reply to post by ipsedixit
One final kick at the can for Starlite:
YES it really DOES exist!
Is it really NEW? hmmm.....NO!
How does it work?
It works using basic scientific principles that adhere to the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics.
"Over time, differences in temperature, pressure, and chemical potential
equilibrate in an isolated physical system" - Wikipedia
"Energy Can be neither created nor truly destroyed...ONLY changed in form."
...What does the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics have to do with Starlite?
Starlite absorbs thermal radiation (i.e. heat) from a defined source
and redistributes it over a large surface area to an internally bound
secondary heat-holding substance.
Being an organic composite of PROBABLY (not confirmed!) of
Boro-Carbides, High Density Plastic Polymers, likely some
Aluminum Oxide (alumina) and/or Copper Oxide
and possibly molybdenum...the particles of Starlite
are likely (under a microscope) either massively pitted
or glass shard-like in appearance. The weakly bound
individual particles (held together via Van Der Waals forces
or simple surface friction) have HUGE amounts of surface
area per given unit of volume. This acts MUCH like a radiator
which will QUICKLY diffuse incoming thermal radiation
to a secondary substance that can HOLD large amounts
of heat for long periods of time while SLOWLY radiating it
away in-between the weakly bound particles of Starlite.
The Boro-Carbides and other ceramics are likely the
heat holders/slow diffusers of thermal radiation while
the aluminum oxides and/or copper oxides are the
substances which act as the radiator fins that RAPIDLY
absorb incoming thermal energy before passing it along
to the heat-holding ceramics. The polymers (i.e. probably
high density polyethylene or stearates) are the binders
which prevent the Starlite particles from completely
coming apart. Polymers make GREAT glue/paste-like
suspension mediums for heat absorbing/diffusing
ceramics and metal oxides.
Since these ceramics are crystalline (i.e. like glass)
they are lightly bound together and suffer from "Glass-Creep",
a quality which ALSO ensures that LOTS of free space is
between each particles which ensures that LOTS of
surface area is available to act much like the heat transfer
fins of a car radiator but at a molecular scale.
There was a TV episode in the 1990's which broadcast
an egg coated with one or two millimetres of Starlite being
able to withstand the 4500 degrees Celcius temperature of
an oxyacetylene torch.
This gives us a CLUE by which we could use a computer
to calculate the particle size of alumina or boro-carbides
needed in order to absorb or diffuse a given number of watts
per square centimetre at a thickness of one millimetre
over X number of seconds.
That calculation allows us to COPY the properties of Starlite
by mixing the right amount of ceramic particles of X-size in
microns or nanometers with the right amount of alumina
or copper oxide particles bound with a polymer suspension
paste in order to EQUAL the heat absorption and diffusion
capabilities of Starlite.
Since we somewhat KNOW what actually went INTO Starlite
it's only a matter of 50,000 to 1,000,000 possible combinations
of particle sizes and material volume proportions that would match
what was demonstrated with the torching of a typical chicken egg.
That computer modeling would take about 100 days to do
onto a 100 node 8-core server farm at a cost of
about $200,000 of computer processing time
which is CHEAP compared to the benefits displayed.
So how about it? The USA's DuPont or Germany's BASF or Japan's Kyocera,
you've got the dollars AND the computers...its NOT that hard...think size
of typical chicken egg and one millimetre thickness of paste...calculate optimal
particle sizes of Boro-Silica or Boro-Carbides, Aluminum Oxide, Copper Oxide, Molybdenum,
and some Polyethylene-like binder and you've got a DUPLICATE of Starlite.
PLEASE ALSO NOTE: The shape and orientation of the individual particles
is probably critical. This means the various shapes such as diamond-like shapes,
circular, asymmetric slabs, triangular, amorphous and other shapes MUST be considered.
IN ADDITION, their placement and orientation next to each other must also be taken into account.
such as....are the individual particles/shards in vertical or horizontal orientation?, are they
angled or set in a snake-scale like configuration?... and how much SPACE in-between the
particles/shards is required for optimal exposure of maximal surface area used for
heat absorption or dispersal?
Hope this helps!
edit on 2012/5/22 by StargateSG7 because: Spelling fix
edit on 2012/5/22 by StargateSG7 because: additional
information added.