posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 01:29 PM
Greetings everyone, it's about time I was brave and started my first thread. Thinking about it for a while, but was undecided.
In short, I thought I would "play it safe" and pay a revisit to a previous thread discussed here, where a list of most popular conspiracies was
By way of contrast, I came across this more recent, independant list, which details not 10 but 25. I found it to be a very shallow explanation of
each, comments ranging from the vague, to the almost patronising, but then again, this will surprise few people here on ATS.
I think it is interesting to see how public opinion may have changed, in a time where more and more mainstream airtime is given to "conspiracies" eg
Ancient Aliens, End of the World 2012, 9/11, and recently, Titanic.
Anyhow, here it is. Enjoy, and feel free to discuss any surprises / omissions etc. I personally am surprised at at least one omission that is on the
ATS link.