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Alien Autopsy - Not real, but perhaps disinfo?

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posted on Sep, 27 2004 @ 09:09 AM
First, yes I know there are a bazillion threads on this...but this is to point out something specific.

One of the things I do in my amateur UFO research (a hobby of mine), is to read and see everything (no matter how weird) on the subject, and look for things that say the same thing, but are from vastly different sources.

By comparing such things, I feel I am getting closer to what I believe to be true.

This morning, while reading Corso's "Day After Roswell" again...I noticed something (remembered something).

In the chapter where Corso is describing in detail, the objects in the "Roswell file", he describes skin-thin dark material, worn over the eyes of the aliens. He described these almost as a removable membrane, and also stated the scientists remarks as given in the file, of how they basically worked as night vision.

In reading this, I remembered one of the scenes in the Alien Autopsy film that struck me as odd. When they removed such films from the alien's eyes!!!
Most (myself included) up to this point simply assumed that the dark eyes were simply naturally that way. What made the producers of the alien autopsy film come up with this? It seems if you were making something completely fake, you'd stick to commonly accepted views, not introduce something so radical....

So, rather than a total fraud, perhaps the film IS more disinfo, and based on more fact than fiction? Just struck me as eerie is all, and maybe you'll think likewise.... Something to consider anyhoo.....

posted on Sep, 27 2004 @ 09:17 AM
Hmmm interesting analigy on the whole topic. Personnaly I have never seen the film or read many books on the subject. However I do have my own ideas etc... on the whole UFO subject.

However what do you mean about this being DISINFORMATION ? are trying to say that what is meant to shown in the film is ALL fiction then ? since in the way you were writting it seemed that you were arguing the point that there is some form of TRUTH in the whole matter.

Now my head hurts :S

posted on Sep, 27 2004 @ 09:22 AM

However what do you mean about this being DISINFORMATION ?

What I mean is, the film may be fake, but may be based on fact. In this case, not "disinfo" so much as it is in acclimation, getting the public used to what's going on. Most disinfo has quite a bit of truth in it, but also some falsehood. My point is that even an ounce of truth though, in a pound of disinfo, is still better than a pound of nothing but lies.

posted on Sep, 27 2004 @ 09:28 AM
if things are being released as a means of acclimating the public toward the reality of alien life, why would they do something that would be deemed a complete hoax? why not put out a video of the autopsy and have the reality factor be unknown? Releasing something and announcing it to be a hoax only makes the public more skeptical and, if they are trying to acclimate us, we are less likely to believe when the real deal arrives.

posted on Sep, 27 2004 @ 09:56 AM
Can you say "Blue Book"? or "Roswell Case Closed"?, and this is what they claim as FACT!

My point is to bring up the startling coincidence, stated by two unlikely sources, and on an item (i.e. eyecovers) that though a small issue, is remarkably detailed and different than our commonly accepted idea.

posted on Sep, 27 2004 @ 10:02 AM
I have never read "Day After Roswell" but although I always believed the footage was fake the eyecovers removal always stuck in my mind. I think you've raised an interesting point there Gazrok, I always believed the footage to be disinfo rather than simply a fake anyway.

posted on Sep, 27 2004 @ 10:02 AM
I see now
thanks both. Hmmm I wonder if there are any more films or documentaries like this about via the government ?

posted on Sep, 27 2004 @ 11:26 AM
I had read about the eyecover thingy a few times before the autopsy vids popped up, so maybe the perps of the footage just did some homwork before filming? Thet did go to great lengths to recreate the event, but neglected some technical info in the actual production of the film. Otherwise, they almost pulled it off. The covers were not mentioned as artificial in the reports I had read, however. That's an interesting turn!

NOTE: I have done some rechecking of my source material and I have discovered that I made a mistake- Anything I read or looked into concerning the physical biology of the Greys actually took place after I saw the Alien Autopsy video. Sorry, folks. My bad.

[edit on 28-9-2004 by Der Kapitan]

posted on Sep, 27 2004 @ 01:28 PM
This goes back to a post I made long time ago, theres simply just too many disinformants, phonies out there for attention, and phonies out there for money or both. I've named them many times before, becuase the skeptics have debunked them many times before. Now I ask you, does the government not have us where they want us??? First you have this false alien autopsy, and then you have that guy calling in art bell a few years ago acting like an area 51 worker. The list goes on. Good thing was that he admitted it, but not a lot of people who want attention are out there to confess their joke.

I think the only thing we have left to go by is the disclosure project. That is the only shed of proof(non-physical of coarse) that has a chance at credibility. First people criticize them for not having evidence. Well if you worked for the government do you expect to quit your job and take all that evidence with you that can bring the government down? So now we are left to criticize whether their currently possessed evidence is real or false. Thats the direction I'd like to see the critics go. OR EVEN A BETTER DIRECTION, IF YOU CAN DEBUNK THE CLAIMS THAT PERSON A ALONG WITH PERSON B - Z DID NOT WORK FOR THE MILITARY AT ALL, OR WAS NOT ASSOCIATED WITH NASA...ETC, THIS WOULD GIVE YOU THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT THAT "YES THERE FULL OF IT."

