are seeing is the correlation of many years of design and plans. The elites that control the UN and the US have been slowly scheming for the destruction of the US since the end of WWII and the Leaque of Nations.

And yeah I served with the blues once and what a joke they were!

posted on Apr, 21 2012 @ 04:27 PM

Originally posted by stanguilles7

Right. Proposing. Do you know how the UN works? Member nations vote. Nations like the US have veto power. There is simply NO WAY the UN can 'impose' a tax on the US, as you claim.

If you actually read the data you provide, you would understand that.

Your claims are hysterical and untrue.

Obiviously you have a lot more confidince that the administration will do the right thing than I do....

It is semantics you are arguing, so it should have been worded as say UN wants to impose a tax - even thusly worded it doesn't make me any less worried that our government will just say...sure we'll anty-up. They have proven time and again they will obey the UN. Why stop with this?

edit on 21/4/2012 by Golf66 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2012 @ 04:34 PM
reply to post by Golf66

Your argument is that the UN is going to force countries to pay a tax.

But that is false, and nothing in the article you site proves otherwise.

Countries may choose to implement a tax, based on a recommendation from the UN. The US may more may not choose to implement these taxes, but the UN will not be enforcing anything. So every claim you have made is false false false.

posted on Apr, 21 2012 @ 04:41 PM
reply to post by Golf66

Because it would have to get through congress first, duh.

The UN agrees that member nations should raise taxes for XYZ.
Member nations take this information to their respective governments.
Member nation governments then either agree to these taxes and pay or disagree and don't pay with no penalty.

A lot of you also forget article six of the US constitution;

This Constitution...and all Treaties made...under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land

posted on Apr, 21 2012 @ 05:20 PM

Originally posted by stanguilles7
reply to post by Golf66

Your argument is that the UN is going to force countries to pay a tax.

But that is false, and nothing in the article you site proves otherwise.

Countries may choose to implement a tax, based on a recommendation from the UN. The US may more may not choose to implement these taxes, but the UN will not be enforcing anything. So every claim you have made is false false false.

While it's absolutely true that the UN cannot legally FORCE any nation to pay anything, ever....It doesn't have to and not every nation needs forced.

The Security Council core is pretty willing and the rest of the world gets aid from those 5 in one form or another. Force is easy without needing to be forceful. Would Nigeria, Vietnam or Belize like to conitnue getting this or that aid package from the UN? Want to be considered for a major chair position within the various divisions inside the UN? Pay this 'tax'....or be very lonely for many years to come. I'll bet few, if any argue. The leaders that are agreeing aren't paying anyway. We all are.

Heck, it's the same game played in Congress but on the Global level. As long as The US and the other cores of the Security Council play along, the rest of the world isn't being asked, they are being told. Outright.

...and yeah, I'd agree with anyone who says it's completely wrong.

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