posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 12:47 AM
Your post is fabulous! But those conspiracies have nothing really to do with what is happening, & the reality of the situation we face now. I'm
sorry, but it's late in the game, so I'm going to go right out and say:
9/11 :
1) The buildings would not fall like that even if jet fuel could've weakened the beams.
2) It was reported that building 7 fell BEFORE it actually happened on a certain news channel (forget which one), I think it was BBC, but PLEASE
correct me on that.
3) NATO stood down, & would not shoot the planes down before they hit the buildings.
4) The gov had prior knowledge of the attack.
5) There was prior knowledge of the attacks, & we have firemen sayign there were bombs in the buildings, etc...
You know the rest.
I almost feel reluctant to say this, but I think it's important to make this clear, & if people will stop worrying about what people think, or share
info despite that most people will automatically dismiss it because it's far out, we must understand that everything is far out; There are ZILLIONS
of particles in the space of one pixel on your screen.... - That's pretty far out. The fact that the Universe is aware of itself via lifeforms that
are made possible under certain conditions is the foundation of the logic behind the high probability that we are not alone, since life is a natural
occurence. - It is therefore easy to see that the ancient descriptions of extraterrestrial interaction with our planet are more than plausible. - It
is what happend, beyond a doubt. - They presented themselves as gods, & interbred with humanity. The people who were around during the various Pyramid
buildings around the world by the reptilians (highly documented in abduction cases, etc) claim that their 'leaders' were Lizard men. - You can
laugh, but it's not wize to do so unless you've done some research like reading David Icke's book the Biggest Secret. Anyways, what is happening
now is all by design, & all these issues have been intentionally accumulated in order to caused a distraction , division & conquering , & world
domination. - We are SO conditioned, Alex Jones is even not really affraid to talk of UFOs, but avoids it for credibility purposes not because it's
not true.
UFOs, Aliens & the fact that cosmic reptilians are in FACT behind everything & are the root of the Monarchy & governments... Just looking at the
familly tree, it seems imparative for this bloodline to be maintained.... It's HIGHLY suspicious that they have been interbreeding for thousands of
years... They require the sacrifice of humans, & the Bohemian grove amongst other things that go on inside Skull & Bones is a no brainer connection to
things like ancient paintings that depict a Reptilian eating human body parts while the native people sit around eating grains.
---> Main important reason why Alex Jones & everyone should really look seriously into the issue of UFOs is because I wouldn't be writing this if I
was not certain that there is definitive proof that there are technologies that have been develloped by reverse engineering Alien space crafts that
would prevent a massive global problem of food shortages, etc if they pretend there is no more Oil. - Solar panels would be great as well, but zero
point energy is a physics, & a solid science & reality that should be applied! - If we could all have a box in our homes & cars that accesses the
energy from space, we could save the human race from the inevitable destruction we face if we don't change cource ASAP!
---> Furthermore, if it (UFOs & free energy) were Disclosed on the news (As much as they did with Micheal Jackson) people would be less inclined to be
decieved by a fake 'alien' invasion that would be staged by the shadowy government, & get us into a one world government. - It would be 1000 X more
effective than 9/11.
There are tons of other important conspiracies than need to be known, such as man-made AIDS, Fluoride, Aspartame, Murcury in Vaccines, etc.