As for deleting records, thats a whole other issue. Then that would require a more in depth search which is beyond our limitations. But if you can atleast do the above, then you have the mic and you have the floor.

This is Theres no need to look at flying saucer pics, or red lights in the sky. We need to take this one step forward.

posted on Sep, 27 2004 @ 01:38 PM

I had read about the eyecover thingy a few times before the autopsy vids popped up

Do you remember the references? I live for making such connections, but never remembered seeing anything else other than these two sources for this? Thanks!

posted on Sep, 27 2004 @ 04:52 PM
I have a sneaking suspicion that Corso's book wasn't the first time the black eyes having a film was mentioned, and the hoaxers simply heard it from some other Roswell researcher.

EDIT: Or Corso saw the 'film of the film' and put it into his book.

[edit on 9-27-2004 by Esoterica]

posted on Sep, 28 2004 @ 07:27 AM
Perhaps... Still, I tend to believe the essence of Corso's statements (while also agreeing that he hyped up his part in all of it tremendously). Stan Friedman presents possibly the best case against believing Corso, but Corso's statements still hold water, even after all of that. Not to mention, it can be verified that he is who he says he is, worked when and where he said, and under General Twining.

I'm checking on other sources on the Eye films, but just mentioned the corrolation as I found it rather intriguing....

posted on Sep, 28 2004 @ 07:58 AM
Found the following so far (has been a difficult thing to research).

It's highly unsubstantiated, just including it here as another example...

Eyes were distinguished by extensive surgical intervention. They were
almond-shaped and by far the most prominent facial feature. The
eyeballs were not matured and appeared to have been sutured with
artificial lenses of an unknown type. Because of their extremely
unusual condition, dissection of these eyes was not attempted.

posted on Sep, 28 2004 @ 08:20 AM
Actually Gazrok, I had the same idea in mind about the MJ 12 documents that were said to be fake when delivered to those Hollywood producers. If those documents were fakes, whoever faked them, had to be DEEP in the govornment to know inside and out, how to design them.

Remeber the old adage: the best place to hide something is in plain sight.

I would have to say, Gaz, youve hit the nail on the head. Disinfo by truth wrapped in lies.

Do you remeber the story of how this paticular Alien Autopsy got into the hands of the producer of the show? If I remeber correctly, he was a British dude in Cleveland, at the Rock n Roll hall of fame, looking for rare rock footage, when some old guy offered to sell him "some film he took when he was in the army."

So far, they have never found the dude that sold the producer guy this fake footage. Why do I smell "NSA", navy, and Airforce?

posted on Sep, 28 2004 @ 01:33 PM
If the MJ 12 documents were faked, this video is faked.....I'm sure everyone sees this notorious cycle of DISINFO.

[edit on 28-9-2004 by kyateLaBoca]

posted on Sep, 28 2004 @ 01:38 PM
I'm not doubting the video was faked, there is ample evidence of it...

I'm searching for the grain of truth that might have been in it, and corrolating obscure references to other references, with the same comments (i.e. such as an artificial eye cover)....


posted on Sep, 30 2004 @ 02:12 AM
Linking this to the upcoming interview with David Icke, I have just been watching a video of David's where he talks about his interview of Credo Mutwa and he addresses this subject when talking about 'Greys':

An excerpt from David Icke's Ruled Gods

...and he (Credo Mutwa) said the black eyes are not black eyes. They are highly sophisticated goggles which protect the eyes inside...

If you are interested in this I'm sure he would be delighted to answer any questions on the subject.


posted on Sep, 30 2004 @ 07:40 AM
I'll definitely suggest that as a possible I'd be curious as to his source on this one....

posted on Sep, 30 2004 @ 05:57 PM
Gazrok: on the earlier "biology of a grey" thread a few months back -- I think that's the right one -- you mentioned some of your earlier research:

Q: specifically, i was definitely old enough to see that 'alien autopsy' video when it was on tv, and fake or not the organs removed are pretty consistent with what you're saying so far -- did the coverup live video go into their anatomy at all?

A: The production companies share some similarities, so it's possible that the faked autopsy video did use the specials as a reference...though I can't say for certain of course. In my own research (which I'd have to dust off it's so old), I noticed that many of these producers, etc. were involved with a project originally intended to educate the masses by actually publicly exhibiting alien bodies, craft, etc. This project was eventually cancelled, much to the dismay of the producers, who were shown some incredible stuff. However, this seems to point to a continuation of the projects aims, but with a different, while still maintaining plausible denial. Quite a clever method actually, and likely in the long run, it will be quite effective, if tedious for us....

Is there any chance at dusting this stuff off and reposting it here? It seems like a reasonable thread to stick that material into, if it's not too much trouble.

posted on Oct, 1 2004 @ 01:16 PM
If so, I'd make it a different thread...

Most of that was on my old system (since wiped) but it should be on the backup cd I made... It's years and years ago (mostly for a speech I did in college, hehe...) It's actually pretty funny, in speech class, I did two persuasive at the beginning, and one at the end of the semester. The first was to prove UFOs weren't aliens, the second just the opposite. The professor thought I was nuts, but I pulled it off, and persuaded a majority (the same students), BOTH times!

I'll see if I can find it, no promise on when though....(or I just might research it again, if I can remember the project name...might be easier)...

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